Class NanoVG


public class NanoVG extends Object
NanoVG is a small antialiased vector graphics rendering library for OpenGL. It has lean API modeled after HTML5 canvas API. It is aimed to be a practical and fun toolset for building scalable user interfaces and visualizations.

Color utils

Colors in NanoVG are stored as unsigned ints in ABGR format.

State Handling

NanoVG contains state which represents how paths will be rendered. The state contains transform, fill and stroke styles, text and font styles, and scissor clipping.

Render styles

Fill and stroke render style can be either a solid color or a paint which is a gradient or a pattern. Solid color is simply defined as a color value, different kinds of paints can be created using LinearGradient, BoxGradient, RadialGradient and ImagePattern.

Current render style can be saved and restored using Save and Restore.


The paths, gradients, patterns and scissor region are transformed by an transformation matrix at the time when they are passed to the API. The current transformation matrix is a affine matrix:

 [sx kx tx]
 [ky sy ty]
 [ 0  0  1]

Where: sx,sy define scaling, kx,ky skewing, and tx,ty translation. The last row is assumed to be 0,0,1 and is not stored.

Apart from ResetTransform, each transformation function first creates specific transformation matrix and pre-multiplies the current transformation by it.

Current coordinate system (transformation) can be saved and restored using Save and Restore.


NanoVG allows you to load jpg, png, psd, tga, pic and gif files to be used for rendering. In addition you can upload your own image. The image loading is provided by stb_image.


NanoVG supports four types of paints: linear gradient, box gradient, radial gradient and image pattern. These can be used as paints for strokes and fills.


Scissoring allows you to clip the rendering into a rectangle. This is useful for various user interface cases like rendering a text edit or a timeline.


Drawing a new shape starts with BeginPath, it clears all the currently defined paths. Then you define one or more paths and sub-paths which describe the shape. The are functions to draw common shapes like rectangles and circles, and lower level step-by-step functions, which allow to define a path curve by curve.

NanoVG uses even-odd fill rule to draw the shapes. Solid shapes should have counter clockwise winding and holes should have counter clockwise order. To specify winding of a path you can call PathWinding. This is useful especially for the common shapes, which are drawn CCW.

Finally you can fill the path using current fill style by calling Fill, and stroke it with current stroke style by calling Stroke.

The curve segments and sub-paths are transformed by the current transform.


NanoVG allows you to load .ttf files and use the font to render text.

The appearance of the text can be defined by setting the current text style and by specifying the fill color. Common text and font settings such as font size, letter spacing and text align are supported. Font blur allows you to create simple text effects such as drop shadows.

At render time the font face can be set based on the font handles or name.

Font measure functions return values in local space, the calculations are carried in the same resolution as the final rendering. This is done because the text glyph positions are snapped to the nearest pixels sharp rendering.

The local space means that values are not rotated or scale as per the current transformation. For example if you set font size to 12, which would mean that line height is 16, then regardless of the current scaling and rotation, the returned line height is always 16. Some measures may vary because of the scaling since aforementioned pixel snapping.

While this may sound a little odd, the setup allows you to always render the same way regardless of scaling. I.e. following works regardless of scaling:

 const char* txt = "Text me up.";
 nvgTextBounds(vg, x,y, txt, NULL, bounds);
 nvgRect(vg, bounds[0],bounds[1], bounds[2]-bounds[0], bounds[3]-bounds[1]);

Note: currently only solid color fill is supported for text.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • nnvgBeginFrame

      public static void nnvgBeginFrame(long ctx, float windowWidth, float windowHeight, float devicePixelRatio)
      Unsafe version of: BeginFrame
    • nvgBeginFrame

      public static void nvgBeginFrame(long ctx, float windowWidth, float windowHeight, float devicePixelRatio)
      Begins drawing a new frame.

