Class RPMallocConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, NativeResource, Pointer

public class RPMallocConfig extends Struct<RPMallocConfig> implements NativeResource
This struct enables configuration of a memory mapper providing map/unmap of memory pages. Defaults to VirtualAlloc/mmap if none provided. This allows rpmalloc to be used in contexts where memory is provided by internal means.

Page size may be set explicitly in initialization. This allows the allocator to be used as a sub-allocator where the page granularity should be lower to reduce risk of wasting unused memory ranges.

If rpmalloc is built with ENABLE_GUARDS, memory_overwrite may be set to detect writes before or after allocated memory blocks. This is not enabled in the default LWJGL build.


 struct rpmalloc_config_t {
     void * (*memory_map) (size_t size, size_t *offset);
     void (*memory_unmap) (void *address, size_t size, size_t offset, int release);
     void (*error_callback) (char const *message);
     int (*map_fail_callback) (size_t size);
     size_t page_size();
     size_t span_size();
     size_t span_map_count();
     int enable_huge_pages();
     char const * page_name();
     char const * huge_page_name();
  • Field Details

    • SIZEOF

      public static final int SIZEOF
      The struct size in bytes.

      public static final int ALIGNOF
      The struct alignment in bytes.

      public static final int MEMORY_MAP
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int MEMORY_UNMAP
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int ERROR_CALLBACK
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int MAP_FAIL_CALLBACK
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int PAGE_SIZE
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int SPAN_SIZE
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int SPAN_MAP_COUNT
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int ENABLE_HUGE_PAGES
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int PAGE_NAME
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int HUGE_PAGE_NAME
      The struct member offsets.
  • Constructor Details

    • RPMallocConfig

      public RPMallocConfig(ByteBuffer container)
      Creates a RPMallocConfig instance at the current position of the specified ByteBuffer container. Changes to the buffer's content will be visible to the struct instance and vice versa.

      The created instance holds a strong reference to the container object.

  • Method Details

    • sizeof

      public int sizeof()
      Description copied from class: Struct
      Returns sizeof(struct).
      Specified by:
      sizeof in class Struct<RPMallocConfig>
    • memory_map

      @Nullable public RPMemoryMapCallback memory_map()
      the memory map callback function
    • memory_unmap

      @Nullable public RPMemoryUnmapCallback memory_unmap()
      the memory unmap callback function
    • error_callback

      @Nullable public RPErrorCallback error_callback()
      the error callback function
    • map_fail_callback

      @Nullable public RPMapFailCallback map_fail_callback()
      the map fail callback function
    • page_size

      public long page_size()
      the size of memory pages.

      The page size MUST be a power of two in [512,16384] range (29 to 214) unless 0 - set to 0 to use system page size. All memory mapping requests to memory_map will be made with size set to a multiple of the page size.

      Used if RPMALLOC_CONFIGURABLE is defined to 1, otherwise system page size is used.

    • span_size

      public long span_size()
      size of a span of memory blocks.

      MUST be a power of two, and in [4096,262144] range (unless 0 - set to 0 to use the default span size).

      Used if RPMALLOC_CONFIGURABLE is defined to 1.

    • span_map_count

      public long span_map_count()
      number of spans to map at each request to map new virtual memory blocks.

      This can be used to minimize the system call overhead at the cost of virtual memory address space. The extra mapped pages will not be written until actually used, so physical committed memory should not be affected in the default implementation.

      Will be aligned to a multiple of spans that match memory page size in case of huge pages.

    • enable_huge_pages

      public boolean enable_huge_pages()
      enable use of large/huge pages.

      If this flag is set to non-zero and page size is zero, the allocator will try to enable huge pages and auto detect the configuration. If this is set to non-zero and page_size is also non-zero, the allocator will assume huge pages have been configured and enabled prior to initializing the allocator.

      For Windows, see large-page-support. For Linux, see hugetlbpage.txt.

    • page_name

      @Nullable public ByteBuffer page_name()
      allocated pages name for systems supporting it to be able to distinguish among anonymous regions
    • page_nameString

      @Nullable public String page_nameString()
      allocated pages name for systems supporting it to be able to distinguish among anonymous regions
    • huge_page_name

      @Nullable public ByteBuffer huge_page_name()
      huge allocated pages name for systems supporting it to be able to distinguish among anonymous regions
    • huge_page_nameString

      @Nullable public String huge_page_nameString()
      huge allocated pages name for systems supporting it to be able to distinguish among anonymous regions
    • memory_map

      public RPMallocConfig memory_map(@Nullable RPMemoryMapCallbackI value)
      Sets the specified value to the memory_map() field.
    • memory_unmap

      public RPMallocConfig memory_unmap(@Nullable RPMemoryUnmapCallbackI value)
      Sets the specified value to the memory_unmap() field.
    • error_callback

      public RPMallocConfig error_callback(@Nullable RPErrorCallbackI value)
      Sets the specified value to the error_callback() field.
    • map_fail_callback

      public RPMallocConfig map_fail_callback(@Nullable RPMapFailCallbackI value)
      Sets the specified value to the map_fail_callback() field.
    • page_size

      public RPMallocConfig page_size(long value)
      Sets the specified value to the page_size() field.
    • span_size

      public RPMallocConfig span_size(long value)
      Sets the specified value to the span_size() field.
    • span_map_count

      public RPMallocConfig span_map_count(long value)
      Sets the specified value to the span_map_count() field.
    • enable_huge_pages

