Package org.lwjgl.egl

Class KHRSwapBuffersWithDamage


public class KHRSwapBuffersWithDamage extends Object
Native bindings to the KHR_swap_buffers_with_damage extension.

This extension provides a means to issue a swap buffers request to display the contents of the current back buffer and also specify a list of damage rectangles that can be passed to a system compositor so it can minimize how much it has to recompose.

This should be used in situations where an application is only animating a small portion of a surface since it enables the compositor to avoid wasting time recomposing parts of the surface that haven't changed.

Requires EGL 1.4.

  • Method Details

    • neglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR

      public static int neglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR(long dpy, long surface, long rects, int n_rects)
    • eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR

      public static boolean eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR(long dpy, long surface, @Nullable IntBuffer rects)
    • eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR

      public static boolean eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR(long dpy, long surface, @Nullable int[] rects)
      Array version of: SwapBuffersWithDamageKHR