      Calls to nanovg drawing API should be wrapped in BeginFrame & EndFrame. BeginFrame defines the size of the window to render to in relation currently set viewport (i.e. glViewport on GL backends). Device pixel ration allows to control the rendering on Hi-DPI devices. For example, GLFW returns two dimension for an opened window: window size and frame buffer size. In that case you would set windowWidth/Height to the window size devicePixelRatio to: frameBufferWidth / windowWidth.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      windowWidth - the window width
      windowHeight - the window height
      devicePixelRatio - the device pixel ratio
    • nnvgCancelFrame

      public static void nnvgCancelFrame(long ctx)
      Unsafe version of: CancelFrame
    • nvgCancelFrame

      public static void nvgCancelFrame(long ctx)
      Cancels drawing the current frame.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgEndFrame

      public static void nnvgEndFrame(long ctx)
      Unsafe version of: EndFrame
    • nvgEndFrame

      public static void nvgEndFrame(long ctx)
      Ends drawing flushing remaining render state.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgGlobalCompositeOperation

      public static void nnvgGlobalCompositeOperation(long ctx, int op)
      Unsafe version of: GlobalCompositeOperation
    • nvgGlobalCompositeOperation

      public static void nvgGlobalCompositeOperation(long ctx, int op)
      Sets the composite operation.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      op - the composite operation. One of:
    • nnvgGlobalCompositeBlendFunc

      public static void nnvgGlobalCompositeBlendFunc(long ctx, int sfactor, int dfactor)
      Unsafe version of: GlobalCompositeBlendFunc
    • nvgGlobalCompositeBlendFunc

      public static void nvgGlobalCompositeBlendFunc(long ctx, int sfactor, int dfactor)
      Sets the composite operation with custom pixel arithmetic.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      sfactor - the source blend factor. One of:
      dfactor - the destination blend factor. One of:
    • nnvgGlobalCompositeBlendFuncSeparate

      public static void nnvgGlobalCompositeBlendFuncSeparate(long ctx, int srcRGB, int dstRGB, int srcAlpha, int dstAlpha)
    • nvgGlobalCompositeBlendFuncSeparate

      public static void nvgGlobalCompositeBlendFuncSeparate(long ctx, int srcRGB, int dstRGB, int srcAlpha, int dstAlpha)
      Sets the composite operation with custom pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      srcRGB - the source RGB blend factor. One of:
      dstRGB - the destination RGB blend factor. One of:
      srcAlpha - the source alpha blend factor. One of:
      dstAlpha - the destination alpha blend factor. One of:
    • nnvgRGB

      public static void nnvgRGB(byte r, byte g, byte b, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: RGB
    • nvgRGB

      public static NVGColor nvgRGB(byte r, byte g, byte b, NVGColor __result)
      Returns a color value from red, green, blue values. Alpha will be set to 255 (1.0f).
      r - the red value
      g - the green value
      b - the blue value
    • nnvgRGBf

      public static void nnvgRGBf(float r, float g, float b, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: RGBf
    • nvgRGBf

      public static NVGColor nvgRGBf(float r, float g, float b, NVGColor __result)
      Returns a color value from red, green, blue values. Alpha will be set to 1.0f.
      r - the red value
      g - the green value
      b - the blue value
    • nnvgRGBA

      public static void nnvgRGBA(byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: RGBA
    • nvgRGBA

      public static NVGColor nvgRGBA(byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a, NVGColor __result)
      Returns a color value from red, green, blue and alpha values.
      r - the red value
      g - the green value
      b - the blue value
      a - the alpha value
    • nnvgRGBAf

      public static void nnvgRGBAf(float r, float g, float b, float a, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: RGBAf
    • nvgRGBAf

      public static NVGColor nvgRGBAf(float r, float g, float b, float a, NVGColor __result)
      Returns a color value from red, green, blue and alpha values.
      r - the red value
      g - the green value
      b - the blue value
      a - the alpha value
    • nnvgLerpRGBA

      public static void nnvgLerpRGBA(long c0, long c1, float u, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: LerpRGBA
    • nvgLerpRGBA

      public static NVGColor nvgLerpRGBA(NVGColor c0, NVGColor c1, float u, NVGColor __result)
      Linearly interpolates from color c0 to c1, and returns resulting color value.
      c0 - the first color
      c1 - the second color
      u - the interpolation factor
    • nnvgTransRGBA

