Class Vma


public class Vma extends Object
The Vulkan Memory Allocator.

Quick start


At program startup:

  1. Initialize Vulkan to have VkPhysicalDevice, VkDevice and VkInstance object.
  2. Fill VmaAllocatorCreateInfo structure and create VmaAllocator object by calling CreateAllocator.

 VmaVulkanFunctions vulkanFunctions = {};
 vulkanFunctions.vkGetInstanceProcAddr = &vkGetInstanceProcAddr;
 vulkanFunctions.vkGetDeviceProcAddr = &vkGetDeviceProcAddr;
 VmaAllocatorCreateInfo allocatorCreateInfo = {};
 allocatorCreateInfo.vulkanApiVersion = VK_API_VERSION_1_2;
 allocatorCreateInfo.physicalDevice = physicalDevice;
 allocatorCreateInfo.device = device;
 allocatorCreateInfo.instance = instance;
 allocatorCreateInfo.pVulkanFunctions = &vulkanFunctions;
 VmaAllocator allocator;
 vmaCreateAllocator(&allocatorCreateInfo, &allocator);

Only members physicalDevice, device, instance are required. However, you should inform the library which Vulkan version do you use by setting VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion and which extensions did you enable by setting VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::flags (like ALLOCATOR_CREATE_BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT for VK_KHR_buffer_device_address). Otherwise, VMA would use only features of Vulkan 1.0 core with no extensions.

Resource allocation

When you want to create a buffer or image:

  1. Fill VkBufferCreateInfo / VkImageCreateInfo structure.
  2. Fill VmaAllocationCreateInfo structure.
  3. Call CreateBuffer / CreateImage to get VkBuffer/VkImage with memory already allocated and bound to it, plus VmaAllocation objects that represents its underlying memory.

 VkBufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 bufferInfo.size = 65536;
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocInfo = {};
 allocInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 VkBuffer buffer;
 VmaAllocation allocation;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufferInfo, &allocInfo, &buffer, &allocation, nullptr);

Don't forget to destroy your objects when no longer needed:

 vmaDestroyBuffer(allocator, buffer, allocation);

Choosing memory type

Physical devices in Vulkan support various combinations of memory heaps and types. Help with choosing correct and optimal memory type for your specific resource is one of the key features of this library. You can use it by filling appropriate members of VmaAllocationCreateInfo structure, as described below. You can also combine multiple methods.

  1. If you just want to find memory type index that meets your requirements, you can use function: FindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo, FindMemoryTypeIndexForImageInfo, FindMemoryTypeIndex.
  2. If you want to allocate a region of device memory without association with any specific image or buffer, you can use function AllocateMemory. Usage of this function is not recommended and usually not needed. AllocateMemoryPages function is also provided for creating multiple allocations at once, which may be useful for sparse binding.
  3. If you already have a buffer or an image created, you want to allocate memory for it and then you will bind it yourself, you can use function AllocateMemoryForBuffer, AllocateMemoryForImage. For binding you should use functions: BindBufferMemory, BindImageMemory or their extended versions: BindBufferMemory2, BindImageMemory2.
  4. This is the easiest and recommended way to use this library: If you want to create a buffer or an image, allocate memory for it and bind them together, all in one call, you can use function CreateBuffer, CreateImage.

When using 3. or 4., the library internally queries Vulkan for memory types supported for that buffer or image (function vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements()) and uses only one of these types.

If no memory type can be found that meets all the requirements, these functions return VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT.

You can leave VmaAllocationCreateInfo structure completely filled with zeros. It means no requirements are specified for memory type. It is valid, although not very useful.


The easiest way to specify memory requirements is to fill member VmaAllocationCreateInfo::usage using one of the values of enum VmaMemoryUsage. It defines high level, common usage types. Since version 3 of the library, it is recommended to use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO to let it select best memory type for your resource automatically.

For example, if you want to create a uniform buffer that will be filled using transfer only once or infrequently and then used for rendering every frame as a uniform buffer, you can do it using following code. The buffer will most likely end up in a memory type with VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT to be fast to access by the GPU device.

 VkBufferCreateInfo bufferInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 bufferInfo.size = 65536;
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocInfo = {};
 allocInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 VkBuffer buffer;
 VmaAllocation allocation;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufferInfo, &allocInfo, &buffer, &allocation, nullptr);

If you have a preference for putting the resource in GPU (device) memory or CPU (host) memory on systems with discrete graphics card that have the memories separate, you can use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO_PREFER_DEVICE or MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO_PREFER_HOST.

When using VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* while you want to map the allocated memory, you also need to specify one of the host access flags: ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT. This will help the library decide about preferred memory type to ensure it has VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT so you can map it.

For example, a staging buffer that will be filled via mapped pointer and then used as a source of transfer to the buffer described previously can be created like this. It will likely end up in a memory type that is HOST_VISIBLE and HOST_COHERENT but not HOST_CACHED (meaning uncached, write-combined) and not DEVICE_LOCAL (meaning system RAM).

 VkBufferCreateInfo stagingBufferInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 stagingBufferInfo.size = 65536;
 stagingBufferInfo.usage = VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT;
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo stagingAllocInfo = {};
 stagingAllocInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 VkBuffer stagingBuffer;
 VmaAllocation stagingAllocation;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &stagingBufferInfo, &stagingAllocInfo, &stagingBuffer, &stagingAllocation, nullptr);

Usage values VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* are legal to use only when the library knows about the resource being created by having VkBufferCreateInfo / VkImageCreateInfo passed, so they work with functions like: CreateBuffer, CreateImage, FindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo etc. If you allocate raw memory using function AllocateMemory, you have to use other means of selecting memory type, as described below.


Old usage values (MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY, MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY, MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_TO_GPU, MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_TO_CPU, MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_COPY) are still available and work same way as in previous versions of the library for backward compatibility, but they are not recommended.

Required and preferred flags

You can specify more detailed requirements by filling members VmaAllocationCreateInfo::requiredFlags and VmaAllocationCreateInfo::preferredFlags with a combination of bits from enum VkMemoryPropertyFlags. For example, if you want to create a buffer that will be persistently mapped on host (so it must be HOST_VISIBLE) and preferably will also be HOST_COHERENT and HOST_CACHED, use following code:

 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocInfo = {};
 VkBuffer buffer;
 VmaAllocation allocation;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufferInfo, &allocInfo, &buffer, &allocation, nullptr);

A memory type is chosen that has all the required flags and as many preferred flags set as possible.

Value passed in VmaAllocationCreateInfo::usage is internally converted to a set of required and preferred flags, plus some extra "magic" (heuristics).

Explicit memory types

If you inspected memory types available on the physical device and you have a preference for memory types that you want to use, you can fill member VmaAllocationCreateInfo::memoryTypeBits. It is a bit mask, where each bit set means that a memory type with that index is allowed to be used for the allocation. Special value 0, just like UINT32_MAX, means there are no restrictions to memory type index.

Please note that this member is NOT just a memory type index. Still you can use it to choose just one, specific memory type. For example, if you already determined that your buffer should be created in memory type 2, use following code:

 uint32_t memoryTypeIndex = 2;
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocInfo = {};
 allocInfo.memoryTypeBits = 1u << memoryTypeIndex;
 VkBuffer buffer;
 VmaAllocation allocation;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufferInfo, &allocInfo, &buffer, &allocation, nullptr);

Custom memory pools

If you allocate from custom memory pool, all the ways of specifying memory requirements described above are not applicable and the aforementioned members of VmaAllocationCreateInfo structure are ignored. Memory type is selected explicitly when creating the pool and then used to make all the allocations from that pool. For further details, see Custom Memory Pools below.

Dedicated allocations

Memory for allocations is reserved out of larger block of VkDeviceMemory allocated from Vulkan internally. That is the main feature of this whole library. You can still request a separate memory block to be created for an allocation, just like you would do in a trivial solution without using any allocator. In that case, a buffer or image is always bound to that memory at offset 0. This is called a "dedicated allocation". You can explicitly request it by using flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT. The library can also internally decide to use dedicated allocation in some cases, e.g.:

  • When the size of the allocation is large.
  • When VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension is enabled and it reports that dedicated allocation is required or recommended for the resource.
  • When allocation of next big memory block fails due to not enough device memory, but allocation with the exact requested size succeeds.

Memory mapping

To "map memory" in Vulkan means to obtain a CPU pointer to VkDeviceMemory, to be able to read from it or write to it in CPU code. Mapping is possible only of memory allocated from a memory type that has VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT flag. Functions vkMapMemory(), vkUnmapMemory() are designed for this purpose. You can use them directly with memory allocated by this library, but it is not recommended because of following issue: Mapping the same VkDeviceMemory block multiple times is illegal - only one mapping at a time is allowed. This includes mapping disjoint regions. Mapping is not reference-counted internally by Vulkan. Because of this, Vulkan Memory Allocator provides following facilities:


If you want to be able to map an allocation, you need to specify one of the flags ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT in VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. These flags are required for an allocation to be mappable when using MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* enum values. For other usage values they are ignored and every such allocation made in HOST_VISIBLE memory type is mappable, but they can still be used for consistency.

Mapping functions

The library provides following functions for mapping of a specific VmaAllocation: MapMemory, UnmapMemory. They are safer and more convenient to use than standard Vulkan functions. You can map an allocation multiple times simultaneously - mapping is reference-counted internally. You can also map different allocations simultaneously regardless of whether they use the same VkDeviceMemory block. The way it is implemented is that the library always maps entire memory block, not just region of the allocation. For further details, see description of MapMemory function. Example:

 // Having these objects initialized:
 struct ConstantBuffer
 ConstantBuffer constantBufferData = ...
 VmaAllocator allocator = ...
 VkBuffer constantBuffer = ...
 VmaAllocation constantBufferAllocation = ...
 // You can map and fill your buffer using following code:
 void* mappedData;
 vmaMapMemory(allocator, constantBufferAllocation, &mappedData);
 memcpy(mappedData, &constantBufferData, sizeof(constantBufferData));
 vmaUnmapMemory(allocator, constantBufferAllocation);

When mapping, you may see a warning from Vulkan validation layer similar to this one:

Mapping an image with layout VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL can result in undefined behavior if this memory is used by the device. Only GENERAL or PREINITIALIZED should be used.

It happens because the library maps entire VkDeviceMemory block, where different types of images and buffers may end up together, especially on GPUs with unified memory like Intel. You can safely ignore it if you are sure you access only memory of the intended object that you wanted to map.

Persistently mapped memory

Keeping your memory persistently mapped is generally OK in Vulkan. You don't need to unmap it before using its data on the GPU. The library provides a special feature designed for that: Allocations made with ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT flag set in VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags stay mapped all the time, so you can just access CPU pointer to it any time without a need to call any "map" or "unmap" function. Example:

 VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 bufCreateInfo.size = sizeof(ConstantBuffer);
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 VkBuffer buf;
 VmaAllocation alloc;
 VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buf, &alloc, &allocInfo);
 // Buffer is already mapped. You can access its memory.
 memcpy(allocInfo.pMappedData, &constantBufferData, sizeof(constantBufferData));

ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT by itself doesn't guarantee that the allocation will end up in a mappable memory type. For this, you need to also specify ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT. ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT only guarantees that if the memory is HOST_VISIBLE, the allocation will be mapped on creation.

Cache flush and invalidate

Memory in Vulkan doesn't need to be unmapped before using it on GPU, but unless a memory types has VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT flag set, you need to manually invalidate cache before reading of mapped pointer and flush cache after writing to mapped pointer. Map/unmap operations don't do that automatically. Vulkan provides following functions for this purpose vkFlushMappedMemoryRangs(), vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges(), but this library provides more convenient functions that refer to given allocation object: FlushAllocation, InvalidateAllocation, or multiple objects at once: FlushAllocations, InvalidateAllocations.

Regions of memory specified for flush/invalidate must be aligned to VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::nonCoherentAtomSize. This is automatically ensured by the library. In any memory type that is HOST_VISIBLE but not HOST_COHERENT, all allocations within blocks are aligned to this value, so their offsets are always multiply of nonCoherentAtomSize and two different allocations never share same "line" of this size.

Please note that memory allocated with MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY is guaranteed to be HOST_COHERENT.

Also, Windows drivers from all 3 PC GPU vendors (AMD, Intel, NVIDIA) currently provide HOST_COHERENT flag on all memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE, so on PC you may not need to bother.

Finding out if memory is mappable

It may happen that your allocation ends up in memory that is HOST_VISIBLE (available for mapping) despite it wasn't explicitly requested. For example, application may work on integrated graphics with unified memory (like Intel) or allocation from video memory might have failed, so the library chose system memory as fallback.

You can detect this case and map such allocation to access its memory on CPU directly, instead of launching a transfer operation. In order to do that: call GetAllocationMemoryProperties and look for VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT flag.

 VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 bufCreateInfo.size = sizeof(ConstantBuffer);
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY;
 allocCreateInfo.preferredFlags = VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT;
 VkBuffer buf;
 VmaAllocation alloc;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buf, &alloc, nullptr);
 VkMemoryPropertyFlags memFlags;
 vmaGetAllocationMemoryProperties(allocator, alloc, &memFlags);
     // Allocation ended up in mappable memory. You can map it and access it directly.
     void* mappedData;
     vmaMapMemory(allocator, alloc, &mappedData);
     memcpy(mappedData, &constantBufferData, sizeof(constantBufferData));
     vmaUnmapMemory(allocator, alloc);
     // Allocation ended up in non-mappable memory.
     // You need to create CPU-side buffer in VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY and make a transfer.

You can even use ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT flag while creating allocations that are not necessarily HOST_VISIBLE (e.g. using MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY). If the allocation ends up in memory type that is HOST_VISIBLE, it will be persistently mapped and you can use it directly. If not, the flag is just ignored. Example:

 VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 bufCreateInfo.size = sizeof(ConstantBuffer);
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY;
 VkBuffer buf;
 VmaAllocation alloc;
 VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buf, &alloc, &allocInfo);
 if(allocInfo.pMappedData != nullptr)
     // Allocation ended up in mappable memory.
     // It is persistently mapped. You can access it directly.
     memcpy(allocInfo.pMappedData, &constantBufferData, sizeof(constantBufferData));
     // Allocation ended up in non-mappable memory.
     // You need to create CPU-side buffer in VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY and make a transfer.

Staying within budget

When developing a graphics-intensive game or program, it is important to avoid allocating more GPU memory than it is physically available. When the memory is over-committed, various bad things can happen, depending on the specific GPU, graphics driver, and operating system:

  • It may just work without any problems.
  • The application may slow down because some memory blocks are moved to system RAM and the GPU has to access them through PCI Express bus.
  • A new allocation may take very long time to complete, even few seconds, and possibly freeze entire system.
  • The new allocation may fail with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.
  • It may even result in GPU crash (TDR), observed as VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST returned somewhere later.

Querying for budget

To query for current memory usage and available budget, use function GetHeapBudgets. Returned structure VmaBudget contains quantities expressed in bytes, per Vulkan memory heap.

Please note that this function returns different information and works faster than CalculateStatistics. vmaGetHeapBudgets() can be called every frame or even before every allocation, while vmaCalculateStatistics() is intended to be used rarely, only to obtain statistical information, e.g. for debugging purposes.

It is recommended to use VK_EXT_memory_budget device extension to obtain information about the budget from Vulkan device. VMA is able to use this extension automatically. When not enabled, the allocator behaves same way, but then it estimates current usage and available budget based on its internal information and Vulkan memory heap sizes, which may be less precise. In order to use this extension:

  1. Make sure extensions VK_EXT_memory_budget and VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 required by it are available and enable them. Please note that the first is a device extension and the second is instance extension!
  2. Use flag ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_BUDGET_BIT when creating VmaAllocator object.
  3. Make sure to call SetCurrentFrameIndex every frame. Budget is queried from Vulkan inside of it to avoid overhead of querying it with every allocation.

Controlling memory usage

There are many ways in which you can try to stay within the budget.

First, when making new allocation requires allocating a new memory block, the library tries not to exceed the budget automatically. If a block with default recommended size (e.g. 256 MB) would go over budget, a smaller block is allocated, possibly even dedicated memory for just this resource.

If the size of the requested resource plus current memory usage is more than the budget, by default the library still tries to create it, leaving it to the Vulkan implementation whether the allocation succeeds or fails. You can change this behavior by using ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT flag. With it, the allocation is not made if it would exceed the budget or if the budget is already exceeded. VMA then tries to make the allocation from the next eligible Vulkan memory type. The all of them fail, the call then fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY. Example usage pattern may be to pass the VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT flag when creating resources that are not essential for the application (e.g. the texture of a specific object) and not to pass it when creating critically important resources (e.g. render targets).

On AMD graphics cards there is a custom vendor extension available: VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior that allows to control the behavior of the Vulkan implementation in out-of-memory cases - whether it should fail with an error code or still allow the allocation. Usage of this extension involves only passing extra structure on Vulkan device creation, so it is out of scope of this library.

Finally, you can also use ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT flag to make sure a new allocation is created only when it fits inside one of the existing memory blocks. If it would require to allocate a new block, if fails instead with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY. This also ensures that the function call is very fast because it never goes to Vulkan to obtain a new block.

Note: Creating custom memory pools with VmaPoolCreateInfo::minBlockCount set to more than 0 will currently try to allocate memory blocks without checking whether they fit within budget.

Resource aliasing (overlap)

New explicit graphics APIs (Vulkan and Direct3D 12), thanks to manual memory management, give an opportunity to alias (overlap) multiple resources in the same region of memory - a feature not available in the old APIs (Direct3D 11, OpenGL). It can be useful to save video memory, but it must be used with caution.

For example, if you know the flow of your whole render frame in advance, you are going to use some intermediate textures or buffers only during a small range of render passes, and you know these ranges don't overlap in time, you can bind these resources to the same place in memory, even if they have completely different parameters (width, height, format etc.).

Such scenario is possible using VMA, but you need to create your images manually. Then you need to calculate parameters of an allocation to be made using formula:

  • allocation size = max(size of each image)
  • allocation alignment = max(alignment of each image)
  • allocation memoryTypeBits = bitwise AND(memoryTypeBits of each image)

Following example shows two different images bound to the same place in memory, allocated to fit largest of them.

