Class VkShaderModuleCreateInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, NativeResource, Pointer

public class VkShaderModuleCreateInfo extends Struct<VkShaderModuleCreateInfo> implements NativeResource
Structure specifying parameters of a newly created shader module.
Valid Usage
  • If pCode is a pointer to SPIR-V code, codeSize must be a multiple of 4
  • If pCode is a pointer to SPIR-V code, pCode must point to valid SPIR-V code, formatted and packed as described by the Khronos SPIR-V Specification
  • If pCode is a pointer to SPIR-V code, pCode must adhere to the validation rules described by the Validation Rules within a Module section of the SPIR-V Environment appendix
  • If pCode is a pointer to SPIR-V code, pCode must declare the Shader capability for SPIR-V code
  • If pCode is a pointer to SPIR-V code, pCode must not declare any capability that is not supported by the API, as described by the Capabilities section of the SPIR-V Environment appendix
  • If pCode is a pointer to SPIR-V code, and pCode declares any of the capabilities listed in the SPIR-V Environment appendix, one of the corresponding requirements must be satisfied
  • If pCode is a pointer to SPIR-V code, pCode must not declare any SPIR-V extension that is not supported by the API, as described by the Extension section of the SPIR-V Environment appendix
  • If pCode is a pointer to SPIR-V code, and pCode declares any of the SPIR-V extensions listed in the SPIR-V Environment appendix, one of the corresponding requirements must be satisfied
  • If the VK_NV_glsl_shader extension is not enabled, pCode must be a pointer to SPIR-V code
  • If pCode is a pointer to GLSL code, it must be valid GLSL code written to the GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl GLSL extension specification
  • codeSize must be greater than 0
Valid Usage (Implicit)
See Also

CreateShaderModule, GetShaderModuleCreateInfoIdentifierEXT


 struct VkShaderModuleCreateInfo {
     VkStructureType sType();
     void const * pNext();
     VkShaderModuleCreateFlags flags();
     size_t codeSize();
     uint32_t const * pCode();