      public static void nnvgTransRGBA(long c0, byte a, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: TransRGBA
    • nvgTransRGBA

      public static NVGColor nvgTransRGBA(NVGColor c0, byte a, NVGColor __result)
      Sets transparency of a color value.
      c0 - the color
      a - the alpha value
    • nnvgTransRGBAf

      public static void nnvgTransRGBAf(long c0, float a, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: TransRGBAf
    • nvgTransRGBAf

      public static NVGColor nvgTransRGBAf(NVGColor c0, float a, NVGColor __result)
      Sets transparency of a color value.
      c0 - the color
      a - the alpha value
    • nnvgHSL

      public static void nnvgHSL(float h, float s, float l, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: HSL
    • nvgHSL

      public static NVGColor nvgHSL(float h, float s, float l, NVGColor __result)
      Returns color value specified by hue, saturation and lightness.

      HSL values are all in range [0..1], alpha will be set to 255.

      h - the hue value
      s - the saturation value
      l - the lightness value
    • nnvgHSLA

      public static void nnvgHSLA(float h, float s, float l, byte a, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: HSLA
    • nvgHSLA

      public static NVGColor nvgHSLA(float h, float s, float l, byte a, NVGColor __result)
      Returns color value specified by hue, saturation and lightness and alpha.

      HSL values are all in range [0..1], alpha in range [0..255]

      h - the hue value
      s - the saturation value
      l - the lightness value
      a - the alpha value
    • nnvgSave

      public static void nnvgSave(long ctx)
      Unsafe version of: Save
    • nvgSave

      public static void nvgSave(long ctx)
      Pushes and saves the current render state into a state stack. A matching Restore must be used to restore the state.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgRestore

      public static void nnvgRestore(long ctx)
      Unsafe version of: Restore
    • nvgRestore

      public static void nvgRestore(long ctx)
      Pops and restores current render state.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgReset

      public static void nnvgReset(long ctx)
      Unsafe version of: Reset
    • nvgReset

      public static void nvgReset(long ctx)
      Resets current render state to default values. Does not affect the render state stack.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgShapeAntiAlias

      public static void nnvgShapeAntiAlias(long ctx, int enabled)
      Unsafe version of: ShapeAntiAlias
    • nvgShapeAntiAlias

      public static void nvgShapeAntiAlias(long ctx, boolean enabled)
      Sets whether to draw antialias for Stroke and Fill. It's enabled by default.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      enabled - the flag to set
    • nnvgStrokeColor

      public static void nnvgStrokeColor(long ctx, long color)
      Unsafe version of: StrokeColor
    • nvgStrokeColor

      public static void nvgStrokeColor(long ctx, NVGColor color)
      Sets current stroke style to a solid color.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      color - the color to set
    • nnvgStrokePaint

      public static void nnvgStrokePaint(long ctx, long paint)
      Unsafe version of: StrokePaint
    • nvgStrokePaint

      public static void nvgStrokePaint(long ctx, NVGPaint paint)
      Sets current stroke style to a paint, which can be a one of the gradients or a pattern.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      paint - the paint to set
    • nnvgFillColor

      public static void nnvgFillColor(long ctx, long color)
      Unsafe version of: FillColor
    • nvgFillColor

      public static void nvgFillColor(long ctx, NVGColor color)
      Sets current fill style to a solid color.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      color - the color to set
    • nnvgFillPaint

      public static void nnvgFillPaint(long ctx, long paint)
      Unsafe version of: FillPaint
    • nvgFillPaint

      public static void nvgFillPaint(long ctx, NVGPaint paint)
      Sets current fill style to a paint, which can be a one of the gradients or a pattern.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      paint - the paint to set
    • nnvgMiterLimit

      public static void nnvgMiterLimit(long ctx, float limit)
      Unsafe version of: MiterLimit
    • nvgMiterLimit