      public RPMallocConfig enable_huge_pages(boolean value)
      Sets the specified value to the enable_huge_pages() field.
    • page_name

      public RPMallocConfig page_name(@Nullable ByteBuffer value)
      Sets the address of the specified encoded string to the page_name() field.
    • huge_page_name

      public RPMallocConfig huge_page_name(@Nullable ByteBuffer value)
      Sets the address of the specified encoded string to the huge_page_name() field.
    • set

      public RPMallocConfig set(@Nullable RPMemoryMapCallbackI memory_map, @Nullable RPMemoryUnmapCallbackI memory_unmap, @Nullable RPErrorCallbackI error_callback, @Nullable RPMapFailCallbackI map_fail_callback, long page_size, long span_size, long span_map_count, boolean enable_huge_pages, @Nullable ByteBuffer page_name, @Nullable ByteBuffer huge_page_name)
      Initializes this struct with the specified values.
    • set

      public RPMallocConfig set(RPMallocConfig src)
      Copies the specified struct data to this struct.
      src - the source struct
      this struct
    • malloc

      public static RPMallocConfig malloc()
      Returns a new RPMallocConfig instance allocated with memAlloc. The instance must be explicitly freed.
    • calloc

      public static RPMallocConfig calloc()
      Returns a new RPMallocConfig instance allocated with memCalloc. The instance must be explicitly freed.
    • create

      public static RPMallocConfig create()
      Returns a new RPMallocConfig instance allocated with BufferUtils.
    • create

      public static RPMallocConfig create(long address)
      Returns a new RPMallocConfig instance for the specified memory address.
    • createSafe

      @Nullable public static RPMallocConfig createSafe(long address)
      Like create, but returns null if address is NULL.
    • mallocStack

      @Deprecated public static RPMallocConfig mallocStack()
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use malloc(MemoryStack) instead.
    • callocStack

      @Deprecated public static RPMallocConfig callocStack()
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use calloc(MemoryStack) instead.
    • mallocStack

      @Deprecated public static RPMallocConfig mallocStack(MemoryStack stack)
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use malloc(MemoryStack) instead.
    • callocStack

      @Deprecated public static RPMallocConfig callocStack(MemoryStack stack)
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use calloc(MemoryStack) instead.
    • malloc

      public static RPMallocConfig malloc(MemoryStack stack)
      Returns a new RPMallocConfig instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack.
      stack - the stack from which to allocate
    • calloc

      public static RPMallocConfig calloc(MemoryStack stack)
      Returns a new RPMallocConfig instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack and initializes all its bits to zero.
      stack - the stack from which to allocate
    • nmemory_map

      @Nullable public static RPMemoryMapCallback nmemory_map(long struct)
      Unsafe version of memory_map().
    • nmemory_unmap

      @Nullable public static RPMemoryUnmapCallback nmemory_unmap(long struct)
      Unsafe version of memory_unmap().
    • nerror_callback

      @Nullable public static RPErrorCallback nerror_callback(long struct)
      Unsafe version of error_callback().
    • nmap_fail_callback

      @Nullable public static RPMapFailCallback nmap_fail_callback(long struct)
      Unsafe version of map_fail_callback().
    • npage_size

      public static long npage_size(long struct)
      Unsafe version of page_size().
    • nspan_size

      public static long nspan_size(long struct)
      Unsafe version of span_size().
    • nspan_map_count

      public static long nspan_map_count(long struct)
      Unsafe version of span_map_count().
    • nenable_huge_pages

      public static int nenable_huge_pages(long struct)
      Unsafe version of enable_huge_pages().
    • npage_name

      @Nullable public static ByteBuffer npage_name(long struct)
      Unsafe version of page_name().
    • npage_nameString

      @Nullable public static String npage_nameString(long struct)
      Unsafe version of page_nameString().
    • nhuge_page_name

      @Nullable public static ByteBuffer nhuge_page_name(long struct)
      Unsafe version of huge_page_name().
    • nhuge_page_nameString

      @Nullable public static String nhuge_page_nameString(long struct)
      Unsafe version of huge_page_nameString().
    • nmemory_map

      public static void nmemory_map(long struct, @Nullable RPMemoryMapCallbackI value)
      Unsafe version of memory_map.
    • nmemory_unmap

      public static void nmemory_unmap(long struct, @Nullable RPMemoryUnmapCallbackI value)
      Unsafe version of memory_unmap.
    • nerror_callback

      public static void nerror_callback(long struct, @Nullable RPErrorCallbackI value)
      Unsafe version of error_callback.
    • nmap_fail_callback

      public static void nmap_fail_callback(long struct, @Nullable RPMapFailCallbackI value)
      Unsafe version of map_fail_callback.
    • npage_size

      public static void npage_size(long struct, long value)
      Unsafe version of page_size.
    • nspan_size

      public static void nspan_size(long struct, long value)
      Unsafe version of span_size.
    • nspan_map_count

      public static void nspan_map_count(long struct, long value)
      Unsafe version of span_map_count.
    • nenable_huge_pages

      public static void nenable_huge_pages(long struct, int value)
      Unsafe version of enable_huge_pages.
    • npage_name

      public static void npage_name(long struct, @Nullable ByteBuffer value)
      Unsafe version of page_name.
    • nhuge_page_name

      public static void nhuge_page_name(long struct, @Nullable ByteBuffer value)
      Unsafe version of huge_page_name.