 // A 512x512 texture to be sampled.
 VkImageCreateInfo img1CreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO };
 img1CreateInfo.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
 img1CreateInfo.extent.width = 512;
 img1CreateInfo.extent.height = 512;
 img1CreateInfo.extent.depth = 1;
 img1CreateInfo.mipLevels = 10;
 img1CreateInfo.arrayLayers = 1;
 img1CreateInfo.format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB;
 img1CreateInfo.tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL;
 img1CreateInfo.initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
 img1CreateInfo.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
 // A full screen texture to be used as color attachment.
 VkImageCreateInfo img2CreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO };
 img2CreateInfo.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
 img2CreateInfo.extent.width = 1920;
 img2CreateInfo.extent.height = 1080;
 img2CreateInfo.extent.depth = 1;
 img2CreateInfo.mipLevels = 1;
 img2CreateInfo.arrayLayers = 1;
 img2CreateInfo.format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
 img2CreateInfo.tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL;
 img2CreateInfo.initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
 img2CreateInfo.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
 VkImage img1;
 res = vkCreateImage(device, &img1CreateInfo, nullptr, &img1);
 VkImage img2;
 res = vkCreateImage(device, &img2CreateInfo, nullptr, &img2);
 VkMemoryRequirements img1MemReq;
 vkGetImageMemoryRequirements(device, img1, &img1MemReq);
 VkMemoryRequirements img2MemReq;
 vkGetImageMemoryRequirements(device, img2, &img2MemReq);
 VkMemoryRequirements finalMemReq = {};
 finalMemReq.size = std::max(img1MemReq.size, img2MemReq.size);
 finalMemReq.alignment = std::max(img1MemReq.alignment, img2MemReq.alignment);
 finalMemReq.memoryTypeBits = img1MemReq.memoryTypeBits & img2MemReq.memoryTypeBits;
 // Validate if(finalMemReq.memoryTypeBits != 0)
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.preferredFlags = VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT;
 VmaAllocation alloc;
 res = vmaAllocateMemory(allocator, &finalMemReq, &allocCreateInfo, &alloc, nullptr);
 res = vmaBindImageMemory(allocator, alloc, img1);
 res = vmaBindImageMemory(allocator, alloc, img2);
 // You can use img1, img2 here, but not at the same time!
 vmaFreeMemory(allocator, alloc);
 vkDestroyImage(allocator, img2, nullptr);
 vkDestroyImage(allocator, img1, nullptr);

VMA also provides convenience functions that create a buffer or image and bind it to memory represented by an existing VmaAllocation: CreateAliasingBuffer, CreateAliasingBuffer2, CreateAliasingImage, CreateAliasingImage2. Versions with "2" offer additional parameter allocationLocalOffset.

Remember that using resources that alias in memory requires proper synchronization. You need to issue a memory barrier to make sure commands that use img1 and img2 don't overlap on GPU timeline. You also need to treat a resource after aliasing as uninitialized - containing garbage data. For example, if you use img1 and then want to use img2, you need to issue an image memory barrier for img2 with oldLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED.

Additional considerations:

  • Vulkan also allows to interpret contents of memory between aliasing resources consistently in some cases. See chapter 11.8. "Memory Aliasing" of Vulkan specification or VK_IMAGE_CREATE_ALIAS_BIT flag.
  • You can create more complex layout where different images and buffers are bound at different offsets inside one large allocation. For example, one can imagine a big texture used in some render passes, aliasing with a set of many small buffers used between in some further passes. To bind a resource at non-zero offset in an allocation, use BindBufferMemory2 / BindImageMemory2.
  • Before allocating memory for the resources you want to alias, check memoryTypeBits returned in memory requirements of each resource to make sure the bits overlap. Some GPUs may expose multiple memory types suitable e.g. only for buffers or images with COLOR_ATTACHMENT usage, so the sets of memory types supported by your resources may be disjoint. Aliasing them is not possible in that case.

Custom memory pools

A memory pool contains a number of VkDeviceMemory blocks. The library automatically creates and manages default pool for each memory type available on the device. Default memory pool automatically grows in size. Size of allocated blocks is also variable and managed automatically.

You can create custom pool and allocate memory out of it. It can be useful if you want to:

  • Keep certain kind of allocations separate from others.
  • Enforce particular, fixed size of Vulkan memory blocks.
  • Limit maximum amount of Vulkan memory allocated for that pool.
  • Reserve minimum or fixed amount of Vulkan memory always preallocated for that pool.
  • Use extra parameters for a set of your allocations that are available in VmaPoolCreateInfo but not in VmaAllocationCreateInfo - e.g., custom minimum alignment, custom pNext chain.
  • Perform defragmentation on a specific subset of your allocations.

To use custom memory pools:

  1. Fill VmaPoolCreateInfo structure.
  2. Call CreatePool to obtain VmaPool handle.
  3. When making an allocation, set VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pool to this handle. You don't need to specify any other parameters of this structure, like usage.


 // Find memoryTypeIndex for the pool.
 VkBufferCreateInfo sampleBufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 sampleBufCreateInfo.size = 0x10000; // Doesn't matter.
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo sampleAllocCreateInfo = {};
 sampleAllocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 uint32_t memTypeIndex;
 VkResult res = vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo(allocator,
     &sampleBufCreateInfo, &sampleAllocCreateInfo, &memTypeIndex);
 // Check res...
 // Create a pool that can have at most 2 blocks, 128 MiB each.
 VmaPoolCreateInfo poolCreateInfo = {};
 poolCreateInfo.memoryTypeIndex = memTypeIndex
 poolCreateInfo.blockSize = 128ull * 1024 * 1024;
 poolCreateInfo.maxBlockCount = 2;
 VmaPool pool;
 res = vmaCreatePool(allocator, &poolCreateInfo, &pool);
 // Check res...
 // Allocate a buffer out of it.
 VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 bufCreateInfo.size = 1024;
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.pool = pool;
 VkBuffer buf;
 VmaAllocation alloc;
 res = vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buf, &alloc, nullptr);
 // Check res...

You have to free all allocations made from this pool before destroying it.

 vmaDestroyBuffer(allocator, buf, alloc);
 vmaDestroyPool(allocator, pool);

New versions of this library support creating dedicated allocations in custom pools. It is supported only when VmaPoolCreateInfo::blockSize = 0. To use this feature, set VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pool to the pointer to your custom pool and VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags to ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT.


Excessive use of custom pools is a common mistake when using this library. Custom pools may be useful for special purposes - when you want to keep certain type of resources separate e.g. to reserve minimum amount of memory for them or limit maximum amount of memory they can occupy. For most resources this is not needed and so it is not recommended to create VmaPool objects and allocations out of them. Allocating from the default pool is sufficient.

Choosing memory type index

When creating a pool, you must explicitly specify memory type index. To find the one suitable for your buffers or images, you can use helper functions FindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo, FindMemoryTypeIndexForImageInfo. You need to provide structures with example parameters of buffers or images that you are going to create in that pool.

 VkBufferCreateInfo exampleBufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 exampleBufCreateInfo.size = 1024; // Doesn't matter
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 uint32_t memTypeIndex;
 vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo(allocator, &exampleBufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &memTypeIndex);
 VmaPoolCreateInfo poolCreateInfo = {};
 poolCreateInfo.memoryTypeIndex = memTypeIndex;
 // ...

When creating buffers/images allocated in that pool, provide following parameters:

  • VkBufferCreateInfo: Prefer to pass same parameters as above. Otherwise you risk creating resources in a memory type that is not suitable for them, which may result in undefined behavior. Using different VK_BUFFER_USAGE_ flags may work, but you shouldn't create images in a pool intended for buffers or the other way around.
  • VmaAllocationCreateInfo: You don't need to pass same parameters. Fill only pool member. Other members are ignored anyway.

Linear allocation algorithm

Each Vulkan memory block managed by this library has accompanying metadata that keeps track of used and unused regions. By default, the metadata structure and algorithm tries to find best place for new allocations among free regions to optimize memory usage. This way you can allocate and free objects in any order.

Sometimes there is a need to use simpler, linear allocation algorithm. You can create custom pool that uses such algorithm by adding flag POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT to VmaPoolCreateInfo::flags while creating VmaPool object. Then an alternative metadata management is used. It always creates new allocations after last one and doesn't reuse free regions after allocations freed in the middle. It results in better allocation performance and less memory consumed by metadata.

With this one flag, you can create a custom pool that can be used in many ways: free-at-once, stack, double stack, and ring buffer. See below for details.


In a pool that uses linear algorithm, you still need to free all the allocations individually, e.g. by using FreeMemory or DestroyBuffer. You can free them in any order. New allocations are always made after last one - free space in the middle is not reused. However, when you release all the allocation and the pool becomes empty, allocation starts from the beginning again. This way you can use linear algorithm to speed up creation of allocations that you are going to release all at once.

This mode is also available for pools created with VmaPoolCreateInfo::maxBlockCount value that allows multiple memory blocks.


When you free an allocation that was created last, its space can be reused. Thanks to this, if you always release allocations in the order opposite to their creation (LIFO - Last In First Out), you can achieve behavior of a stack.

This mode is also available for pools created with VmaPoolCreateInfo::maxBlockCount value that allows multiple memory blocks.

Double stack

The space reserved by a custom pool with linear algorithm may be used by two stacks:

  • First, default one, growing up from offset 0.
  • Second, "upper" one, growing down from the end towards lower offsets.

To make allocation from upper stack, add flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT to VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags.

Double stack is available only in pools with one memory block - VmaPoolCreateInfo::maxBlockCount must be 1. Otherwise behavior is undefined.

When the two stacks' ends meet so there is not enough space between them for a new allocation, such allocation fails with usual VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

Ring buffer

When you free some allocations from the beginning and there is not enough free space for a new one at the end of a pool, allocator's "cursor" wraps around to the beginning and starts allocation there. Thanks to this, if you always release allocations in the same order as you created them (FIFO - First In First Out), you can achieve behavior of a ring buffer / queue.

Ring buffer is available only in pools with one memory block - VmaPoolCreateInfo::maxBlockCount must be 1. Otherwise behavior is undefined.

Note: defragmentation is not supported in custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT.


Interleaved allocations and deallocations of many objects of varying size cause fragmentation over time, which can lead to a situation where the library is unable to find a continuous range of free memory for a new allocation despite there is enough free space, just scattered across many small free ranges between existing allocations.

To mitigate this problem, you can use defragmentation feature. It doesn't happen automatically though and needs your cooperation, because VMA is a low level library that only allocates memory. It cannot recreate buffers and images in a new place as it doesn't remember the contents of VkBufferCreateInfo / VkImageCreateInfo structures. It cannot copy their contents as it doesn't record any commands to a command buffer.


 VmaDefragmentationInfo defragInfo = {};
 defragInfo.pool = myPool;
 VmaDefragmentationContext defragCtx;
 VkResult res = vmaBeginDefragmentation(allocator, &defragInfo, &defragCtx);
 // Check res...
     VmaDefragmentationPassMoveInfo pass;
     res = vmaBeginDefragmentationPass(allocator, defragCtx, &pass);
     if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
     else if(res != VK_INCOMPLETE)
         // Handle error...
     for(uint32_t i = 0; i < pass.moveCount; ++i)
         // Inspect pass.pMoves[i].srcAllocation, identify what buffer/image it represents.
         VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
         vmaGetAllocationInfo(allocator, pass.pMoves[i].srcAllocation, &allocInfo);
         MyEngineResourceData* resData = (MyEngineResourceData*)allocInfo.pUserData;
         // Recreate and bind this buffer/image at: pass.pMoves[i].dstMemory, pass.pMoves[i].dstOffset.
         VkImageCreateInfo imgCreateInfo = ...
         VkImage newImg;
         res = vkCreateImage(device, &imgCreateInfo, nullptr, &newImg);
         // Check res...
         res = vmaBindImageMemory(allocator, pass.pMoves[i].dstTmpAllocation, newImg);
         // Check res...
         // Issue a vkCmdCopyBuffer/vkCmdCopyImage to copy its content to the new place.
         vkCmdCopyImage(cmdBuf, resData->img, ..., newImg, ...);
     // Make sure the copy commands finished executing.
     // Destroy old buffers/images bound with pass.pMoves[i].srcAllocation.
     for(uint32_t i = 0; i < pass.moveCount; ++i)
         // ...
         vkDestroyImage(device, resData->img, nullptr);
     // Update appropriate descriptors to point to the new places...
     res = vmaEndDefragmentationPass(allocator, defragCtx, &pass);
     if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
     else if(res != VK_INCOMPLETE)
         // Handle error...
 vmaEndDefragmentation(allocator, defragCtx, nullptr);

Although functions like CreateBuffer, CreateImage, DestroyBuffer, DestroyImage create/destroy an allocation and a buffer/image at once, these are just a shortcut for creating the resource, allocating memory, and binding them together. Defragmentation works on memory allocations only. You must handle the rest manually. Defragmentation is an iterative process that should repreat "passes" as long as related functions return VK_INCOMPLETE not VK_SUCCESS. In each pass:

  1. BeginDefragmentationPass function call:
    • Calculates and returns the list of allocations to be moved in this pass. Note this can be a time-consuming process.
    • Reserves destination memory for them by creating temporary destination allocations that you can query for their VkDeviceMemory + offset using GetAllocationInfo.
  2. Inside the pass, you should:
    • Inspect the returned list of allocations to be moved.
    • Create new buffers/images and bind them at the returned destination temporary allocations.
    • Copy data from source to destination resources if necessary.
    • Destroy the source buffers/images, but NOT their allocations.
  3. EndDefragmentationPass function call:
    • Frees the source memory reserved for the allocations that are moved.
    • Modifies source VmaAllocation objects that are moved to point to the destination reserved memory.
    • Frees VkDeviceMemory blocks that became empty.

Unlike in previous iterations of the defragmentation API, there is no list of "movable" allocations passed as a parameter. Defragmentation algorithm tries to move all suitable allocations. You can, however, refuse to move some of them inside a defragmentation pass, by setting pass.pMoves[i].operation to DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_IGNORE. This is not recommended and may result in suboptimal packing of the allocations after defragmentation. If you cannot ensure any allocation can be moved, it is better to keep movable allocations separate in a custom pool.

Inside a pass, for each allocation that should be moved:

  • You should copy its data from the source to the destination place by calling e.g. vkCmdCopyBuffer(), vkCmdCopyImage().

    You need to make sure these commands finished executing before destroying the source buffers/images and before calling EndDefragmentationPass.

  • If a resource doesn't contain any meaningful data, e.g. it is a transient color attachment image to be cleared, filled, and used temporarily in each rendering frame, you can just recreate this image without copying its data.
  • If the resource is in HOST_VISIBLE and HOST_CACHED memory, you can copy its data on the CPU using memcpy().
  • If you cannot move the allocation, you can set pass.pMoves[i].operation to DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_IGNORE. This will cancel the move.

    EndDefragmentationPass will then free the destination memory not the source memory of the allocation, leaving it unchanged.

  • If you decide the allocation is unimportant and can be destroyed instead of moved (e.g. it wasn't used for long time), you can set pass.pMoves[i].operation to DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_DESTROY.

    EndDefragmentationPass will then free both source and destination memory, and will destroy the source VmaAllocation object.

You can defragment a specific custom pool by setting VmaDefragmentationInfo::pool (like in the example above) or all the default pools by setting this member to null.

Defragmentation is always performed in each pool separately. Allocations are never moved between different Vulkan memory types. The size of the destination memory reserved for a moved allocation is the same as the original one. Alignment of an allocation as it was determined using vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() etc. is also respected after defragmentation. Buffers/images should be recreated with the same VkBufferCreateInfo / VkImageCreateInfo parameters as the original ones.

You can perform the defragmentation incrementally to limit the number of allocations and bytes to be moved in each pass, e.g. to call it in sync with render frames and not to experience too big hitches. See members: VmaDefragmentationInfo::maxBytesPerPass, VmaDefragmentationInfo::maxAllocationsPerPass.

It is also safe to perform the defragmentation asynchronously to render frames and other Vulkan and VMA usage, possibly from multiple threads, with the exception that allocations returned in VmaDefragmentationPassMoveInfo::pMoves shouldn't be destroyed until the defragmentation pass is ended.

Mapping is preserved on allocations that are moved during defragmentation. Whether through ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT or MapMemory, the allocations are mapped at their new place. Of course, pointer to the mapped data changes, so it needs to be queried using VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

Note: Defragmentation is not supported in custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT.


This library contains several functions that return information about its internal state, especially the amount of memory allocated from Vulkan.

Numeric statistics

If you need to obtain basic statistics about memory usage per heap, together with current budget, you can call function GetHeapBudgets and inspect structure VmaBudget. This is useful to keep track of memory usage and stay within budget. Example:

 uint32_t heapIndex = ...
 VmaBudget budgets[VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS];
 vmaGetHeapBudgets(allocator, budgets);
 printf("My heap currently has %u allocations taking %llu B,\n",
 printf("allocated out of %u Vulkan device memory blocks taking %llu B,\n",
 printf("Vulkan reports total usage %llu B with budget %llu B.\n",

You can query for more detailed statistics per memory heap, type, and totals, including minimum and maximum allocation size and unused range size, by calling function CalculateStatistics and inspecting structure VmaTotalStatistics. This function is slower though, as it has to traverse all the internal data structures, so it should be used only for debugging purposes.

You can query for statistics of a custom pool using function GetPoolStatistics or CalculatePoolStatistics.

You can query for information about a specific allocation using function GetAllocationInfo. It fills structure VmaAllocationInfo.

JSON dump

You can dump internal state of the allocator to a string in JSON format using function BuildStatsString. The result is guaranteed to be correct JSON. It uses ANSI encoding. Any strings provided by user are copied as-is and properly escaped for JSON, so if they use UTF-8, ISO-8859-2 or any other encoding, this JSON string can be treated as using this encoding. It must be freed using function FreeStatsString.

The format of this JSON string is not part of official documentation of the library, but it will not change in backward-incompatible way without increasing library major version number and appropriate mention in changelog.

The JSON string contains all the data that can be obtained using CalculateStatistics. It can also contain detailed map of allocated memory blocks and their regions - free and occupied by allocations. This allows e.g. to visualize the memory or assess fragmentation.

Allocation names and user data

Allocation user data

You can annotate allocations with your own information, e.g. for debugging purposes. To do that, fill VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData field when creating an allocation. It is an opaque void* pointer. You can use it e.g. as a pointer, some handle, index, key, ordinal number or any other value that would associate the allocation with your custom metadata. It is useful to identify appropriate data structures in your engine given VmaAllocation, e.g. when doing defragmentation.

 VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = ...
 MyBufferMetadata* pMetadata = CreateBufferMetadata();
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 allocCreateInfo.pUserData = pMetadata;
 VkBuffer buffer;
 VmaAllocation allocation;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buffer, &allocation, nullptr);

The pointer may be later retrieved as VmaAllocationInfo::pUserData:

 VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
 vmaGetAllocationInfo(allocator, allocation, &allocInfo);
 MyBufferMetadata* pMetadata = (MyBufferMetadata*)allocInfo.pUserData;

It can also be changed using function SetAllocationUserData.

Values of (non-zero) allocations' pUserData are printed in JSON report created by BuildStatsString in hexadecimal form.

Allocation names

An allocation can also carry a null-terminated string, giving a name to the allocation. To set it, call SetAllocationName. The library creates internal copy of the string, so the pointer you pass doesn't need to be valid for whole lifetime of the allocation. You can free it after the call.

 std::string imageName = "Texture: ";
 imageName += fileName;
 vmaSetAllocationName(allocator, allocation, imageName.c_str());

The string can be later retrieved by inspecting VmaAllocationInfo::pName. It is also printed in JSON report created by BuildStatsString.

Note: Setting string name to VMA allocation doesn't automatically set it to the Vulkan buffer or image created with it. You must do it manually using an extension like VK_EXT_debug_utils, which is independent of this library.

Virtual allocator

As an extra feature, the core allocation algorithm of the library is exposed through a simple and convenient API of "virtual allocator". It doesn't allocate any real GPU memory. It just keeps track of used and free regions of a "virtual block". You can use it to allocate your own memory or other objects, even completely unrelated to Vulkan. A common use case is sub-allocation of pieces of one large GPU buffer.

Creating virtual block

To use this functionality, there is no main "allocator" object. You don't need to have VmaAllocator object created. All you need to do is to create a separate VmaVirtualBlock object for each block of memory you want to be managed by the allocator:


 VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo blockCreateInfo = {};
 blockCreateInfo.size = 1048576; // 1 MB
 VmaVirtualBlock block;
 VkResult res = vmaCreateVirtualBlock(&blockCreateInfo, &block);

Making virtual allocations

VmaVirtualBlock object contains internal data structure that keeps track of free and occupied regions using the same code as the main Vulkan memory allocator. Similarly to VmaAllocation for standard GPU allocations, there is VmaVirtualAllocation type that represents an opaque handle to an allocation within the virtual block.

In order to make such allocation:


 VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.size = 4096; // 4 KB
 VmaVirtualAllocation alloc;
 VkDeviceSize offset;
 res = vmaVirtualAllocate(block, &allocCreateInfo, &alloc, &offset);
 if(res == VK_SUCCESS)
     // Use the 4 KB of your memory starting at offset.
     // Allocation failed - no space for it could be found. Handle this error!


When no longer needed, an allocation can be freed by calling VirtualFree. You can only pass to this function an allocation that was previously returned by vmaVirtualAllocate() called for the same VmaVirtualBlock.

When whole block is no longer needed, the block object can be released by calling DestroyVirtualBlock. All allocations must be freed before the block is destroyed, which is checked internally by an assert. However, if you don't want to call vmaVirtualFree() for each allocation, you can use ClearVirtualBlock to free them all at once - a feature not available in normal Vulkan memory allocator. Example:

 vmaVirtualFree(block, alloc);

Allocation parameters

You can attach a custom pointer to each allocation by using SetVirtualAllocationUserData. Its default value is null. It can be used to store any data that needs to be associated with that allocation - e.g. an index, a handle, or a pointer to some larger data structure containing more information. Example:

 struct CustomAllocData
     std::string m_AllocName;
 CustomAllocData* allocData = new CustomAllocData();
 allocData->m_AllocName = "My allocation 1";
 vmaSetVirtualAllocationUserData(block, alloc, allocData);

The pointer can later be fetched, along with allocation offset and size, by passing the allocation handle to function GetVirtualAllocationInfo and inspecting returned structure VmaVirtualAllocationInfo. If you allocated a new object to be used as the custom pointer, don't forget to delete that object before freeing the allocation! Example:

 VmaVirtualAllocationInfo allocInfo;
 vmaGetVirtualAllocationInfo(block, alloc, &allocInfo);
 delete (CustomAllocData*)allocInfo.pUserData;
 vmaVirtualFree(block, alloc);

Alignment and units

It feels natural to express sizes and offsets in bytes. If an offset of an allocation needs to be aligned to a multiply of some number (e.g. 4 bytes), you can fill optional member VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::alignment to request it. Example:

 VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.size = 4096; // 4 KB
 allocCreateInfo.alignment = 4; // Returned offset must be a multiply of 4 B
 VmaVirtualAllocation alloc;
 res = vmaVirtualAllocate(block, &allocCreateInfo, &alloc, nullptr);

Alignments of different allocations made from one block may vary. However, if all alignments and sizes are always multiply of some size e.g. 4 B or sizeof(MyDataStruct), you can express all sizes, alignments, and offsets in multiples of that size instead of individual bytes. It might be more convenient, but you need to make sure to use this new unit consistently in all the places:

  • VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo::size
  • VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::size and VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::alignment
  • Using offset returned by vmaVirtualAllocate() or in VmaVirtualAllocationInfo::offset


You can obtain statistics of a virtual block using GetVirtualBlockStatistics (to get brief statistics that are fast to calculate) or CalculateVirtualBlockStatistics (to get more detailed statistics, slower to calculate). The functions fill structures VmaStatistics, VmaDetailedStatistics respectively - same as used by the normal Vulkan memory allocator. Example:

 VmaStatistics stats;
 vmaGetVirtualBlockStatistics(block, &stats);
 printf("My virtual block has %llu bytes used by %u virtual allocations\n",
     stats.allocationBytes, stats.allocationCount);

You can also request a full list of allocations and free regions as a string in JSON format by calling BuildVirtualBlockStatsString. Returned string must be later freed using FreeVirtualBlockStatsString. The format of this string differs from the one returned by the main Vulkan allocator, but it is similar.

Additional considerations

The "virtual allocator" functionality is implemented on a level of individual memory blocks. Keeping track of a whole collection of blocks, allocating new ones when out of free space, deleting empty ones, and deciding which one to try first for a new allocation must be implemented by the user.

Alternative allocation algorithms are supported, just like in custom pools of the real GPU memory. See enum VmaVirtualBlockCreateFlagBits to learn how to specify them (e.g. VIRTUAL_BLOCK_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT). Allocation strategies are also supported. See enum VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlagBits to learn how to specify them (e.g. VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT).

Following features are supported only by the allocator of the real GPU memory and not by virtual allocations: buffer-image granularity, VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN, VMA_MIN_ALIGNMENT.

Debugging incorrect memory usage

If you suspect a bug with memory usage, like usage of uninitialized memory or memory being overwritten out of bounds of an allocation, you can use debug features of this library to verify this.

Memory initialization

If you experience a bug with incorrect and nondeterministic data in your program and you suspect uninitialized memory to be used, you can enable automatic memory initialization to verify this. To do it, define macro VMA_DEBUG_INITIALIZE_ALLOCATIONS to 1.

It makes memory of all allocations initialized to bit pattern 0xDCDCDCDC. Before an allocation is destroyed, its memory is filled with bit pattern 0xEFEFEFEF. Memory is automatically mapped and unmapped if necessary.

If you find these values while debugging your program, good chances are that you incorrectly read Vulkan memory that is allocated but not initialized, or already freed, respectively.

Memory initialization works only with memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE and with allocations that can be mapped.. It works also with dedicated allocations.


By default, allocations are laid out in memory blocks next to each other if possible (considering required alignment, bufferImageGranularity, and nonCoherentAtomSize).

Define macro VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN to some non-zero value (e.g. 16) to enforce specified number of bytes as a margin after every allocation.

If your bug goes away after enabling margins, it means it may be caused by memory being overwritten outside of allocation boundaries. It is not 100% certain though. Change in application behavior may also be caused by different order and distribution of allocations across memory blocks after margins are applied.

The margin is applied also before first and after last allocation in a block. It may occur only once between two adjacent allocations.

Margins work with all types of memory.

Margin is applied only to allocations made out of memory blocks and not to dedicated allocations, which have their own memory block of specific size. It is thus not applied to allocations made using ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT flag or those automatically decided to put into dedicated allocations, e.g. due to its large size or recommended by VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension.

Margins appear in JSON dump as part of free space.

Note that enabling margins increases memory usage and fragmentation.

Margins do not apply to virtual allocator.

Corruption detection

You can additionally define macro VMA_DEBUG_DETECT_CORRUPTION to 1 to enable validation of contents of the margins.

When this feature is enabled, number of bytes specified as VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN (it must be multiple of 4) after every allocation is filled with a magic number. This idea is also know as "canary". Memory is automatically mapped and unmapped if necessary.

This number is validated automatically when the allocation is destroyed. If it is not equal to the expected value, VMA_ASSERT() is executed. It clearly means that either CPU or GPU overwritten the memory outside of boundaries of the allocation, which indicates a serious bug.

You can also explicitly request checking margins of all allocations in all memory blocks that belong to specified memory types by using function CheckCorruption, or in memory blocks that belong to specified custom pool, by using function CheckPoolCorruption.

Margin validation (corruption detection) works only for memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE and HOST_COHERENT.

OpenGL Interop

VMA provides some features that help with interoperability with OpenGL.

Exporting memory

If you want to attach VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoKHR structure to pNext chain of memory allocations made by the library:

It is recommended to create custom memory pools for such allocations. Define and fill in your VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoKHR structure and attach it to VmaPoolCreateInfo::pMemoryAllocateNext while creating the custom pool. Please note that the structure must remain alive and unchanged for the whole lifetime of the VmaPool, not only while creating it, as no copy of the structure is made, but its original pointer is used for each allocation instead.

If you want to export all memory allocated by the library from certain memory types, also dedicated allocations or other allocations made from default pools, an alternative solution is to fill in VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pTypeExternalMemoryHandleTypes. It should point to an array with VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsKHR to be automatically passed by the library through VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoKHR on each allocation made from a specific memory type. Please note that new versions of the library also support dedicated allocations created in custom pools.

You should not mix these two methods in a way that allows to apply both to the same memory type. Otherwise, VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoKHR structure would be attached twice to the pNext chain of VkMemoryAllocateInfo.

Custom alignment

Buffers or images exported to a different API like OpenGL may require a different alignment, higher than the one used by the library automatically, queried from functions like vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements. To impose such alignment:

It is recommended to create custom memory pools for such allocations. Set VmaPoolCreateInfo::minAllocationAlignment member to the minimum alignment required for each allocation to be made out of this pool. The alignment actually used will be the maximum of this member and the alignment returned for the specific buffer or image from a function like vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements, which is called by VMA automatically.

If you want to create a buffer with a specific minimum alignment out of default pools, use special function CreateBufferWithAlignment, which takes additional parameter minAlignment.

Note the problem of alignment affects only resources placed inside bigger VkDeviceMemory blocks and not dedicated allocations, as these, by definition, always have alignment = 0 because the resource is bound to the beginning of its dedicated block. Contrary to Direct3D 12, Vulkan doesn't have a concept of alignment of the entire memory block passed on its allocation.

Vulkan gives great flexibility in memory allocation. This chapter shows the most common patterns.

See also slides from talk: Sawicki, Adam. Advanced Graphics Techniques Tutorial: Memory management in Vulkan and DX12. Game Developers Conference, 2018

GPU-only resource

When: Any resources that you frequently write and read on GPU, e.g. images used as color attachments (aka "render targets"), depth-stencil attachments, images/buffers used as storage image/buffer (aka "Unordered Access View (UAV)").

What to do: Let the library select the optimal memory type, which will likely have VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT.

 VkImageCreateInfo imgCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO };
 imgCreateInfo.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
 imgCreateInfo.extent.width = 3840;
 imgCreateInfo.extent.height = 2160;
 imgCreateInfo.extent.depth = 1;
 imgCreateInfo.mipLevels = 1;
 imgCreateInfo.arrayLayers = 1;
 imgCreateInfo.format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
 imgCreateInfo.tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL;
 imgCreateInfo.initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
 imgCreateInfo.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 allocCreateInfo.priority = 1.0f;
 VkImage img;
 VmaAllocation alloc;
 vmaCreateImage(allocator, &imgCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &img, &alloc, nullptr);

Also consider: creating them as dedicated allocations using ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT, especially if they are large or if you plan to destroy and recreate them with different sizes e.g. when display resolution changes. Prefer to create such resources first and all other GPU resources (like textures and vertex buffers) later. When VK_EXT_memory_priority extension is enabled, it is also worth setting high priority to such allocation to decrease chances to be evicted to system memory by the operating system.

Staging copy for upload

When: A "staging" buffer than you want to map and fill from CPU code, then use as a source of transfer to some GPU resource.

What to do: Use flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT. Let the library select the optimal memory type, which will always have VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT.

 VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 bufCreateInfo.size = 65536;
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 VkBuffer buf;
 VmaAllocation alloc;
 VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buf, &alloc, &allocInfo);
 memcpy(allocInfo.pMappedData, myData, myDataSize);

Also consider: You can map the allocation using MapMemory or you can create it as persistenly mapped using ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT, as in the example above.


When: Buffers for data written by or transferred from the GPU that you want to read back on the CPU, e.g. results of some computations.

What to do: Use flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT. Let the library select the optimal memory type, which will always have VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT and VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_CACHED_BIT.

 VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 bufCreateInfo.size = 65536;
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 VkBuffer buf;
 VmaAllocation alloc;
 VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buf, &alloc, &allocInfo);
 const float* downloadedData = (const float*)allocInfo.pMappedData;

Advanced data uploading

For resources that you frequently write on CPU via mapped pointer and frequently read on GPU e.g. as a uniform buffer (also called "dynamic"), multiple options are possible:

  • Easiest solution is to have one copy of the resource in HOST_VISIBLE memory, even if it means system RAM (not DEVICE_LOCAL) on systems with a discrete graphics card, and make the device reach out to that resource directly. Reads performed by the device will then go through PCI Express bus. The performance of this access may be limited, but it may be fine depending on the size of this resource (whether it is small enough to quickly end up in GPU cache) and the sparsity of access.
  • On systems with unified memory (e.g. AMD APU or Intel integrated graphics, mobile chips), a memory type may be available that is both HOST_VISIBLE (available for mapping) and DEVICE_LOCAL (fast to access from the GPU). Then, it is likely the best choice for such type of resource.
  • Systems with a discrete graphics card and separate video memory may or may not expose a memory type that is both HOST_VISIBLE and DEVICE_LOCAL, also known as Base Address Register (BAR). If they do, it represents a piece of VRAM (or entire VRAM, if ReBAR is enabled in the motherboard BIOS) that is available to CPU for mapping. Writes performed by the host to that memory go through PCI Express bus. The performance of these writes may be limited, but it may be fine, especially on PCIe 4.0, as long as rules of using uncached and write-combined memory are followed - only sequential writes and no reads.
  • Finally, you may need or prefer to create a separate copy of the resource in DEVICE_LOCAL memory, a separate "staging" copy in HOST_VISIBLE memory and perform an explicit transfer command between them.

Thankfully, VMA offers an aid to create and use such resources in the the way optimal for the current Vulkan device. To help the library make the best choice, use flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT. It will then prefer a memory type that is both DEVICE_LOCAL and HOST_VISIBLE (integrated memory or BAR), but if no such memory type is available or allocation from it fails (PC graphics cards have only 256 MB of BAR by default, unless ReBAR is supported and enabled in BIOS), it will fall back to DEVICE_LOCAL memory for fast GPU access. It is then up to you to detect that the allocation ended up in a memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE, so you need to create another "staging" allocation and perform explicit transfers.

 VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
 bufCreateInfo.size = 65536;
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 VkBuffer buf;
 VmaAllocation alloc;
 VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;
 vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &buf, &alloc, &allocInfo);
 VkMemoryPropertyFlags memPropFlags;
 vmaGetAllocationMemoryProperties(allocator, alloc, &memPropFlags);
     // Allocation ended up in a mappable memory and is already mapped - write to it directly.
     // [Executed in runtime]:
     memcpy(allocInfo.pMappedData, myData, myDataSize);
     // Allocation ended up in a non-mappable memory - need to transfer.
     VkBufferCreateInfo stagingBufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };
     stagingBufCreateInfo.size = 65536;
     stagingBufCreateInfo.usage = VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT;
     VmaAllocationCreateInfo stagingAllocCreateInfo = {};
     stagingAllocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
     VkBuffer stagingBuf;
     VmaAllocation stagingAlloc;
     VmaAllocationInfo stagingAllocInfo;
     vmaCreateBuffer(allocator, &stagingBufCreateInfo, &stagingAllocCreateInfo,
         &stagingBuf, &stagingAlloc, stagingAllocInfo);
     // [Executed in runtime]:
     memcpy(stagingAllocInfo.pMappedData, myData, myDataSize);
     vmaFlushAllocation(allocator, stagingAlloc, 0, VK_WHOLE_SIZE);
     VkBufferCopy bufCopy = {
         0, // srcOffset
         0, // dstOffset,
         myDataSize); // size
     vkCmdCopyBuffer(cmdBuf, stagingBuf, buf, 1, &bufCopy);

Other use cases

Here are some other, less obvious use cases and their recommended settings:

  • An image that is used only as transfer source and destination, but it should stay on the device, as it is used to temporarily store a copy of some texture, e.g. from the current to the next frame, for temporal antialiasing or other temporal effects.
    • Use VmaAllocationCreateInfo::usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO
  • An image that is used only as transfer source and destination, but it should be placed in the system RAM despite it doesn't need to be mapped, because it serves as a "swap" copy to evict least recently used textures from VRAM.
    • Use VmaAllocationCreateInfo::usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO_PREFER_HOST, as VMA needs a hint here to differentiate from the previous case.
  • A buffer that you want to map and write from the CPU, directly read from the GPU (e.g. as a uniform or vertex buffer), but you have a clear preference to place it in device or host memory due to its large size.
    • Use VkBufferCreateInfo::usage = VK_BUFFER_USAGE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BIT


Custom host memory allocator

If you use custom allocator for CPU memory rather than default operator new and delete from C++, you can make this library using your allocator as well by filling optional member VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pAllocationCallbacks. These functions will be passed to Vulkan, as well as used by the library itself to make any CPU-side allocations.

Device memory allocation callbacks

The library makes calls to vkAllocateMemory() and vkFreeMemory() internally. You can setup callbacks to be informed about these calls, e.g. for the purpose of gathering some statistics. To do it, fill optional member VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pDeviceMemoryCallbacks.

