Class VkImportMemoryWin32HandleInfoKHR

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, NativeResource, Pointer

public class VkImportMemoryWin32HandleInfoKHR extends Struct<VkImportMemoryWin32HandleInfoKHR> implements NativeResource
Import Win32 memory created on the same physical device.

Importing memory object payloads from Windows handles does not transfer ownership of the handle to the Vulkan implementation. For handle types defined as NT handles, the application must release handle ownership using the CloseHandle system call when the handle is no longer needed. For handle types defined as NT handles, the imported memory object holds a reference to its payload.


Non-NT handle import operations do not add a reference to their associated payload. If the original object owning the payload is destroyed, all resources and handles sharing that payload will become invalid.

Applications can import the same payload into multiple instances of Vulkan, into the same instance from which it was exported, and multiple times into a given Vulkan instance. In all cases, each import operation must create a distinct VkDeviceMemory object.

Valid Usage
Valid Usage (Implicit)


 struct VkImportMemoryWin32HandleInfoKHR {
     VkStructureType sType();
     void const * pNext();
     VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits handleType();
     HANDLE handle();
     LPCWSTR name();