Class QCOMEXTHostPtr


public class QCOMEXTHostPtr extends Object
Native bindings to the qcom_ext_host_ptr extension.

This extension extends the functionality provided by CreateBuffer, CreateImage2D, CreateImage3D. It allows applications to specify a new flag MEM_EXT_HOST_PTR_QCOM which enables the driver to map external memory allocations --to be defined in future layered extensions-- to the device's address space and thus avoiding having to copy data back and forth between the host and the device.

Requires CL11.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • nclGetDeviceImageInfoQCOM

      public static int nclGetDeviceImageInfoQCOM(long device, long image_width, long image_height, long image_format, int param_name, long param_value_size, long param_value, long param_value_size_ret)
      Unsafe version of: GetDeviceImageInfoQCOM
      param_value_size - the size in bytes of memory pointed to by param_value. This size must be ≥ size of return type. If param_value is NULL, it is ignored.
    • clGetDeviceImageInfoQCOM

      public static int clGetDeviceImageInfoQCOM(long device, long image_width, long image_height, CLImageFormat image_format, int param_name, @Nullable ByteBuffer param_value, @Nullable PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret)
      An application that creates OpenCL image objects with the MEM_EXT_HOST_PTR_QCOM flag can invoke this function to query the required row pitch, slice pitch and alignment for a particular device.
      device - a valid device
      image_width - width of the image in image elements (pixels)
      image_height - height of the image in image elements (pixels)
      image_format - format of the image
      param_name - the parameter to query. One of:
      param_value - a pointer to memory where the appropriate result being queried is returned. If param_value is NULL, it is ignored.
      param_value_size_ret - the actual size in bytes of data being queried by param_value. If NULL, it is ignored.
    • clGetDeviceImageInfoQCOM

      public static int clGetDeviceImageInfoQCOM(long device, long image_width, long image_height, CLImageFormat image_format, int param_name, @Nullable IntBuffer param_value, @Nullable PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret)
      An application that creates OpenCL image objects with the MEM_EXT_HOST_PTR_QCOM flag can invoke this function to query the required row pitch, slice pitch and alignment for a particular device.
      device - a valid device
      image_width - width of the image in image elements (pixels)
      image_height - height of the image in image elements (pixels)
      image_format - format of the image
      param_name - the parameter to query. One of:
      param_value - a pointer to memory where the appropriate result being queried is returned. If param_value is NULL, it is ignored.
      param_value_size_ret - the actual size in bytes of data being queried by param_value. If NULL, it is ignored.
    • clGetDeviceImageInfoQCOM

      public static int clGetDeviceImageInfoQCOM(long device, long image_width, long image_height, CLImageFormat image_format, int param_name, @Nullable int[] param_value, @Nullable PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret)
      Array version of: GetDeviceImageInfoQCOM