Device heap memory limit

When device memory of certain heap runs out of free space, new allocations may fail (returning error code) or they may succeed, silently pushing some existing memory blocks from GPU VRAM to system RAM (which degrades performance). This behavior is implementation-dependent - it depends on GPU vendor and graphics driver.

On AMD cards it can be controlled while creating Vulkan device object by using VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior extension, if available.

Alternatively, if you want to test how your program behaves with limited amount of Vulkan devicememory available without switching your graphics card to one that really has smaller VRAM, you can use a feature of this library intended for this purpose. To do it, fill optional member VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pHeapSizeLimit.


VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation is a Vulkan extension which can be used to improve performance on some GPUs. It augments Vulkan API with possibility to query driver whether it prefers particular buffer or image to have its own, dedicated allocation (separate VkDeviceMemory block) for better efficiency - to be able to do some internal optimizations. The extension is supported by this library. It will be used automatically when enabled.

It has been promoted to core Vulkan 1.1, so if you use eligible Vulkan version and inform VMA about it by setting VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion, you are all set.

Otherwise, if you want to use it as an extension:

1 . When creating Vulkan device, check if following 2 device extensions are supported (call vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties()). If yes, enable them (fill VkDeviceCreateInfo::ppEnabledExtensionNames).

  • VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2
  • VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation

If you enabled these extensions:

2 . Use ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT flag when creating your VmaAllocator to inform the library that you enabled required extensions and you want the library to use them.

 vmaCreateAllocator(&allocatorInfo, &allocator);

That is all. The extension will be automatically used whenever you create a buffer using CreateBuffer or image using CreateImage.

When using the extension together with Vulkan Validation Layer, you will receive warnings like this:

 vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0x33 but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.

It is OK, you should just ignore it. It happens because you use function vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR() instead of standard vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements(), while the validation layer seems to be unaware of it.

To learn more about this extension, see:


VK_EXT_memory_priority is a device extension that allows to pass additional "priority" value to Vulkan memory allocations that the implementation may use prefer certain buffers and images that are critical for performance to stay in device-local memory in cases when the memory is over-subscribed, while some others may be moved to the system memory.

VMA offers convenient usage of this extension. If you enable it, you can pass "priority" parameter when creating allocations or custom pools and the library automatically passes the value to Vulkan using this extension.

If you want to use this extension in connection with VMA, follow these steps:

  1. Call vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties for the physical device. Check if the extension is supported - if returned array of VkExtensionProperties contains "VK_EXT_memory_priority".
  2. Call vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 for the physical device instead of old vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures. Attach additional structure VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT to VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2::pNext to be returned. Check if the device feature is really supported - check if VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT::memoryPriority is true.
  3. While creating device with vkCreateDevice, enable this extension - add "VK_EXT_memory_priority" to the list passed as VkDeviceCreateInfo::ppEnabledExtensionNames.
  4. While creating the device, also don't set VkDeviceCreateInfo::pEnabledFeatures. Fill in VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 structure instead and pass it as VkDeviceCreateInfo::pNext. Enable this device feature - attach additional structure VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT to VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2::pNext chain and set its member memoryPriority to VK_TRUE.
  5. While creating VmaAllocator with CreateAllocator inform VMA that you have enabled this extension and feature - add ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_PRIORITY_BIT to VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::flags.

When using this extension, you should initialize following member:

It should be a floating-point value between 0.0f and 1.0f, where recommended default is 0.5f. Memory allocated with higher value can be treated by the Vulkan implementation as higher priority and so it can have lower chances of being pushed out to system memory, experiencing degraded performance.

It might be a good idea to create performance-critical resources like color-attachment or depth-stencil images as dedicated and set high priority to them. For example:

 VkImageCreateInfo imgCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO };
 imgCreateInfo.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
 imgCreateInfo.extent.width = 3840;
 imgCreateInfo.extent.height = 2160;
 imgCreateInfo.extent.depth = 1;
 imgCreateInfo.mipLevels = 1;
 imgCreateInfo.arrayLayers = 1;
 imgCreateInfo.format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
 imgCreateInfo.tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL;
 imgCreateInfo.initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
 imgCreateInfo.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
 VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};
 allocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO;
 allocCreateInfo.priority = 1.0f;
 VkImage img;
 VmaAllocation alloc;
 vmaCreateImage(allocator, &imgCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo, &img, &alloc, nullptr);

priority member is ignored in the following situations:

  • Allocations created in custom pools: They inherit the priority, along with all other allocation parameters from the parameters passed in VmaPoolCreateInfo when the pool was created.
  • Allocations created in default pools: They inherit the priority from the parameters VMA used when creating default pools, which means priority == 0.5f.


VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory is a device extension that enables access to additional memory types with VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COHERENT_BIT_AMD and VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD flag. It is useful mostly for allocation of buffers intended for writing "breadcrumb markers" in between passes or draw calls, which in turn are useful for debugging GPU crash/hang/TDR cases.

When the extension is available but has not been enabled, Vulkan physical device still exposes those memory types, but their usage is forbidden. VMA automatically takes care of that - it returns VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT when an attempt to allocate memory of such type is made.

If you want to use this extension in connection with VMA, follow these steps:

  1. Call vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties for the physical device. Check if the extension is supported - if returned array of VkExtensionProperties contains "VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory".
  2. Call vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 for the physical device instead of old vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures. Attach additional structure VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD to VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2::pNext to be returned. Check if the device feature is really supported - check if VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD::deviceCoherentMemory is true.
  3. While creating device with vkCreateDevice, enable this extension - add "VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory" to the list passed as VkDeviceCreateInfo::ppEnabledExtensionNames.
  4. While creating the device, also don't set VkDeviceCreateInfo::pEnabledFeatures. Fill in VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 structure instead and pass it as VkDeviceCreateInfo::pNext. Enable this device feature - attach additional structure VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD to VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2::pNext and set its member deviceCoherentMemory to VK_TRUE.
  5. While creating VmaAllocator with CreateAllocator inform VMA that you have enabled this extension and feature - add ALLOCATOR_CREATE_AMD_DEVICE_COHERENT_MEMORY_BIT to VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::flags.

After following steps described above, you can create VMA allocations and custom pools out of the special DEVICE_COHERENT and DEVICE_UNCACHED memory types on eligible devices. There are multiple ways to do it, for example:

  • You can request or prefer to allocate out of such memory types by adding VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD to VmaAllocationCreateInfo::requiredFlags or VmaAllocationCreateInfo::preferredFlags. Those flags can be freely mixed with other ways of choosing memory type, like setting VmaAllocationCreateInfo::usage.
  • If you manually found memory type index to use for this purpose, force allocation from this specific index by setting VmaAllocationCreateInfo::memoryTypeBits = 1u << index.
More information

To learn more about this extension, see VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory in Vulkan specification.

Example use of this extension can be found in the code of the sample and test suite accompanying this library.

Enabling buffer device address

Device extension VK_KHR_buffer_device_address allows to fetch raw GPU pointer to a buffer and pass it for usage in a shader code. It has been promoted to core Vulkan 1.2.

If you want to use this feature in connection with VMA, follow these steps:

  1. (For Vulkan version < 1.2) Call vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties for the physical device. Check if the extension is supported - if returned array of VkExtensionProperties contains "VK_KHR_buffer_device_address".
  2. Call vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 for the physical device instead of old vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures. Attach additional structure VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures* to VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2::pNext to be returned. Check if the device feature is really supported - check if VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures::bufferDeviceAddress is true.
  3. (For Vulkan version < 1.2) While creating device with vkCreateDevice, enable this extension - add "VK_KHR_buffer_device_address" to the list passed as VkDeviceCreateInfo::ppEnabledExtensionNames.
  4. While creating the device, also don't set VkDeviceCreateInfo::pEnabledFeatures. Fill in VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 structure instead and pass it as VkDeviceCreateInfo::pNext. Enable this device feature - attach additional structure VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures* to VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2::pNext and set its member bufferDeviceAddress to VK_TRUE.
  5. While creating VmaAllocator with CreateAllocator inform VMA that you have enabled this feature - add ALLOCATOR_CREATE_BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT to VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::flags.

After following steps described above, you can create buffers with VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT* using VMA. The library automatically adds VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT* to allocated memory blocks wherever it might be needed.

Please note that the library supports only VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT*. The second part of this functionality related to "capture and replay" is not supported, as it is intended for usage in debugging tools like RenderDoc, not in everyday Vulkan usage.

More information

To learn more about this extension, see VK_KHR_buffer_device_address in Vulkan specification

Example use of this extension can be found in the code of the sample and test suite accompanying this library.

General considerations

Thread safety

  • The library has no global state, so separate VmaAllocator objects can be used independently. There should be no need to create multiple such objects though - one per VkDevice is enough.
  • By default, all calls to functions that take VmaAllocator as first parameter are safe to call from multiple threads simultaneously because they are synchronized internally when needed. This includes allocation and deallocation from default memory pool, as well as custom VmaPool.
  • When the allocator is created with ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXTERNALLY_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT flag, calls to functions that take such VmaAllocator object must be synchronized externally.
  • Access to a VmaAllocation object must be externally synchronized. For example, you must not call GetAllocationInfo and MapMemory from different threads at the same time if you pass the same VmaAllocation object to these functions.
  • VmaVirtualBlock is not safe to be used from multiple threads simultaneously.

Validation layer warnings

When using this library, you can meet following types of warnings issued by Vulkan validation layer. They don't necessarily indicate a bug, so you may need to just ignore them.

  • vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0xeb8e4 but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.

    It happens when VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension is enabled. vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR function is used instead, while validation layer seems to be unaware of it.

  • Mapping an image with layout VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL can result in undefined behavior if this memory is used by the device. Only GENERAL or PREINITIALIZED should be used.

    It happens when you map a buffer or image, because the library maps entire VkDeviceMemory block, where different types of images and buffers may end up together, especially on GPUs with unified memory like Intel.

  • Non-linear image 0xebc91 is aliased with linear buffer 0xeb8e4 which may indicate a bug.

    It may happen when you use defragmentation.

Allocation algorithm

The library uses following algorithm for allocation, in order:

  1. Try to find free range of memory in existing blocks.
  2. If failed, try to create a new block of VkDeviceMemory, with preferred block size.
  3. If failed, try to create such block with size / 2, size / 4, size / 8.
  4. If failed, try to allocate separate VkDeviceMemory for this allocation, just like when you use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT.
  5. If failed, choose other memory type that meets the requirements specified in VmaAllocationCreateInfo and go to point 1.
  6. If failed, return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

Features not supported

Features deliberately excluded from the scope of this library:

  • Data transfer. Uploading (streaming) and downloading data of buffers and images between CPU and GPU memory and related synchronization is responsibility of the user.

    Defining some "texture" object that would automatically stream its data from a staging copy in CPU memory to GPU memory would rather be a feature of another, higher-level library implemented on top of VMA. VMA doesn't record any commands to a VkCommandBuffer. It just allocates memory.

  • Recreation of buffers and images. Although the library has functions for buffer and image creation: CreateBuffer, CreateImage, you need to recreate these objects yourself after defragmentation. That is because the big structures VkBufferCreateInfo, VkImageCreateInfo are not stored in VmaAllocation object.
  • Handling CPU memory allocation failures. When dynamically creating small C++ objects in CPU memory (not Vulkan memory), allocation failures are not checked and handled gracefully, because that would complicate code significantly and is usually not needed in desktop PC applications anyway. Success of an allocation is just checked with an assert.
  • Code free of any compiler warnings. Maintaining the library to compile and work correctly on so many different platforms is hard enough. Being free of any warnings, on any version of any compiler, is simply not feasible.

    There are many preprocessor macros that make some variables unused, function parameters unreferenced, or conditional expressions constant in some configurations. The code of this library should not be bigger or more complicated just to silence these warnings. It is recommended to disable such warnings instead.

  • This is a C++ library with C interface. Bindings or ports to any other programming languages are welcome as external projects but are not going to be included into this repository.
  • Field Details


      Flags for created VmaAllocator. (VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXTERNALLY_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT - Allocator and all objects created from it will not be synchronized internally, so you must guarantee they are used from only one thread at a time or synchronized externally by you.

        Using this flag may increase performance because internal mutexes are not used.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        Using this extension will automatically allocate dedicated blocks of memory for some buffers and images instead of suballocating place for them out of bigger memory blocks (as if you explicitly used ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT flag) when it is recommended by the driver. It may improve performance on some GPUs.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that following device extensions are supported, you enabled them while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want them to be used internally by this library:

        • VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 (device extension)
        • VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation (device extension)

        When this flag is set, you can experience following warnings reported by Vulkan validation layer. You can ignore them.

         > vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0x2d but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_BIND_MEMORY2_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_bind_memory2 extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension provides functions vkBindBufferMemory2KHR and vkBindImageMemory2KHR, which allow to pass a chain of pNext structures while binding. This flag is required if you use pNext parameter in BindBufferMemory2 or BindImageMemory2.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_BUDGET_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_budget extension.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library, along with another instance extension VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2, which is required by it (or Vulkan 1.1, where this extension is promoted).

        The extension provides query for current memory usage and budget, which will probably be more accurate than an estimation used by the library otherwise.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_AMD_DEVICE_COHERENT_MEMORY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory extension.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        • found out that this device extension is supported and enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device,
        • checked that `VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD::deviceCoherentMemory` is true and set it while creating the Vulkan device,
        • want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension and accompanying device feature provide access to memory types with `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COHERENT_BIT_AMD` and `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD` flags. They are useful mostly for writing breadcrumb markers - a common method for debugging GPU crash/hang/TDR.

        When the extension is not enabled, such memory types are still enumerated, but their usage is illegal. To protect from this error, if you don't create the allocator with this flag, it will refuse to allocate any memory or create a custom pool in such memory type, returning `VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT`.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT - Enables usage of "buffer device address" feature, which allows you to use function vkGetBufferDeviceAddress* to get raw GPU pointer to a buffer and pass it for usage inside a shader.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        1. (For Vulkan version < 1.2) Found as available and enabled device extension VK_KHR_buffer_device_address. This extension is promoted to core Vulkan 1.2.
        2. Found as available and enabled device feature VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures::bufferDeviceAddress.

        When this flag is set, you can create buffers with VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT using VMA. The library automatically adds VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT to allocated memory blocks wherever it might be needed.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_PRIORITY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_priority extension in the library.

        You may set this flag only if you found available and enabled this device extension, along with VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT::memoryPriority == VK_TRUE, while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device.

        When this flag is used, VmaAllocationCreateInfo::priority and VmaPoolCreateInfo::priority are used to set priorities of allocated Vulkan memory. Without it, these variables are ignored.

        A priority must be a floating-point value between 0 and 1, indicating the priority of the allocation relative to other memory allocations. Larger values are higher priority. The granularity of the priorities is implementation-dependent. It is automatically passed to every call to vkAllocateMemory done by the library using structure VkMemoryPriorityAllocateInfoEXT. The value to be used for default priority is 0.5. For more details, see the documentation of the VK_EXT_memory_priority extension.

      See Also:

      Flags for created VmaAllocator. (VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXTERNALLY_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT - Allocator and all objects created from it will not be synchronized internally, so you must guarantee they are used from only one thread at a time or synchronized externally by you.

        Using this flag may increase performance because internal mutexes are not used.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        Using this extension will automatically allocate dedicated blocks of memory for some buffers and images instead of suballocating place for them out of bigger memory blocks (as if you explicitly used ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT flag) when it is recommended by the driver. It may improve performance on some GPUs.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that following device extensions are supported, you enabled them while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want them to be used internally by this library:

        • VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 (device extension)
        • VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation (device extension)

        When this flag is set, you can experience following warnings reported by Vulkan validation layer. You can ignore them.

         > vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0x2d but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_BIND_MEMORY2_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_bind_memory2 extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension provides functions vkBindBufferMemory2KHR and vkBindImageMemory2KHR, which allow to pass a chain of pNext structures while binding. This flag is required if you use pNext parameter in BindBufferMemory2 or BindImageMemory2.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_BUDGET_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_budget extension.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library, along with another instance extension VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2, which is required by it (or Vulkan 1.1, where this extension is promoted).

        The extension provides query for current memory usage and budget, which will probably be more accurate than an estimation used by the library otherwise.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_AMD_DEVICE_COHERENT_MEMORY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory extension.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        • found out that this device extension is supported and enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device,
        • checked that `VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD::deviceCoherentMemory` is true and set it while creating the Vulkan device,
        • want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension and accompanying device feature provide access to memory types with `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COHERENT_BIT_AMD` and `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD` flags. They are useful mostly for writing breadcrumb markers - a common method for debugging GPU crash/hang/TDR.

        When the extension is not enabled, such memory types are still enumerated, but their usage is illegal. To protect from this error, if you don't create the allocator with this flag, it will refuse to allocate any memory or create a custom pool in such memory type, returning `VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT`.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT - Enables usage of "buffer device address" feature, which allows you to use function vkGetBufferDeviceAddress* to get raw GPU pointer to a buffer and pass it for usage inside a shader.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        1. (For Vulkan version < 1.2) Found as available and enabled device extension VK_KHR_buffer_device_address. This extension is promoted to core Vulkan 1.2.
        2. Found as available and enabled device feature VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures::bufferDeviceAddress.

        When this flag is set, you can create buffers with VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT using VMA. The library automatically adds VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT to allocated memory blocks wherever it might be needed.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_PRIORITY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_priority extension in the library.

        You may set this flag only if you found available and enabled this device extension, along with VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT::memoryPriority == VK_TRUE, while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device.

        When this flag is used, VmaAllocationCreateInfo::priority and VmaPoolCreateInfo::priority are used to set priorities of allocated Vulkan memory. Without it, these variables are ignored.

        A priority must be a floating-point value between 0 and 1, indicating the priority of the allocation relative to other memory allocations. Larger values are higher priority. The granularity of the priorities is implementation-dependent. It is automatically passed to every call to vkAllocateMemory done by the library using structure VkMemoryPriorityAllocateInfoEXT. The value to be used for default priority is 0.5. For more details, see the documentation of the VK_EXT_memory_priority extension.

      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_BIND_MEMORY2_BIT
      Flags for created VmaAllocator. (VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXTERNALLY_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT - Allocator and all objects created from it will not be synchronized internally, so you must guarantee they are used from only one thread at a time or synchronized externally by you.

