Class WGLAMDGPUAssociation


public class WGLAMDGPUAssociation extends Object
Native bindings to the WGL_AMD_gpu_association extension.

There currently is no way for applications to efficiently use GPU resources in systems that contain more than one GPU. Vendors have provided methods that attempt to split the workload for an application among the available GPU resources. This has proven to be very inefficient because most applications were never written with these sorts of optimizations in mind.

This extension provides a mechanism for applications to explicitly use the GPU resources on a given system individually. By providing this functionality, a driver allows applications to make appropriate decisions regarding where and when to distribute rendering tasks.

Requires WGL_ARB_extensions_string and EXT_framebuffer_object.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • nwglGetGPUIDsAMD

      public static int nwglGetGPUIDsAMD(int maxCount, long ids)
      Unsafe version of: GetGPUIDsAMD
      maxCount - the max number of IDs that can be returned
    • wglGetGPUIDsAMD

      public static int wglGetGPUIDsAMD(@Nullable IntBuffer ids)
      Returns the IDs for available GPUs.

      If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of total GPUs available. The value 0 is returned if no GPUs are available or if the call has failed. The ID 0 is reserved and will not be retuned as a valid GPU ID. If the array ids is NULL, the function will only return the total number of GPUs. ids will be tightly packed with no 0 values between valid ids.

      ids - the array of returned IDs
    • nwglGetGPUInfoAMD

      public static int nwglGetGPUInfoAMD(int id, int property, int dataType, int size, long data)
      Unsafe version of: GetGPUInfoAMD
      size - the size of the data buffer
    • wglGetGPUInfoAMD

      public static int wglGetGPUInfoAMD(int id, int property, int dataType, ByteBuffer data)
      Each GPU in a system may have different properties, performance characteristics and different supported OpenGL versions. Use this function to determine which GPU is best suited for a specific task.

      For a string, size will be the number of characters allocated and will include NULL termination. For arrays of type GL_UNSIGNED_INT, GL_INT, and GL_FLOAT size will be the array depth. If the function succeeds, the number of values written will be returned. If the number of values written is equal to size, the query should be repeated with a larger data buffer. Strings should be queried using the GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE type, are UTF-8 encoded and will be NULL terminated. If the function fails, -1 will be returned.

      id - a GPU id obtained from calling GetGPUIDsAMD
      property - the information being queried. One of:
      dataType - the data type to be returned. One of:
      data - the buffer which will be filled with the requested information
    • wglGetGPUInfoAMD

      public static int wglGetGPUInfoAMD(int id, int property, int dataType, IntBuffer data)
      Each GPU in a system may have different properties, performance characteristics and different supported OpenGL versions. Use this function to determine which GPU is best suited for a specific task.

      For a string, size will be the number of characters allocated and will include NULL termination. For arrays of type GL_UNSIGNED_INT, GL_INT, and GL_FLOAT size will be the array depth. If the function succeeds, the number of values written will be returned. If the number of values written is equal to size, the query should be repeated with a larger data buffer. Strings should be queried using the GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE type, are UTF-8 encoded and will be NULL terminated. If the function fails, -1 will be returned.

      id - a GPU id obtained from calling GetGPUIDsAMD
      property - the information being queried. One of:
      dataType - the data type to be returned. One of:
      data - the buffer which will be filled with the requested information
    • wglGetGPUInfoAMD

      public static int wglGetGPUInfoAMD(int id, int property, int dataType, FloatBuffer data)
      Each GPU in a system may have different properties, performance characteristics and different supported OpenGL versions. Use this function to determine which GPU is best suited for a specific task.

      For a string, size will be the number of characters allocated and will include NULL termination. For arrays of type GL_UNSIGNED_INT, GL_INT, and GL_FLOAT size will be the array depth. If the function succeeds, the number of values written will be returned. If the number of values written is equal to size, the query should be repeated with a larger data buffer. Strings should be queried using the GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE type, are UTF-8 encoded and will be NULL terminated. If the function fails, -1 will be returned.

      id - a GPU id obtained from calling GetGPUIDsAMD
      property - the information being queried. One of:
      dataType - the data type to be returned. One of:
      data - the buffer which will be filled with the requested information
    • wglGetContextGPUIDAMD

      public static int wglGetContextGPUIDAMD(long hglrc)
      Determine which GPU a context is attached to.

      Unassociated contexts are created by calling CreateContext. Although these contexts are unassociated, their use will still be tied to a single GPU in most cases. For this reason it is advantageous to be able to query the GPU an existing unassociated context resides on. If multiple GPUs are available, it would be undesirable to use one for rendering to visible surfaces and then chose the same one for off-screen rendering.

      hglrc - the context for which the GPU id will be returned
    • wglCreateAssociatedContextAMD

      public static long wglCreateAssociatedContextAMD(int id)
      Creates an associated context. Upon successful creation, no pixel format is tied to an associated context.
      id - a valid GPU id
    • nwglCreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD

      public static long nwglCreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD(int id, long shareContext, long attribList)
    • wglCreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD

      public static long wglCreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD(int id, long shareContext, @Nullable IntBuffer attribList)
      Create an associated context with a specific GL version.

      All capabilities and limitations of CreateContextAttribsARB apply to CreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD.

      id - a valid GPU id
      shareContext - must either be NULL or that of an associated context created with the same GPU ID as id
      attribList - a 0-terminated list of attributes for the context
    • wglDeleteAssociatedContextAMD

      public static boolean wglDeleteAssociatedContextAMD(long hglrc)
      Deletes an associated context. An associated context cannot be deleted by calling DeleteContext.
      hglrc - a valid associated context created by calling CreateAssociatedContextAMD
    • wglMakeAssociatedContextCurrentAMD

      public static boolean wglMakeAssociatedContextCurrentAMD(long hglrc)
      Makes an associated context current in the current thread.
      hglrc - a context handle created by calling CreateAssociatedContextAMD
    • wglGetCurrentAssociatedContextAMD

      public static long wglGetCurrentAssociatedContextAMD()
      Returns the current associated context in the current thread.
    • wglBlitContextFramebufferAMD

      public static void wglBlitContextFramebufferAMD(long dstCtx, int srcX0, int srcY0, int srcX1, int srcY1, int dstX0, int dstY0, int dstX1, int dstY1, int mask, int filter)
      Blits data from one context to another. This facilitates high performance data communication between multiple contexts.
      dstCtx - the context handle for the write context
      srcX0 - the source x0 coordinate
      srcY0 - the source Y0 coordinate
      srcX1 - the source X1 coordinate
      srcY1 - the source Y1 coordinate
      dstX0 - the destination X0 coordinate
      dstY0 - the destination Y0 coordinate
      dstX1 - the destination X1 coordinate
      dstY1 - the destination Y1 coordinate
      mask - the bitwise OR of a number of values indicating which buffers are to be copied. One or more of:
      filter - the interpolation method to apply if the image is stretched. One of:
    • wglGetGPUIDsAMD

      public static int wglGetGPUIDsAMD(@Nullable int[] ids)
      Array version of: GetGPUIDsAMD
    • wglGetGPUInfoAMD

      public static int wglGetGPUInfoAMD(int id, int property, int dataType, int[] data)
      Array version of: GetGPUInfoAMD
    • wglGetGPUInfoAMD

      public static int wglGetGPUInfoAMD(int id, int property, int dataType, float[] data)
      Array version of: GetGPUInfoAMD
    • wglCreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD

      public static long wglCreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD(int id, long shareContext, @Nullable int[] attribList)