        Using this flag may increase performance because internal mutexes are not used.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        Using this extension will automatically allocate dedicated blocks of memory for some buffers and images instead of suballocating place for them out of bigger memory blocks (as if you explicitly used ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT flag) when it is recommended by the driver. It may improve performance on some GPUs.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that following device extensions are supported, you enabled them while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want them to be used internally by this library:

        • VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 (device extension)
        • VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation (device extension)

        When this flag is set, you can experience following warnings reported by Vulkan validation layer. You can ignore them.

         > vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0x2d but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_BIND_MEMORY2_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_bind_memory2 extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension provides functions vkBindBufferMemory2KHR and vkBindImageMemory2KHR, which allow to pass a chain of pNext structures while binding. This flag is required if you use pNext parameter in BindBufferMemory2 or BindImageMemory2.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_BUDGET_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_budget extension.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library, along with another instance extension VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2, which is required by it (or Vulkan 1.1, where this extension is promoted).

        The extension provides query for current memory usage and budget, which will probably be more accurate than an estimation used by the library otherwise.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_AMD_DEVICE_COHERENT_MEMORY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory extension.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        • found out that this device extension is supported and enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device,
        • checked that `VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD::deviceCoherentMemory` is true and set it while creating the Vulkan device,
        • want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension and accompanying device feature provide access to memory types with `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COHERENT_BIT_AMD` and `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD` flags. They are useful mostly for writing breadcrumb markers - a common method for debugging GPU crash/hang/TDR.

        When the extension is not enabled, such memory types are still enumerated, but their usage is illegal. To protect from this error, if you don't create the allocator with this flag, it will refuse to allocate any memory or create a custom pool in such memory type, returning `VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT`.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT - Enables usage of "buffer device address" feature, which allows you to use function vkGetBufferDeviceAddress* to get raw GPU pointer to a buffer and pass it for usage inside a shader.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        1. (For Vulkan version < 1.2) Found as available and enabled device extension VK_KHR_buffer_device_address. This extension is promoted to core Vulkan 1.2.
        2. Found as available and enabled device feature VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures::bufferDeviceAddress.

        When this flag is set, you can create buffers with VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT using VMA. The library automatically adds VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT to allocated memory blocks wherever it might be needed.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_PRIORITY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_priority extension in the library.

        You may set this flag only if you found available and enabled this device extension, along with VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT::memoryPriority == VK_TRUE, while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device.

        When this flag is used, VmaAllocationCreateInfo::priority and VmaPoolCreateInfo::priority are used to set priorities of allocated Vulkan memory. Without it, these variables are ignored.

        A priority must be a floating-point value between 0 and 1, indicating the priority of the allocation relative to other memory allocations. Larger values are higher priority. The granularity of the priorities is implementation-dependent. It is automatically passed to every call to vkAllocateMemory done by the library using structure VkMemoryPriorityAllocateInfoEXT. The value to be used for default priority is 0.5. For more details, see the documentation of the VK_EXT_memory_priority extension.

      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_BUDGET_BIT
      Flags for created VmaAllocator. (VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXTERNALLY_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT - Allocator and all objects created from it will not be synchronized internally, so you must guarantee they are used from only one thread at a time or synchronized externally by you.

        Using this flag may increase performance because internal mutexes are not used.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        Using this extension will automatically allocate dedicated blocks of memory for some buffers and images instead of suballocating place for them out of bigger memory blocks (as if you explicitly used ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT flag) when it is recommended by the driver. It may improve performance on some GPUs.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that following device extensions are supported, you enabled them while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want them to be used internally by this library:

        • VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 (device extension)
        • VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation (device extension)

        When this flag is set, you can experience following warnings reported by Vulkan validation layer. You can ignore them.

         > vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0x2d but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_BIND_MEMORY2_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_bind_memory2 extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension provides functions vkBindBufferMemory2KHR and vkBindImageMemory2KHR, which allow to pass a chain of pNext structures while binding. This flag is required if you use pNext parameter in BindBufferMemory2 or BindImageMemory2.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_BUDGET_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_budget extension.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library, along with another instance extension VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2, which is required by it (or Vulkan 1.1, where this extension is promoted).

        The extension provides query for current memory usage and budget, which will probably be more accurate than an estimation used by the library otherwise.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_AMD_DEVICE_COHERENT_MEMORY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory extension.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        • found out that this device extension is supported and enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device,
        • checked that `VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD::deviceCoherentMemory` is true and set it while creating the Vulkan device,
        • want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension and accompanying device feature provide access to memory types with `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COHERENT_BIT_AMD` and `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD` flags. They are useful mostly for writing breadcrumb markers - a common method for debugging GPU crash/hang/TDR.

        When the extension is not enabled, such memory types are still enumerated, but their usage is illegal. To protect from this error, if you don't create the allocator with this flag, it will refuse to allocate any memory or create a custom pool in such memory type, returning `VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT`.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT - Enables usage of "buffer device address" feature, which allows you to use function vkGetBufferDeviceAddress* to get raw GPU pointer to a buffer and pass it for usage inside a shader.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        1. (For Vulkan version < 1.2) Found as available and enabled device extension VK_KHR_buffer_device_address. This extension is promoted to core Vulkan 1.2.
        2. Found as available and enabled device feature VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures::bufferDeviceAddress.

        When this flag is set, you can create buffers with VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT using VMA. The library automatically adds VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT to allocated memory blocks wherever it might be needed.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_PRIORITY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_priority extension in the library.

        You may set this flag only if you found available and enabled this device extension, along with VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT::memoryPriority == VK_TRUE, while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device.

        When this flag is used, VmaAllocationCreateInfo::priority and VmaPoolCreateInfo::priority are used to set priorities of allocated Vulkan memory. Without it, these variables are ignored.

        A priority must be a floating-point value between 0 and 1, indicating the priority of the allocation relative to other memory allocations. Larger values are higher priority. The granularity of the priorities is implementation-dependent. It is automatically passed to every call to vkAllocateMemory done by the library using structure VkMemoryPriorityAllocateInfoEXT. The value to be used for default priority is 0.5. For more details, see the documentation of the VK_EXT_memory_priority extension.

      See Also:

      Flags for created VmaAllocator. (VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXTERNALLY_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT - Allocator and all objects created from it will not be synchronized internally, so you must guarantee they are used from only one thread at a time or synchronized externally by you.

        Using this flag may increase performance because internal mutexes are not used.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        Using this extension will automatically allocate dedicated blocks of memory for some buffers and images instead of suballocating place for them out of bigger memory blocks (as if you explicitly used ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT flag) when it is recommended by the driver. It may improve performance on some GPUs.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that following device extensions are supported, you enabled them while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want them to be used internally by this library:

        • VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 (device extension)
        • VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation (device extension)

        When this flag is set, you can experience following warnings reported by Vulkan validation layer. You can ignore them.

         > vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0x2d but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_BIND_MEMORY2_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_bind_memory2 extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension provides functions vkBindBufferMemory2KHR and vkBindImageMemory2KHR, which allow to pass a chain of pNext structures while binding. This flag is required if you use pNext parameter in BindBufferMemory2 or BindImageMemory2.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_BUDGET_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_budget extension.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library, along with another instance extension VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2, which is required by it (or Vulkan 1.1, where this extension is promoted).

        The extension provides query for current memory usage and budget, which will probably be more accurate than an estimation used by the library otherwise.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_AMD_DEVICE_COHERENT_MEMORY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory extension.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        • found out that this device extension is supported and enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device,
        • checked that `VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD::deviceCoherentMemory` is true and set it while creating the Vulkan device,
        • want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension and accompanying device feature provide access to memory types with `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COHERENT_BIT_AMD` and `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD` flags. They are useful mostly for writing breadcrumb markers - a common method for debugging GPU crash/hang/TDR.

        When the extension is not enabled, such memory types are still enumerated, but their usage is illegal. To protect from this error, if you don't create the allocator with this flag, it will refuse to allocate any memory or create a custom pool in such memory type, returning `VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT`.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT - Enables usage of "buffer device address" feature, which allows you to use function vkGetBufferDeviceAddress* to get raw GPU pointer to a buffer and pass it for usage inside a shader.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        1. (For Vulkan version < 1.2) Found as available and enabled device extension VK_KHR_buffer_device_address. This extension is promoted to core Vulkan 1.2.
        2. Found as available and enabled device feature VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures::bufferDeviceAddress.

        When this flag is set, you can create buffers with VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT using VMA. The library automatically adds VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT to allocated memory blocks wherever it might be needed.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_PRIORITY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_priority extension in the library.

        You may set this flag only if you found available and enabled this device extension, along with VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT::memoryPriority == VK_TRUE, while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device.

        When this flag is used, VmaAllocationCreateInfo::priority and VmaPoolCreateInfo::priority are used to set priorities of allocated Vulkan memory. Without it, these variables are ignored.

        A priority must be a floating-point value between 0 and 1, indicating the priority of the allocation relative to other memory allocations. Larger values are higher priority. The granularity of the priorities is implementation-dependent. It is automatically passed to every call to vkAllocateMemory done by the library using structure VkMemoryPriorityAllocateInfoEXT. The value to be used for default priority is 0.5. For more details, see the documentation of the VK_EXT_memory_priority extension.

      See Also:

      Flags for created VmaAllocator. (VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXTERNALLY_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT - Allocator and all objects created from it will not be synchronized internally, so you must guarantee they are used from only one thread at a time or synchronized externally by you.

        Using this flag may increase performance because internal mutexes are not used.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        Using this extension will automatically allocate dedicated blocks of memory for some buffers and images instead of suballocating place for them out of bigger memory blocks (as if you explicitly used ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT flag) when it is recommended by the driver. It may improve performance on some GPUs.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that following device extensions are supported, you enabled them while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want them to be used internally by this library:

        • VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 (device extension)
        • VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation (device extension)

        When this flag is set, you can experience following warnings reported by Vulkan validation layer. You can ignore them.

         > vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0x2d but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_BIND_MEMORY2_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_bind_memory2 extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension provides functions vkBindBufferMemory2KHR and vkBindImageMemory2KHR, which allow to pass a chain of pNext structures while binding. This flag is required if you use pNext parameter in BindBufferMemory2 or BindImageMemory2.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_BUDGET_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_budget extension.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library, along with another instance extension VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2, which is required by it (or Vulkan 1.1, where this extension is promoted).

        The extension provides query for current memory usage and budget, which will probably be more accurate than an estimation used by the library otherwise.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_AMD_DEVICE_COHERENT_MEMORY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory extension.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        • found out that this device extension is supported and enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device,
        • checked that `VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD::deviceCoherentMemory` is true and set it while creating the Vulkan device,
        • want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension and accompanying device feature provide access to memory types with `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COHERENT_BIT_AMD` and `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD` flags. They are useful mostly for writing breadcrumb markers - a common method for debugging GPU crash/hang/TDR.

        When the extension is not enabled, such memory types are still enumerated, but their usage is illegal. To protect from this error, if you don't create the allocator with this flag, it will refuse to allocate any memory or create a custom pool in such memory type, returning `VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT`.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT - Enables usage of "buffer device address" feature, which allows you to use function vkGetBufferDeviceAddress* to get raw GPU pointer to a buffer and pass it for usage inside a shader.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        1. (For Vulkan version < 1.2) Found as available and enabled device extension VK_KHR_buffer_device_address. This extension is promoted to core Vulkan 1.2.
        2. Found as available and enabled device feature VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures::bufferDeviceAddress.

        When this flag is set, you can create buffers with VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT using VMA. The library automatically adds VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT to allocated memory blocks wherever it might be needed.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_PRIORITY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_priority extension in the library.

        You may set this flag only if you found available and enabled this device extension, along with VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT::memoryPriority == VK_TRUE, while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device.

        When this flag is used, VmaAllocationCreateInfo::priority and VmaPoolCreateInfo::priority are used to set priorities of allocated Vulkan memory. Without it, these variables are ignored.

        A priority must be a floating-point value between 0 and 1, indicating the priority of the allocation relative to other memory allocations. Larger values are higher priority. The granularity of the priorities is implementation-dependent. It is automatically passed to every call to vkAllocateMemory done by the library using structure VkMemoryPriorityAllocateInfoEXT. The value to be used for default priority is 0.5. For more details, see the documentation of the VK_EXT_memory_priority extension.

      See Also:

      Flags for created VmaAllocator. (VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXTERNALLY_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT - Allocator and all objects created from it will not be synchronized internally, so you must guarantee they are used from only one thread at a time or synchronized externally by you.

        Using this flag may increase performance because internal mutexes are not used.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        Using this extension will automatically allocate dedicated blocks of memory for some buffers and images instead of suballocating place for them out of bigger memory blocks (as if you explicitly used ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT flag) when it is recommended by the driver. It may improve performance on some GPUs.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that following device extensions are supported, you enabled them while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want them to be used internally by this library:

        • VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 (device extension)
        • VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation (device extension)

        When this flag is set, you can experience following warnings reported by Vulkan validation layer. You can ignore them.

         > vkBindBufferMemory(): Binding memory to buffer 0x2d but vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements() has not been called on that buffer.
      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_BIND_MEMORY2_BIT - Enables usage of VK_KHR_bind_memory2 extension.

        The flag works only if VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion == VK_API_VERSION_1_0. When it is VK_API_VERSION_1_1, the flag is ignored because the extension has been promoted to Vulkan 1.1.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension provides functions vkBindBufferMemory2KHR and vkBindImageMemory2KHR, which allow to pass a chain of pNext structures while binding. This flag is required if you use pNext parameter in BindBufferMemory2 or BindImageMemory2.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_BUDGET_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_budget extension.

        You may set this flag only if you found out that this device extension is supported, you enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device, and you want it to be used internally by this library, along with another instance extension VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2, which is required by it (or Vulkan 1.1, where this extension is promoted).

        The extension provides query for current memory usage and budget, which will probably be more accurate than an estimation used by the library otherwise.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_AMD_DEVICE_COHERENT_MEMORY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory extension.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        • found out that this device extension is supported and enabled it while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device,
        • checked that `VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD::deviceCoherentMemory` is true and set it while creating the Vulkan device,
        • want it to be used internally by this library.

        The extension and accompanying device feature provide access to memory types with `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COHERENT_BIT_AMD` and `VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD` flags. They are useful mostly for writing breadcrumb markers - a common method for debugging GPU crash/hang/TDR.

        When the extension is not enabled, such memory types are still enumerated, but their usage is illegal. To protect from this error, if you don't create the allocator with this flag, it will refuse to allocate any memory or create a custom pool in such memory type, returning `VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT`.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT - Enables usage of "buffer device address" feature, which allows you to use function vkGetBufferDeviceAddress* to get raw GPU pointer to a buffer and pass it for usage inside a shader.

        You may set this flag only if you:

        1. (For Vulkan version < 1.2) Found as available and enabled device extension VK_KHR_buffer_device_address. This extension is promoted to core Vulkan 1.2.
        2. Found as available and enabled device feature VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures::bufferDeviceAddress.

        When this flag is set, you can create buffers with VK_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT using VMA. The library automatically adds VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT to allocated memory blocks wherever it might be needed.

      • ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXT_MEMORY_PRIORITY_BIT - Enables usage of VK_EXT_memory_priority extension in the library.

        You may set this flag only if you found available and enabled this device extension, along with VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT::memoryPriority == VK_TRUE, while creating Vulkan device passed as VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::device.

        When this flag is used, VmaAllocationCreateInfo::priority and VmaPoolCreateInfo::priority are used to set priorities of allocated Vulkan memory. Without it, these variables are ignored.

        A priority must be a floating-point value between 0 and 1, indicating the priority of the allocation relative to other memory allocations. Larger values are higher priority. The granularity of the priorities is implementation-dependent. It is automatically passed to every call to vkAllocateMemory done by the library using structure VkMemoryPriorityAllocateInfoEXT. The value to be used for default priority is 0.5. For more details, see the documentation of the VK_EXT_memory_priority extension.

      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_UNKNOWN
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_ONLY
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_TO_GPU
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_TO_CPU
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_COPY
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_LAZILY_ALLOCATED
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO_PREFER_DEVICE
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO_PREFER_HOST
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT
      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT
      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT
      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT
      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT
      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT
      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK
      Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT - Set this flag if the allocation should have its own memory block.

        Use it for special, big resources, like fullscreen images used as attachments.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT - Set this flag to only try to allocate from existing VkDeviceMemory blocks and never create new such block.

        If new allocation cannot be placed in any of the existing blocks, allocation fails with VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY error.

        You should not use ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT and ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT at the same time. It makes no sense.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT - Set this flag to use a memory that will be persistently mapped and retrieve pointer to it.

        Pointer to mapped memory will be returned through VmaAllocationInfo::pMappedData.

        It is valid to use this flag for allocation made from memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE. This flag is then ignored and memory is not mapped. This is useful if you need an allocation that is efficient to use on GPU (DEVICE_LOCAL) and still want to map it directly if possible on platforms that support it (e.g. Intel GPU).

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_USER_DATA_COPY_STRING_BIT - Preserved for backward compatibility. Consider using SetAllocationName instead.

        Set this flag to treat VmaAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData as pointer to a null-terminated string. Instead of copying pointer value, a local copy of the string is made and stored in allocation's pName. The string is automatically freed together with the allocation. It is also used in BuildStatsString.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT - Allocation will be created from upper stack in a double stack pool.

        This flag is only allowed for custom pools created with POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT flag.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_DONT_BIND_BIT - Create both buffer/image and allocation, but don't bind them together.

        It is useful when you want to bind yourself to do some more advanced binding, e.g. using some extensions. The flag is meaningful only with functions that bind by default: CreateBuffer, CreateImage. Otherwise it is ignored.

        If you want to make sure the new buffer/image is not tied to the new memory allocation through VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR structure in case the allocation ends up in its own memory block, use also flag ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_WITHIN_BUDGET_BIT - Create allocation only if additional device memory required for it, if any, won't exceed memory budget.

        Otherwise return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_CAN_ALIAS_BIT - Set this flag if the allocated memory will have aliasing resources.

        Usage of this flag prevents supplying VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR when ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT is specified. Otherwise created dedicated memory will not be suitable for aliasing resources, resulting in Vulkan Validation Layer errors.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory will only be written sequentially, e.g. using memcpy() or a loop writing number-by-number, never read or accessed randomly, so a memory type can be selected that is uncached and write-combined.

        Warning: Violating this declaration may work correctly, but will likely be very slow. Watch out for implicit reads introduced by doing e.g. pMappedData[i] += x;. Better prepare your data in a local variable and memcpy() it to the mapped pointer all at once.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT - Requests possibility to map the allocation (using MapMemory() or ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT).
        • If you use MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO or other VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_AUTO* value, you must use this flag to be able to map the allocation. Otherwise, mapping is incorrect.
        • If you use other value of VmaMemoryUsage, this flag is ignored and mapping is always possible in memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE. This includes allocations created in custom memory pools.

        Declares that mapped memory can be read, written, and accessed in random order, so a HOST_CACHED memory type is required.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_ALLOW_TRANSFER_INSTEAD_BIT - Together with ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BIT or ALLOCATION_CREATE_HOST_ACCESS_RANDOM_BIT, it says that despite request for host access, a not-HOST_VISIBLE memory type can be selected if it may improve performance.

        By using this flag, you declare that you will check if the allocation ended up in a HOST_VISIBLE memory type (e.g. using GetAllocationMemoryProperties) and if not, you will create some "staging" buffer and issue an explicit transfer to write/read your data. To prepare for this possibility, don't forget to add appropriate flags like VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT to the parameters of created buffer or image.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_MEMORY_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses smallest possible free range for the allocation to minimize memory usage and fragmentation, possibly at the expense of allocation time.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_TIME_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses first suitable free range for the allocation - not necessarily in terms of the smallest offset but the one that is easiest and fastest to find to minimize allocation time, possibly at the expense of allocation quality.
      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MIN_OFFSET_BIT - Allocation strategy that chooses always the lowest offset in available space.

        This is not the most efficient strategy but achieves highly packed data. Used internally by defragmentation, not recommended in typical usage.

      • ALLOCATION_CREATE_STRATEGY_MASK - A bit mask to extract only STRATEGY bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaPoolCreateInfo::flags. (VmaPoolCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • POOL_CREATE_IGNORE_BUFFER_IMAGE_GRANULARITY_BIT - Use this flag if you always allocate only buffers and linear images or only optimal images out of this pool and so Buffer-Image Granularity can be ignored.

        This is an optional optimization flag.

        If you always allocate using CreateBuffer, CreateImage, AllocateMemoryForBuffer, then you don't need to use it because allocator knows exact type of your allocations so it can handle Buffer-Image Granularity in the optimal way.

        If you also allocate using AllocateMemoryForImage or AllocateMemory, exact type of such allocations is not known, so allocator must be conservative in handling Buffer-Image Granularity, which can lead to suboptimal allocation (wasted memory). In that case, if you can make sure you always allocate only buffers and linear images or only optimal images out of this pool, use this flag to make allocator disregard Buffer-Image Granularity and so make allocations faster and more optimal.

      • POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT - Enables alternative, linear allocation algorithm in this pool.

        Specify this flag to enable linear allocation algorithm, which always creates new allocations after last one and doesn't reuse space from allocations freed in between. It trades memory consumption for simplified algorithm and data structure, which has better performance and uses less memory for metadata.

        By using this flag, you can achieve behavior of free-at-once, stack, ring buffer, and double stack.

      • POOL_CREATE_ALGORITHM_MASK - Bit mask to extract only ALGORITHM bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT
      Flags to be passed as VmaPoolCreateInfo::flags. (VmaPoolCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • POOL_CREATE_IGNORE_BUFFER_IMAGE_GRANULARITY_BIT - Use this flag if you always allocate only buffers and linear images or only optimal images out of this pool and so Buffer-Image Granularity can be ignored.

        This is an optional optimization flag.

        If you always allocate using CreateBuffer, CreateImage, AllocateMemoryForBuffer, then you don't need to use it because allocator knows exact type of your allocations so it can handle Buffer-Image Granularity in the optimal way.

        If you also allocate using AllocateMemoryForImage or AllocateMemory, exact type of such allocations is not known, so allocator must be conservative in handling Buffer-Image Granularity, which can lead to suboptimal allocation (wasted memory). In that case, if you can make sure you always allocate only buffers and linear images or only optimal images out of this pool, use this flag to make allocator disregard Buffer-Image Granularity and so make allocations faster and more optimal.

      • POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT - Enables alternative, linear allocation algorithm in this pool.

        Specify this flag to enable linear allocation algorithm, which always creates new allocations after last one and doesn't reuse space from allocations freed in between. It trades memory consumption for simplified algorithm and data structure, which has better performance and uses less memory for metadata.

        By using this flag, you can achieve behavior of free-at-once, stack, ring buffer, and double stack.

      • POOL_CREATE_ALGORITHM_MASK - Bit mask to extract only ALGORITHM bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_POOL_CREATE_ALGORITHM_MASK
      Flags to be passed as VmaPoolCreateInfo::flags. (VmaPoolCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • POOL_CREATE_IGNORE_BUFFER_IMAGE_GRANULARITY_BIT - Use this flag if you always allocate only buffers and linear images or only optimal images out of this pool and so Buffer-Image Granularity can be ignored.

        This is an optional optimization flag.

        If you always allocate using CreateBuffer, CreateImage, AllocateMemoryForBuffer, then you don't need to use it because allocator knows exact type of your allocations so it can handle Buffer-Image Granularity in the optimal way.

        If you also allocate using AllocateMemoryForImage or AllocateMemory, exact type of such allocations is not known, so allocator must be conservative in handling Buffer-Image Granularity, which can lead to suboptimal allocation (wasted memory). In that case, if you can make sure you always allocate only buffers and linear images or only optimal images out of this pool, use this flag to make allocator disregard Buffer-Image Granularity and so make allocations faster and more optimal.

      • POOL_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT - Enables alternative, linear allocation algorithm in this pool.

        Specify this flag to enable linear allocation algorithm, which always creates new allocations after last one and doesn't reuse space from allocations freed in between. It trades memory consumption for simplified algorithm and data structure, which has better performance and uses less memory for metadata.

        By using this flag, you can achieve behavior of free-at-once, stack, ring buffer, and double stack.

      • POOL_CREATE_ALGORITHM_MASK - Bit mask to extract only ALGORITHM bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaDefragmentationInfo::flags. VmaDefragmentationFlagBits
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaDefragmentationInfo::flags. VmaDefragmentationFlagBits
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaDefragmentationInfo::flags. VmaDefragmentationFlagBits
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaDefragmentationInfo::flags. VmaDefragmentationFlagBits
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaDefragmentationInfo::flags. VmaDefragmentationFlagBits
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      Enum values:
      • DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_COPY - Buffer/image has been recreated at dstTmpAllocation, data has been copied, old buffer/image has been destroyed. srcAllocation should be changed to point to the new place. This is the default value set by BeginDefragmentationPass.
      • DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_IGNORE - Set this value if you cannot move the allocation.

        New place reserved at dstTmpAllocation will be freed. srcAllocation will remain unchanged.

      • DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_DESTROY - Set this value if you decide to abandon the allocation and you destroyed the buffer/image.

        New place reserved at dstTmpAllocation will be freed, along with srcAllocation, which will be destroyed.

      See Also:

      Enum values:
      • DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_COPY - Buffer/image has been recreated at dstTmpAllocation, data has been copied, old buffer/image has been destroyed. srcAllocation should be changed to point to the new place. This is the default value set by BeginDefragmentationPass.
      • DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_IGNORE - Set this value if you cannot move the allocation.

        New place reserved at dstTmpAllocation will be freed. srcAllocation will remain unchanged.

      • DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_DESTROY - Set this value if you decide to abandon the allocation and you destroyed the buffer/image.

        New place reserved at dstTmpAllocation will be freed, along with srcAllocation, which will be destroyed.

      See Also:

      Enum values:
      • DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_COPY - Buffer/image has been recreated at dstTmpAllocation, data has been copied, old buffer/image has been destroyed. srcAllocation should be changed to point to the new place. This is the default value set by BeginDefragmentationPass.
      • DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_IGNORE - Set this value if you cannot move the allocation.

        New place reserved at dstTmpAllocation will be freed. srcAllocation will remain unchanged.

      • DEFRAGMENTATION_MOVE_OPERATION_DESTROY - Set this value if you decide to abandon the allocation and you destroyed the buffer/image.

        New place reserved at dstTmpAllocation will be freed, along with srcAllocation, which will be destroyed.

      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo::flags. (VmaVirtualBlockCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • VIRTUAL_BLOCK_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT - Enables alternative, linear allocation algorithm in this virtual block.

        Specify this flag to enable linear allocation algorithm, which always creates new allocations after last one and doesn't reuse space from allocations freed in between. It trades memory consumption for simplified algorithm and data structure, which has better performance and uses less memory for metadata.

        By using this flag, you can achieve behavior of free-at-once, stack, ring buffer, and double stack.

      • VIRTUAL_BLOCK_CREATE_ALGORITHM_MASK - Bit mask to extract only ALGORITHM bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      public static final int VMA_VIRTUAL_BLOCK_CREATE_ALGORITHM_MASK
      Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo::flags. (VmaVirtualBlockCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      • VIRTUAL_BLOCK_CREATE_LINEAR_ALGORITHM_BIT - Enables alternative, linear allocation algorithm in this virtual block.

        Specify this flag to enable linear allocation algorithm, which always creates new allocations after last one and doesn't reuse space from allocations freed in between. It trades memory consumption for simplified algorithm and data structure, which has better performance and uses less memory for metadata.

        By using this flag, you can achieve behavior of free-at-once, stack, ring buffer, and double stack.

      • VIRTUAL_BLOCK_CREATE_ALGORITHM_MASK - Bit mask to extract only ALGORITHM bits from entire set of flags.
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::flags. (VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlagBits)
      Enum values:
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • nvmaCreateAllocator

      public static int nvmaCreateAllocator(long pCreateInfo, long pAllocator)
      Unsafe version of: CreateAllocator
    • vmaCreateAllocator

      public static int vmaCreateAllocator(VmaAllocatorCreateInfo pCreateInfo, PointerBuffer pAllocator)
      Creates Allocator object.

      LWJGL: Use VmaVulkanFunctions::set(VkInstance, VkDevice) to populate the VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::pVulkanFunctions struct.

    • nvmaDestroyAllocator

      public static void nvmaDestroyAllocator(long allocator)
      Unsafe version of: DestroyAllocator
    • vmaDestroyAllocator

      public static void vmaDestroyAllocator(long allocator)
      Destroys allocator object.
    • nvmaGetAllocatorInfo

      public static void nvmaGetAllocatorInfo(long allocator, long pAllocatorInfo)
      Unsafe version of: GetAllocatorInfo
    • vmaGetAllocatorInfo

      public static void vmaGetAllocatorInfo(long allocator, VmaAllocatorInfo pAllocatorInfo)
      Returns information about existing VmaAllocator object - handle to Vulkan device etc.

      It might be useful if you want to keep just the VmaAllocator handle and fetch other required handles to VkPhysicalDevice, VkDevice etc. every time using this function.

    • nvmaGetPhysicalDeviceProperties

      public static void nvmaGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(long allocator, long ppPhysicalDeviceProperties)
      Unsafe version of: GetPhysicalDeviceProperties
    • vmaGetPhysicalDeviceProperties

      public static void vmaGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(long allocator, PointerBuffer ppPhysicalDeviceProperties)
      PhysicalDeviceProperties are fetched from physicalDevice by the allocator. You can access it here, without fetching it again on your own.
    • nvmaGetMemoryProperties

      public static void nvmaGetMemoryProperties(long allocator, long ppPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties)
      Unsafe version of: GetMemoryProperties
    • vmaGetMemoryProperties

      public static void vmaGetMemoryProperties(long allocator, PointerBuffer ppPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties)
      PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties are fetched from physicalDevice by the allocator. You can access it here, without fetching it again on your own.
    • nvmaGetMemoryTypeProperties

      public static void nvmaGetMemoryTypeProperties(long allocator, int memoryTypeIndex, long pFlags)
      Unsafe version of: GetMemoryTypeProperties
    • vmaGetMemoryTypeProperties

      public static void vmaGetMemoryTypeProperties(long allocator, int memoryTypeIndex, IntBuffer pFlags)
      Given Memory Type Index, returns Property Flags of this memory type.

      This is just a convenience function. Same information can be obtained using GetMemoryProperties.

    • nvmaSetCurrentFrameIndex

      public static void nvmaSetCurrentFrameIndex(long allocator, int frameIndex)
      Unsafe version of: SetCurrentFrameIndex
    • vmaSetCurrentFrameIndex

      public static void vmaSetCurrentFrameIndex(long allocator, int frameIndex)
      Sets index of the current frame.
    • nvmaCalculateStatistics

      public static void nvmaCalculateStatistics(long allocator, long pStats)
      Unsafe version of: CalculateStatistics
    • vmaCalculateStatistics

      public static void vmaCalculateStatistics(long allocator, VmaTotalStatistics pStats)
      Retrieves statistics from current state of the Allocator.

      This function is called "calculate" not "get" because it has to traverse all internal data structures, so it may be quite slow. Use it for debugging purposes. For faster but more brief statistics suitable to be called every frame or every allocation, use GetHeapBudgets.

      Note that when using allocator from multiple threads, returned information may immediately become outdated.

    • nvmaGetHeapBudgets

      public static void nvmaGetHeapBudgets(long allocator, long pBudget)
      Unsafe version of: GetHeapBudgets
    • vmaGetHeapBudgets

      public static void vmaGetHeapBudgets(long allocator, VmaBudget.Buffer pBudget)
      Retrieves information about current memory usage and budget for all memory heaps.

      This function is called "get" not "calculate" because it is very fast, suitable to be called every frame or every allocation. For more detailed statistics use CalculateStatistics.

      Note that when using allocator from multiple threads, returned information may immediately become outdated.

      pBudget - must point to array with number of elements at least equal to number of memory heaps in physical device used
    • nvmaFindMemoryTypeIndex

      public static int nvmaFindMemoryTypeIndex(long allocator, int memoryTypeBits, long pAllocationCreateInfo, long pMemoryTypeIndex)
      Unsafe version of: FindMemoryTypeIndex
    • vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex

      public static int vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex(long allocator, int memoryTypeBits, VmaAllocationCreateInfo pAllocationCreateInfo, IntBuffer pMemoryTypeIndex)
      Helps to find memoryTypeIndex, given memoryTypeBits and VmaAllocationCreateInfo.

      This algorithm tries to find a memory type that:

      • Is allowed by memoryTypeBits.
      • Contains all the flags from pAllocationCreateInfo->requiredFlags.
      • Matches intended usage.
      • Has as many flags from pAllocationCreateInfo->preferredFlags as possible.
      VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT if not found.

      Receiving such result from this function or any other allocating function probably means that your device doesn't support any memory type with requested features for the specific type of resource you want to use it for. Please check parameters of your resource, like image layout (OPTIMAL versus LINEAR) or mip level count.

    • nvmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo

      public static int nvmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo(long allocator, long pBufferCreateInfo, long pAllocationCreateInfo, long pMemoryTypeIndex)
    • vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo

      public static int vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo(long allocator, VkBufferCreateInfo pBufferCreateInfo, VmaAllocationCreateInfo pAllocationCreateInfo, IntBuffer pMemoryTypeIndex)
      Helps to find memoryTypeIndex, given VkBufferCreateInfo and VmaAllocationCreateInfo.

      It can be useful e.g. to determine value to be used as VmaPoolCreateInfo::memoryTypeIndex. It internally creates a temporary, dummy buffer that never has memory bound.

    • nvmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForImageInfo

      public static int nvmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForImageInfo(long allocator, long pImageCreateInfo, long pAllocationCreateInfo, long pMemoryTypeIndex)
    • vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForImageInfo

      public static int vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForImageInfo(long allocator, VkImageCreateInfo pImageCreateInfo, VmaAllocationCreateInfo pAllocationCreateInfo, IntBuffer pMemoryTypeIndex)
      Helps to find memoryTypeIndex, given VkImageCreateInfo and VmaAllocationCreateInfo.

      It can be useful e.g. to determine value to be used as VmaPoolCreateInfo::memoryTypeIndex. It internally creates a temporary, dummy image that never has memory bound.

    • nvmaCreatePool

      public static int nvmaCreatePool(long allocator, long pCreateInfo, long pPool)
      Unsafe version of: CreatePool
    • vmaCreatePool

      public static int vmaCreatePool(long allocator, VmaPoolCreateInfo pCreateInfo, PointerBuffer pPool)
      Allocates Vulkan device memory and creates VmaPool object.
      allocator - allocator object
      pCreateInfo - parameters of pool to create
      pPool - handle to created pool
    • nvmaDestroyPool

      public static void nvmaDestroyPool(long allocator, long pool)
      Unsafe version of: DestroyPool
    • vmaDestroyPool

      public static void vmaDestroyPool(long allocator, long pool)
      Destroys VmaPool object and frees Vulkan device memory.
    • nvmaGetPoolStatistics

      public static void nvmaGetPoolStatistics(long allocator, long pool, long pPoolStats)
      Unsafe version of: GetPoolStatistics
    • vmaGetPoolStatistics

      public static void vmaGetPoolStatistics(long allocator, long pool, VmaStatistics pPoolStats)
      Retrieves statistics of existing VmaPool object.
      allocator - allocator object
      pool - pool object
      pPoolStats - statistics of specified pool
    • nvmaCalculatePoolStatistics

      public static void nvmaCalculatePoolStatistics(long allocator, long pool, long pPoolStats)
      Unsafe version of: CalculatePoolStatistics
    • vmaCalculatePoolStatistics

      public static void vmaCalculatePoolStatistics(long allocator, long pool, VmaDetailedStatistics pPoolStats)
      Retrieves detailed statistics of existing VmaPool object.
      allocator - allocator object
      pool - pool object
      pPoolStats - statistics of specified pool
    • nvmaCheckPoolCorruption

      public static int nvmaCheckPoolCorruption(long allocator, long pool)
      Unsafe version of: CheckPoolCorruption
    • vmaCheckPoolCorruption

      public static int vmaCheckPoolCorruption(long allocator, long pool)
      Checks magic number in margins around all allocations in given memory pool in search for corruptions.

      Corruption detection is enabled only when VMA_DEBUG_DETECT_CORRUPTION macro is defined to nonzero, VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN is defined to nonzero and the pool is created in memory type that is HOST_VISIBLE and HOST_COHERENT.

      possible return values:
      • VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT - corruption detection is not enabled for specified pool.
      • VK_SUCCESS - corruption detection has been performed and succeeded.
      • VK_ERROR_UNKNOWN - corruption detection has been performed and found memory corruptions around one of the allocations. VMA_ASSERT is also fired in that case.
      • Other value: Error returned by Vulkan, e.g. memory mapping failure.
    • nvmaGetPoolName

      public static void nvmaGetPoolName(long allocator, long pool, long ppName)
      Unsafe version of: GetPoolName
    • vmaGetPoolName

      public static void vmaGetPoolName(long allocator, long pool, PointerBuffer ppName)
      Retrieves name of a custom pool.

      After the call ppName is either null or points to an internally-owned null-terminated string containing name of the pool that was previously set. The pointer becomes invalid when the pool is destroyed or its name is changed using SetPoolName.

    • nvmaSetPoolName

      public static void nvmaSetPoolName(long allocator, long pool, long pName)
      Unsafe version of: SetPoolName
    • vmaSetPoolName

      public static void vmaSetPoolName(long allocator, long pool, @Nullable ByteBuffer pName)
      Sets name of a custom pool.

      pName can be either null or pointer to a null-terminated string with new name for the pool. Function makes internal copy of the string, so it can be changed or freed immediately after this call.

    • vmaSetPoolName

      public static void vmaSetPoolName(long allocator, long pool, @Nullable CharSequence pName)
      Sets name of a custom pool.

      pName can be either null or pointer to a null-terminated string with new name for the pool. Function makes internal copy of the string, so it can be changed or freed immediately after this call.

    • nvmaAllocateMemory

      public static int nvmaAllocateMemory(long allocator, long pVkMemoryRequirements, long pCreateInfo, long pAllocation, long pAllocationInfo)
      Unsafe version of: AllocateMemory
    • vmaAllocateMemory

      public static int vmaAllocateMemory(long allocator, VkMemoryRequirements pVkMemoryRequirements, VmaAllocationCreateInfo pCreateInfo, PointerBuffer pAllocation, @Nullable VmaAllocationInfo pAllocationInfo)
      General purpose memory allocation.

      You should free the memory using FreeMemory or FreeMemoryPages.

      It is recommended to use AllocateMemoryForBuffer, AllocateMemoryForImage, CreateBuffer, CreateImage instead whenever possible.

      pAllocation - handle to allocated memory
      pAllocationInfo - information about allocated memory. Optional. It can be later fetched using function GetAllocationInfo.
    • nvmaAllocateMemoryPages

      public static int nvmaAllocateMemoryPages(long allocator, long pVkMemoryRequirements, long pCreateInfo, long allocationCount, long pAllocations, long pAllocationInfo)
      Unsafe version of: AllocateMemoryPages
      allocationCount - number of allocations to make
    • vmaAllocateMemoryPages

      public static int vmaAllocateMemoryPages(long allocator, VkMemoryRequirements pVkMemoryRequirements, VmaAllocationCreateInfo pCreateInfo, PointerBuffer pAllocations, @Nullable VmaAllocationInfo.Buffer pAllocationInfo)
      General purpose memory allocation for multiple allocation objects at once.

      You should free the memory using FreeMemory or FreeMemoryPages.

      Word "pages" is just a suggestion to use this function to allocate pieces of memory needed for sparse binding. It is just a general purpose allocation function able to make multiple allocations at once. It may be internally optimized to be more efficient than calling AllocateMemory allocationCount times.

      All allocations are made using same parameters. All of them are created out of the same memory pool and type. If any allocation fails, all allocations already made within this function call are also freed, so that when returned result is not VK_SUCCESS, pAllocation array is always entirely filled with VK_NULL_HANDLE.

      allocator - allocator object
      pVkMemoryRequirements - memory requirements for each allocation
      pCreateInfo - creation parameters for each allocation
      pAllocations - pointer to array that will be filled with handles to created allocations
      pAllocationInfo - pointer to array that will be filled with parameters of created allocations. Optional.
    • nvmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer

      public static int nvmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer(long allocator, long buffer, long pCreateInfo, long pAllocation, long pAllocationInfo)
      Unsafe version of: AllocateMemoryForBuffer
    • vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer

      public static int vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer(long allocator, long buffer, VmaAllocationCreateInfo pCreateInfo, PointerBuffer pAllocation, @Nullable VmaAllocationInfo pAllocationInfo)
      Allocates memory suitable for given VkBuffer.

      It only creates VmaAllocation. To bind the memory to the buffer, use BindBufferMemory.

      This is a special-purpose function. In most cases you should use CreateBuffer.

      You must free the allocation using FreeMemory when no longer needed.

      pAllocation - handle to allocated memory
      pAllocationInfo - information about allocated memory. Optional. It can be later fetched using function GetAllocationInfo.
    • nvmaAllocateMemoryForImage

      public static int nvmaAllocateMemoryForImage(long allocator, long image, long pCreateInfo, long pAllocation, long pAllocationInfo)
      Unsafe version of: AllocateMemoryForImage
    • vmaAllocateMemoryForImage

      public static int vmaAllocateMemoryForImage(long allocator, long image, VmaAllocationCreateInfo pCreateInfo, PointerBuffer pAllocation, @Nullable VmaAllocationInfo pAllocationInfo)
      Allocates memory suitable for given VkImage.

      It only creates VmaAllocation. To bind the memory to the buffer, use BindImageMemory.

      This is a special-purpose function. In most cases you should use CreateImage.

      You must free the allocation using FreeMemory when no longer needed.

      pAllocation - handle to allocated memory
      pAllocationInfo - information about allocated memory. Optional. It can be later fetched using function GetAllocationInfo.
    • nvmaFreeMemory

      public static void nvmaFreeMemory(long allocator, long allocation)
      Unsafe version of: FreeMemory
    • vmaFreeMemory

      public static void vmaFreeMemory(long allocator, long allocation)
      Frees memory previously allocated using AllocateMemory, AllocateMemoryForBuffer, or AllocateMemoryForImage.

      Passing VK_NULL_HANDLE as allocation is valid. Such function call is just skipped.

    • nvmaFreeMemoryPages

      public static void nvmaFreeMemoryPages(long allocator, long allocationCount, long pAllocations)
      Unsafe version of: FreeMemoryPages
    • vmaFreeMemoryPages

      public static void vmaFreeMemoryPages(long allocator, PointerBuffer pAllocations)
      Frees memory and destroys multiple allocations.

      Word "pages" is just a suggestion to use this function to free pieces of memory used for sparse binding. It is just a general purpose function to free memory and destroy allocations made using e.g. AllocateMemory, AllocateMemoryPages and other functions. It may be internally optimized to be more efficient than calling FreeMemory allocationCount times.

      Allocations in pAllocations array can come from any memory pools and types. Passing VK_NULL_HANDLE as elements of pAllocations array is valid. Such entries are just skipped.

    • nvmaGetAllocationInfo

      public static void nvmaGetAllocationInfo(long allocator, long allocation, long pAllocationInfo)
      Unsafe version of: GetAllocationInfo
    • vmaGetAllocationInfo

      public static void vmaGetAllocationInfo(long allocator, long allocation, VmaAllocationInfo pAllocationInfo)
      Returns current information about specified allocation.

      Current parameters of given allocation are returned in pAllocationInfo.

      Although this function doesn't lock any mutex, so it should be quite efficient, you should avoid calling it too often. You can retrieve same VmaAllocationInfo structure while creating your resource, from function CreateBuffer, CreateImage. You can remember it if you are sure parameters don't change (e.g. due to defragmentation).

    • nvmaSetAllocationUserData

      public static void nvmaSetAllocationUserData(long allocator, long allocation, long pUserData)
      Unsafe version of: SetAllocationUserData
    • vmaSetAllocationUserData

      public static void vmaSetAllocationUserData(long allocator, long allocation, long pUserData)
      Sets pUserData in given allocation to new value.

      The value of pointer pUserData is copied to allocation's pUserData. It is opaque, so you can use it however you want - e.g. as a pointer, ordinal number or some handle to you own data.

    • nvmaSetAllocationName

      public static void nvmaSetAllocationName(long allocator, long allocation, long pName)
      Unsafe version of: SetAllocationName
    • vmaSetAllocationName

      public static void vmaSetAllocationName(long allocator, long allocation, @Nullable ByteBuffer pName)
      Sets pName in given allocation to new value.
      pName - must be either null, or pointer to a null-terminated string.

      The function makes local copy of the string and sets it as allocation's pName. String passed as pName doesn't need to be valid for whole lifetime of the allocation - you can free it after this call. String previously pointed by allocation's pName is freed from memory.

    • vmaSetAllocationName

      public static void vmaSetAllocationName(long allocator, long allocation, @Nullable CharSequence pName)
      Sets pName in given allocation to new value.
      pName - must be either null, or pointer to a null-terminated string.

      The function makes local copy of the string and sets it as allocation's pName. String passed as pName doesn't need to be valid for whole lifetime of the allocation - you can free it after this call. String previously pointed by allocation's pName is freed from memory.

    • nvmaGetAllocationMemoryProperties

      public static void nvmaGetAllocationMemoryProperties(long allocator, long allocation, long pFlags)
    • vmaGetAllocationMemoryProperties

      public static void vmaGetAllocationMemoryProperties(long allocator, long allocation, IntBuffer pFlags)
      Given an allocation, returns Property Flags of its memory type.

      This is just a convenience function. Same information can be obtained using GetAllocationInfo + GetMemoryProperties.

    • nvmaMapMemory

      public static int nvmaMapMemory(long allocator, long allocation, long ppData)
      Unsafe version of: MapMemory
    • vmaMapMemory

      public static int vmaMapMemory(long allocator, long allocation, PointerBuffer ppData)
      Maps memory represented by given allocation and returns pointer to it.

      Maps memory represented by given allocation to make it accessible to CPU code. When succeeded, *ppData contains pointer to first byte of this memory.

      If the allocation is part of a bigger VkDeviceMemory block, returned pointer is correctly offsetted to the beginning of region assigned to this particular allocation. Unlike the result of vkMapMemory, it points to the allocation, not to the beginning of the whole block. You should not add VmaAllocationInfo::offset to it!

      Mapping is internally reference-counted and synchronized, so despite raw Vulkan function vkMapMemory() cannot be used to map same block of VkDeviceMemory multiple times simultaneously, it is safe to call this function on allocations assigned to the same memory block. Actual Vulkan memory will be mapped on first mapping and unmapped on last unmapping.

      If the function succeeded, you must call UnmapMemory to unmap the allocation when mapping is no longer needed or before freeing the allocation, at the latest.

      It also safe to call this function multiple times on the same allocation. You must call vmaUnmapMemory() same number of times as you called vmaMapMemory().

      It is also safe to call this function on allocation created with ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT flag. Its memory stays mapped all the time. You must still call vmaUnmapMemory() same number of times as you called vmaMapMemory(). You must not call vmaUnmapMemory() additional time to free the "0-th" mapping made automatically due to ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT flag.

      This function fails when used on allocation made in memory type that is not HOST_VISIBLE.

      This function doesn't automatically flush or invalidate caches. If the allocation is made from a memory types that is not HOST_COHERENT, you also need to use InvalidateAllocation / FlushAllocation, as required by Vulkan specification.

    • nvmaUnmapMemory

      public static void nvmaUnmapMemory(long allocator, long allocation)
      Unsafe version of: UnmapMemory
    • vmaUnmapMemory

      public static void vmaUnmapMemory(long allocator, long allocation)
      Unmaps memory represented by given allocation, mapped previously using MapMemory.

      For details, see description of vmaMapMemory().

      This function doesn't automatically flush or invalidate caches. If the allocation is made from a memory types that is not HOST_COHERENT, you also need to use InvalidateAllocation / FlushAllocation, as required by Vulkan specification.

    • nvmaFlushAllocation

      public static void nvmaFlushAllocation(long allocator, long allocation, long offset, long size)
      Unsafe version of: FlushAllocation
    • vmaFlushAllocation

      public static void vmaFlushAllocation(long allocator, long allocation, long offset, long size)
      Flushes memory of given allocation.

      Calls vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges() for memory associated with given range of given allocation. It needs to be called after writing to a mapped memory for memory types that are not HOST_COHERENT. Unmap operation doesn't do that automatically.

      • offset must be relative to the beginning of allocation.
      • size can be VK_WHOLE_SIZE. It means all memory from offset the the end of given allocation.
      • offset and size don't have to be aligned. They are internally rounded down/up to multiply of nonCoherentAtomSize.
      • If size is 0, this call is ignored.
      • If memory type that the allocation belongs to is not HOST_VISIBLE or it is HOST_COHERENT, this call is ignored.

      Warning! offset and size are relative to the contents of given allocation. If you mean whole allocation, you can pass 0 and VK_WHOLE_SIZE, respectively. Do not pass allocation's offset as offset!!!

    • nvmaInvalidateAllocation

      public static void nvmaInvalidateAllocation(long allocator, long allocation, long offset, long size)
      Unsafe version of: InvalidateAllocation
    • vmaInvalidateAllocation

      public static void vmaInvalidateAllocation(long allocator, long allocation, long offset, long size)
      Invalidates memory of given allocation.

      Calls vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges() for memory associated with given range of given allocation. It needs to be called before reading from a mapped memory for memory types that are not HOST_COHERENT. Map operation doesn't do that automatically.

      • offset must be relative to the beginning of allocation.
      • size can be VK_WHOLE_SIZE. It means all memory from offset the the end of given allocation.
      • offset and size don't have to be aligned. They are internally rounded down/up to multiply of nonCoherentAtomSize.
      • If size is 0, this call is ignored.
      • If memory type that the allocation belongs to is not HOST_VISIBLE or it is HOST_COHERENT, this call is ignored.

      Warning! offset and size are relative to the contents of given allocation. If you mean whole allocation, you can pass 0 and VK_WHOLE_SIZE, respectively. Do not pass allocation's offset as offset!!!

      This function returns the VkResult from vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges if it is called, otherwise VK_SUCCESS.

    • nvmaFlushAllocations

      public static int nvmaFlushAllocations(long allocator, int allocationCount, long allocations, long offsets, long sizes)
      Unsafe version of: FlushAllocations
    • vmaFlushAllocations

      public static int vmaFlushAllocations(long allocator, PointerBuffer allocations, @Nullable LongBuffer offsets, @Nullable LongBuffer sizes)
      Flushes memory of given set of allocations.

      Calls vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges() for memory associated with given ranges of given allocations. For more information, see documentation of FlushAllocation.

      This function returns the VkResult from vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges if it is called, otherwise VK_SUCCESS.

      offsets - If not null, it must point to an array of offsets of regions to flush, relative to the beginning of respective allocations. Null means all ofsets are zero.
      sizes - If not null, it must point to an array of sizes of regions to flush in respective allocations. Null means `VK_WHOLE_SIZE` for all allocations.
    • nvmaInvalidateAllocations

      public static int nvmaInvalidateAllocations(long allocator, int allocationCount, long allocations, long offsets, long sizes)
      Unsafe version of: InvalidateAllocations
    • vmaInvalidateAllocations

      public static int vmaInvalidateAllocations(long allocator, PointerBuffer allocations, @Nullable LongBuffer offsets, @Nullable LongBuffer sizes)
      Invalidates memory of given set of allocations.

      Calls vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges() for memory associated with given ranges of given allocations. For more information, see documentation of InvalidateAllocation.

      This function returns the VkResult from vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges if it is called, otherwise VK_SUCCESS.

      offsets - if not null, it must point to an array of offsets of regions to flush, relative to the beginning of respective allocations. Null means all ofsets are zero.
      sizes - if not null, it must point to an array of sizes of regions to flush in respective allocations. Null means VK_WHOLE_SIZE for all allocations.
    • nvmaCheckCorruption

      public static int nvmaCheckCorruption(long allocator, int memoryTypeBits)
      Unsafe version of: CheckCorruption
    • vmaCheckCorruption

      public static int vmaCheckCorruption(long allocator, int memoryTypeBits)
      Checks magic number in margins around all allocations in given memory types (in both default and custom pools) in search for corruptions.

      Corruption detection is enabled only when VMA_DEBUG_DETECT_CORRUPTION macro is defined to nonzero, VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN is defined to nonzero and only for memory types that are HOST_VISIBLE and HOST_COHERENT.

      memoryTypeBits - bit mask, where each bit set means that a memory type with that index should be checked
      possible return values:
      • VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT - corruption detection is not enabled for any of specified memory types.
      • VK_SUCCESS - corruption detection has been performed and succeeded.
      • VK_ERROR_UNKNOWN - corruption detection has been performed and found memory corruptions around one of the allocations. VMA_ASSERT is also fired in that case.
      • Other value: Error returned by Vulkan, e.g. memory mapping failure.
    • nvmaBeginDefragmentation

      public static int nvmaBeginDefragmentation(long allocator, long pInfo, long pContext)
      Unsafe version of: BeginDefragmentation
    • vmaBeginDefragmentation

      public static int vmaBeginDefragmentation(long allocator, VmaDefragmentationInfo pInfo, PointerBuffer pContext)
      Begins defragmentation process.
      allocator - allocator object
      pInfo - structure filled with parameters of defragmentation
      pContext - context object that must be passed to EndDefragmentation to finish defragmentation
      VK_SUCCESS if defragmentation can begin. VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT if defragmentation is not supported.
    • nvmaEndDefragmentation

      public static void nvmaEndDefragmentation(long allocator, long context, long pStats)
      Unsafe version of: EndDefragmentation
    • vmaEndDefragmentation

      public static void vmaEndDefragmentation(long allocator, long context, @Nullable VmaDefragmentationStats pStats)
      Ends defragmentation process.

      Use this function to finish defragmentation started by BeginDefragmentation.

      allocator - allocator object
      context - context object that has been created by BeginDefragmentation
      pStats - optional stats for the defragmentation. Can be null.
    • nvmaBeginDefragmentationPass

      public static int nvmaBeginDefragmentationPass(long allocator, long context, long pInfo)
      Unsafe version of: BeginDefragmentationPass
    • vmaBeginDefragmentationPass

      public static int vmaBeginDefragmentationPass(long allocator, long context, VmaDefragmentationPassMoveInfo pInfo)
      Starts single defragmentation pass.
      allocator - allocator object
      context - context object that has been created by BeginDefragmentation
      pInfo - computed information for current pass
      VK_SUCCESS if no more moves are possible. Then you can omit call to EndDefragmentationPass and simply end whole defragmentation. VK_INCOMPLETE if there are pending moves returned in pPassInfo. You need to perform them, call vmaEndDefragmentationPass(), and then preferably try another pass with vmaBeginDefragmentationPass().
    • nvmaEndDefragmentationPass

      public static int nvmaEndDefragmentationPass(long allocator, long context, long pPassInfo)
      Unsafe version of: EndDefragmentationPass
    • vmaEndDefragmentationPass

      public static int vmaEndDefragmentationPass(long allocator, long context, VmaDefragmentationPassMoveInfo pPassInfo)
      Ends single defragmentation pass.

      Ends incremental defragmentation pass and commits all defragmentation moves from pPassInfo. After this call:

      If no more moves are possible you can end whole defragmentation.

      allocator - allocator object
      context - context object that has been created by BeginDefragmentation
      pPassInfo - computed information for current pass filled by BeginDefragmentationPass and possibly modified by you
    • nvmaBindBufferMemory

      public static int nvmaBindBufferMemory(long allocator, long allocation, long buffer)
      Unsafe version of: BindBufferMemory
    • vmaBindBufferMemory

      public static int vmaBindBufferMemory(long allocator, long allocation, long buffer)
      Binds buffer to allocation.

      Binds specified buffer to region of memory represented by specified allocation. Gets VkDeviceMemory handle and offset from the allocation. If you want to create a buffer, allocate memory for it and bind them together separately, you should use this function for binding instead of standard vkBindBufferMemory(), because it ensures proper synchronization so that when a VkDeviceMemory object is used by multiple allocations, calls to vkBind*Memory() or vkMapMemory() won't happen from multiple threads simultaneously (which is illegal in Vulkan).

      It is recommended to use function CreateBuffer instead of this one.

    • nvmaBindBufferMemory2

      public static int nvmaBindBufferMemory2(long allocator, long allocation, long allocationLocalOffset, long buffer, long pNext)
      Unsafe version of: BindBufferMemory2
    • vmaBindBufferMemory2

      public static int vmaBindBufferMemory2(long allocator, long allocation, long allocationLocalOffset, long buffer, long pNext)
      Binds buffer to allocation with additional parameters.

      This function is similar to BindBufferMemory, but it provides additional parameters.

      If pNext is not null, VmaAllocator object must have been created with ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_BIND_MEMORY2_BIT flag or with VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion >= VK_API_VERSION_1_1. Otherwise the call fails.

      allocationLocalOffset - additional offset to be added while binding, relative to the beginning of the allocation. Normally it should be 0.
      pNext - a chain of structures to be attached to VkBindBufferMemoryInfoKHR structure used internally. Normally it should be null.
    • nvmaBindImageMemory

      public static int nvmaBindImageMemory(long allocator, long allocation, long image)
      Unsafe version of: BindImageMemory
    • vmaBindImageMemory

      public static int vmaBindImageMemory(long allocator, long allocation, long image)
      Binds image to allocation.

      Binds specified image to region of memory represented by specified allocation. Gets VkDeviceMemory handle and offset from the allocation. If you want to create an image, allocate memory for it and bind them together separately, you should use this function for binding instead of standard vkBindImageMemory(), because it ensures proper synchronization so that when a VkDeviceMemory object is used by multiple allocations, calls to vkBind*Memory() or vkMapMemory() won't happen from multiple threads simultaneously (which is illegal in Vulkan).

      It is recommended to use function vmaCreateImage() instead of this one.

    • nvmaBindImageMemory2

      public static int nvmaBindImageMemory2(long allocator, long allocation, long allocationLocalOffset, long image, long pNext)
      Unsafe version of: BindImageMemory2
    • vmaBindImageMemory2

      public static int vmaBindImageMemory2(long allocator, long allocation, long allocationLocalOffset, long image, long pNext)
      Binds image to allocation with additional parameters.

      This function is similar to BindImageMemory, but it provides additional parameters.

      If pNext is not null, VmaAllocator object must have been created with ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_BIND_MEMORY2_BIT flag or with VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion >= VK_API_VERSION_1_1. Otherwise the call fails.

      allocationLocalOffset - additional offset to be added while binding, relative to the beginning of the allocation. Normally it should be 0.
      pNext - a chain of structures to be attached to VkBindImageMemoryInfoKHR structure used internally. Normally it should be null.
    • nvmaCreateBuffer

      public static int nvmaCreateBuffer(long allocator, long pBufferCreateInfo, long pAllocationCreateInfo, long pBuffer, long pAllocation, long pAllocationInfo)
      Unsafe version of: CreateBuffer
    • vmaCreateBuffer

      public static int vmaCreateBuffer(long allocator, VkBufferCreateInfo pBufferCreateInfo, VmaAllocationCreateInfo pAllocationCreateInfo, LongBuffer pBuffer, PointerBuffer pAllocation, @Nullable VmaAllocationInfo pAllocationInfo)
      Creates a new VkBuffer, allocates and binds memory for it.

      This function automatically:

      • Creates buffer.
      • Allocates appropriate memory for it.
      • Binds the buffer with the memory.

      If any of these operations fail, buffer and allocation are not created, returned value is negative error code, *pBuffer and *pAllocation are null.

      If the function succeeded, you must destroy both buffer and allocation when you no longer need them using either convenience function DestroyBuffer or separately, using vkDestroyBuffer() and FreeMemory.

      If ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT flag was used, VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension is used internally to query driver whether it requires or prefers the new buffer to have dedicated allocation. If yes, and if dedicated allocation is possible (ALLOCATION_CREATE_NEVER_ALLOCATE_BIT is not used), it creates dedicated allocation for this buffer, just like when using ALLOCATION_CREATE_DEDICATED_MEMORY_BIT.


      This function creates a new VkBuffer. Sub-allocation of parts of one large buffer, although recommended as a good practice, is out of scope of this library and could be implemented by the user as a higher-level logic on top of VMA.

      pBuffer - buffer that was created
      pAllocation - allocation that was created
      pAllocationInfo - information about allocated memory. Optional. It can be later fetched using function GetAllocationInfo.
    • nvmaCreateBufferWithAlignment

      public static int nvmaCreateBufferWithAlignment(long allocator, long pBufferCreateInfo, long pAllocationCreateInfo, long minAlignment, long pBuffer, long pAllocation, long pAllocationInfo)
      Unsafe version of: CreateBufferWithAlignment
    • vmaCreateBufferWithAlignment

      public static int vmaCreateBufferWithAlignment(long allocator, VkBufferCreateInfo pBufferCreateInfo, VmaAllocationCreateInfo pAllocationCreateInfo, long minAlignment, LongBuffer pBuffer, PointerBuffer pAllocation, @Nullable VmaAllocationInfo pAllocationInfo)
      Similar to CreateBuffer but provides additional parameter minAlignment which allows to specify custom, minimum alignment to be used when placing the buffer inside a larger memory block, which may be needed e.g. for interop with OpenGL.
      minAlignment - custom, minimum alignment to be used when placing the buffer inside a larger memory block
      pBuffer - buffer that was created
      pAllocation - allocation that was created
      pAllocationInfo - information about allocated memory. Optional. It can be later fetched using function GetAllocationInfo.
    • nvmaCreateAliasingBuffer

      public static int nvmaCreateAliasingBuffer(long allocator, long allocation, long pBufferCreateInfo, long pBuffer)
      Unsafe version of: CreateAliasingBuffer
    • vmaCreateAliasingBuffer

      public static int vmaCreateAliasingBuffer(long allocator, long allocation, VkBufferCreateInfo pBufferCreateInfo, LongBuffer pBuffer)
      Creates a new VkBuffer, binds already created memory for it.

      This function automatically:

      • Creates buffer.
      • Binds the buffer with the supplied memory.

      If any of these operations fail, buffer is not created, returned value is negative error code and *pBuffer is null.

      If the function succeeded, you must destroy the buffer when you no longer need it using vkDestroyBuffer(). If you want to also destroy the corresponding allocation you can use convenience function DestroyBuffer.

      Note: There is a new version of this function augmented with parameter allocationLocalOffset - see CreateAliasingBuffer2.

      allocator - allocator
      allocation - allocation that provides memory to be used for binding new buffer to it
      pBuffer - buffer that was created
    • nvmaCreateAliasingBuffer2

      public static int nvmaCreateAliasingBuffer2(long allocator, long allocation, long allocationLocalOffset, long pBufferCreateInfo, long pBuffer)
      Unsafe version of: CreateAliasingBuffer2
    • vmaCreateAliasingBuffer2

      public static int vmaCreateAliasingBuffer2(long allocator, long allocation, long allocationLocalOffset, VkBufferCreateInfo pBufferCreateInfo, LongBuffer pBuffer)
      Creates a new VkBuffer, binds already created memory for it.

      This function automatically:

      • Creates buffer.
      • Binds the buffer with the supplied memory.

      If any of these operations fail, buffer is not created, returned value is negative error code and *pBuffer is null.

      If the function succeeded, you must destroy the buffer when you no longer need it using vkDestroyBuffer(). If you want to also destroy the corresponding allocation you can use convenience function DestroyBuffer.

      Note: This is a new version of the function augmented with parameter allocationLocalOffset.

      allocator - allocator
      allocation - allocation that provides memory to be used for binding new buffer to it
      allocationLocalOffset - additional offset to be added while binding, relative to the beginning of the allocation. Normally it should be 0.
      pBuffer - buffer that was created
    • nvmaDestroyBuffer

      public static void nvmaDestroyBuffer(long allocator, long buffer, long allocation)
      Unsafe version of: DestroyBuffer
    • vmaDestroyBuffer

      public static void vmaDestroyBuffer(long allocator, long buffer, long allocation)
      Destroys Vulkan buffer and frees allocated memory.

      This is just a convenience function equivalent to:

       vkDestroyBuffer(device, buffer, allocationCallbacks);
       vmaFreeMemory(allocator, allocation);

      It is safe to pass null as buffer and/or allocation.

    • nvmaCreateImage

      public static int nvmaCreateImage(long allocator, long pImageCreateInfo, long pAllocationCreateInfo, long pImage, long pAllocation, long pAllocationInfo)
      Unsafe version of: CreateImage
    • vmaCreateImage

      public static int vmaCreateImage(long allocator, VkImageCreateInfo pImageCreateInfo, VmaAllocationCreateInfo pAllocationCreateInfo, LongBuffer pImage, PointerBuffer pAllocation, @Nullable VmaAllocationInfo pAllocationInfo)
      Function similar to CreateBuffer.
      pImage - image that was created
      pAllocation - allocation that was created
      pAllocationInfo - information about allocated memory. Optional. It can be later fetched using function GetAllocationInfo.
    • nvmaCreateAliasingImage

      public static int nvmaCreateAliasingImage(long allocator, long allocation, long pImageCreateInfo, long pImage)
      Unsafe version of: CreateAliasingImage
    • vmaCreateAliasingImage

      public static int vmaCreateAliasingImage(long allocator, long allocation, VkImageCreateInfo pImageCreateInfo, LongBuffer pImage)
      Function similar to CreateAliasingBuffer but for images.
    • nvmaCreateAliasingImage2

      public static int nvmaCreateAliasingImage2(long allocator, long allocation, long allocationLocalOffset, long pImageCreateInfo, long pImage)
      Unsafe version of: CreateAliasingImage2
    • vmaCreateAliasingImage2

      public static int vmaCreateAliasingImage2(long allocator, long allocation, long allocationLocalOffset, VkImageCreateInfo pImageCreateInfo, LongBuffer pImage)
      Function similar to CreateAliasingBuffer2 but for images.
    • nvmaDestroyImage

      public static void nvmaDestroyImage(long allocator, long image, long allocation)
      Unsafe version of: DestroyImage
    • vmaDestroyImage

      public static void vmaDestroyImage(long allocator, long image, long allocation)
      Destroys Vulkan image and frees allocated memory.

      This is just a convenience function equivalent to:

       vkDestroyImage(device, image, allocationCallbacks);
       vmaFreeMemory(allocator, allocation);

      It is safe to pass null as image and/or allocation.

    • nvmaCreateVirtualBlock

      public static int nvmaCreateVirtualBlock(long pCreateInfo, long pVirtualBlock)
      Unsafe version of: CreateVirtualBlock
    • vmaCreateVirtualBlock

      public static int vmaCreateVirtualBlock(VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo pCreateInfo, PointerBuffer pVirtualBlock)
      Creates new VmaVirtualBlock object.
      pCreateInfo - parameters for creation
      pVirtualBlock - returned virtual block object or NULL if creation failed
    • nvmaDestroyVirtualBlock

      public static void nvmaDestroyVirtualBlock(long virtualBlock)
      Unsafe version of: DestroyVirtualBlock
    • vmaDestroyVirtualBlock

      public static void vmaDestroyVirtualBlock(long virtualBlock)
      Destroys VmaVirtualBlock object.

      Please note that you should consciously handle virtual allocations that could remain unfreed in the block. You should either free them individually using VirtualFree or call ClearVirtualBlock if you are sure this is what you want. If you do neither, an assert is called.

      If you keep pointers to some additional metadata associated with your virtual allocations in their pUserData, don't forget to free them.

    • nvmaIsVirtualBlockEmpty

      public static int nvmaIsVirtualBlockEmpty(long virtualBlock)
      Unsafe version of: IsVirtualBlockEmpty
    • vmaIsVirtualBlockEmpty

      public static boolean vmaIsVirtualBlockEmpty(long virtualBlock)
      Returns true of the VmaVirtualBlock is empty - contains 0 virtual allocations and has all its space available for new allocations.
    • nvmaGetVirtualAllocationInfo

      public static void nvmaGetVirtualAllocationInfo(long virtualBlock, long allocation, long pVirtualAllocInfo)
      Unsafe version of: GetVirtualAllocationInfo
    • vmaGetVirtualAllocationInfo

      public static void vmaGetVirtualAllocationInfo(long virtualBlock, long allocation, VmaVirtualAllocationInfo pVirtualAllocInfo)
      Returns information about a specific virtual allocation within a virtual block, like its size and pUserData pointer.
    • nvmaVirtualAllocate

      public static int nvmaVirtualAllocate(long virtualBlock, long pCreateInfo, long pAllocation, long pOffset)
      Unsafe version of: VirtualAllocate
    • vmaVirtualAllocate

      public static int vmaVirtualAllocate(long virtualBlock, VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo pCreateInfo, PointerBuffer pAllocation, @Nullable LongBuffer pOffset)
      Allocates new virtual allocation inside given VmaVirtualBlock.

      If the allocation fails due to not enough free space available, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY is returned (despite the function doesn't ever allocate actual GPU memory). pAllocation is then set to VK_NULL_HANDLE and pOffset, if not null, it set to UINT64_MAX.

      virtualBlock - virtual block
      pCreateInfo - parameters for the allocation
      pOffset - returned offset of the new allocation. Optional, can be null.
    • nvmaVirtualFree

      public static void nvmaVirtualFree(long virtualBlock, long allocation)
      Unsafe version of: VirtualFree
    • vmaVirtualFree

      public static void vmaVirtualFree(long virtualBlock, long allocation)
      Frees virtual allocation inside given VmaVirtualBlock.

      It is correct to call this function with allocation == VK_NULL_HANDLE - it does nothing.

    • nvmaClearVirtualBlock

      public static void nvmaClearVirtualBlock(long virtualBlock)
      Unsafe version of: ClearVirtualBlock
    • vmaClearVirtualBlock

      public static void vmaClearVirtualBlock(long virtualBlock)
      Frees all virtual allocations inside given VmaVirtualBlock.

      You must either call this function or free each virtual allocation individually with VirtualFree before destroying a virtual block. Otherwise, an assert is called.

      If you keep pointer to some additional metadata associated with your virtual allocation in its pUserData, don't forget to free it as well.

    • nvmaSetVirtualAllocationUserData

      public static void nvmaSetVirtualAllocationUserData(long virtualBlock, long allocation, long pUserData)
      Unsafe version of: SetVirtualAllocationUserData
    • vmaSetVirtualAllocationUserData

      public static void vmaSetVirtualAllocationUserData(long virtualBlock, long allocation, long pUserData)
      Changes custom pointer associated with given virtual allocation.
    • nvmaGetVirtualBlockStatistics

      public static void nvmaGetVirtualBlockStatistics(long virtualBlock, long pStats)
      Unsafe version of: GetVirtualBlockStatistics
    • vmaGetVirtualBlockStatistics

      public static void vmaGetVirtualBlockStatistics(long virtualBlock, VmaStatistics pStats)
      Calculates and returns statistics about virtual allocations and memory usage in given VmaVirtualBlock.

      This function is fast to call. For more detailed statistics, see CalculateVirtualBlockStatistics.

    • nvmaCalculateVirtualBlockStatistics

      public static void nvmaCalculateVirtualBlockStatistics(long virtualBlock, long pStats)
    • vmaCalculateVirtualBlockStatistics

      public static void vmaCalculateVirtualBlockStatistics(long virtualBlock, VmaDetailedStatistics pStats)
      Calculates and returns detailed statistics about virtual allocations and memory usage in given VmaVirtualBlock.

      This function is slow to call. Use for debugging purposes. For less detailed statistics, see GetVirtualBlockStatistics.

    • nvmaBuildVirtualBlockStatsString

      public static void nvmaBuildVirtualBlockStatsString(long virtualBlock, long ppStatsString, int detailedMap)
      Unsafe version of: BuildVirtualBlockStatsString
    • vmaBuildVirtualBlockStatsString

      public static void vmaBuildVirtualBlockStatsString(long virtualBlock, PointerBuffer ppStatsString, boolean detailedMap)
      Builds and returns a null-terminated string in JSON format with information about given VmaVirtualBlock.

      Returned string must be freed using FreeVirtualBlockStatsString.

      virtualBlock - virtual block
      ppStatsString - returned string
      detailedMap - pass VK_FALSE to only obtain statistics as returned by CalculateVirtualBlockStatistics. Pass VK_TRUE to also obtain full list of allocations and free spaces.
    • nvmaFreeVirtualBlockStatsString

      public static void nvmaFreeVirtualBlockStatsString(long virtualBlock, long pStatsString)
      Unsafe version of: FreeVirtualBlockStatsString
    • vmaFreeVirtualBlockStatsString

      public static void vmaFreeVirtualBlockStatsString(long virtualBlock, ByteBuffer pStatsString)
      Frees a string returned by BuildVirtualBlockStatsString.
    • nvmaBuildStatsString

      public static void nvmaBuildStatsString(long allocator, long ppStatsString, int detailedMap)
      Unsafe version of: BuildStatsString
    • vmaBuildStatsString

      public static void vmaBuildStatsString(long allocator, PointerBuffer ppStatsString, boolean detailedMap)
      Builds and returns statistics as a null-terminated string in JSON format.
      ppStatsString - must be freed using FreeStatsString function
    • nvmaFreeStatsString

      public static void nvmaFreeStatsString(long allocator, long pStatsString)
    • vmaFreeStatsString

      public static void vmaFreeStatsString(long allocator, ByteBuffer pStatsString)