      public static void nvgMiterLimit(long ctx, float limit)
      Sets the miter limit of the stroke style. Miter limit controls when a sharp corner is beveled.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      limit - the miter limit to set
    • nnvgStrokeWidth

      public static void nnvgStrokeWidth(long ctx, float size)
      Unsafe version of: StrokeWidth
    • nvgStrokeWidth

      public static void nvgStrokeWidth(long ctx, float size)
      Sets the stroke width of the stroke style.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      size - the stroke width to set
    • nnvgLineCap

      public static void nnvgLineCap(long ctx, int cap)
      Unsafe version of: LineCap
    • nvgLineCap

      public static void nvgLineCap(long ctx, int cap)
      Sets how the end of the line (cap) is drawn.

      The default line cap is BUTT.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      cap - the line cap to set. One of:
    • nnvgLineJoin

      public static void nnvgLineJoin(long ctx, int join)
      Unsafe version of: LineJoin
    • nvgLineJoin

      public static void nvgLineJoin(long ctx, int join)
      Sets how sharp path corners are drawn.

      The default line join is MITER.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      join - the line join to set. One of:
    • nnvgGlobalAlpha

      public static void nnvgGlobalAlpha(long ctx, float alpha)
      Unsafe version of: GlobalAlpha
    • nvgGlobalAlpha

      public static void nvgGlobalAlpha(long ctx, float alpha)
      Sets the transparency applied to all rendered shapes.

      Already transparent paths will get proportionally more transparent as well.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      alpha - the alpha value to set
    • nnvgResetTransform

      public static void nnvgResetTransform(long ctx)
      Unsafe version of: ResetTransform
    • nvgResetTransform

      public static void nvgResetTransform(long ctx)
      Resets current transform to an identity matrix.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgTransform

      public static void nnvgTransform(long ctx, float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f)
      Unsafe version of: Transform
    • nvgTransform

      public static void nvgTransform(long ctx, float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f)
      Premultiplies current coordinate system by specified matrix. The parameters are interpreted as matrix as follows:
       [a c e]
       [b d f]
       [0 0 1]
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      a - the a value
      b - the b value
      c - the c value
      d - the d value
      e - the e value
      f - the f value
    • nnvgTranslate

      public static void nnvgTranslate(long ctx, float x, float y)
      Unsafe version of: Translate
    • nvgTranslate

      public static void nvgTranslate(long ctx, float x, float y)
      Translates current coordinate system.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the X axis translation amount
      y - the Y axis translation amount
    • nnvgRotate

      public static void nnvgRotate(long ctx, float angle)
      Unsafe version of: Rotate
    • nvgRotate

      public static void nvgRotate(long ctx, float angle)
      Rotates current coordinate system.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      angle - the rotation angle, in radians
    • nnvgSkewX

      public static void nnvgSkewX(long ctx, float angle)
      Unsafe version of: SkewX
    • nvgSkewX

      public static void nvgSkewX(long ctx, float angle)
      Skews the current coordinate system along X axis.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      angle - the skew angle, in radians
    • nnvgSkewY

      public static void nnvgSkewY(long ctx, float angle)
      Unsafe version of: SkewY
    • nvgSkewY

      public static void nvgSkewY(long ctx, float angle)
      Skews the current coordinate system along Y axis.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      angle - the skew angle, in radians
    • nnvgScale

      public static void nnvgScale(long ctx, float x, float y)
      Unsafe version of: Scale
    • nvgScale

      public static void nvgScale(long ctx, float x, float y)
      Scales the current coordinate system.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the X axis scale factor
      y - the Y axis scale factor
    • nnvgCurrentTransform

      public static void nnvgCurrentTransform(long ctx, long xform)
      Unsafe version of: CurrentTransform
    • nvgCurrentTransform

      public static void nvgCurrentTransform(long ctx, FloatBuffer xform)
      Stores the top part (a-f) of the current transformation matrix in to the specified buffer.
       [a c e]
       [b d f]
       [0 0 1]

      There should be space for 6 floats in the return buffer for the values a-f.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      xform - the destination buffer
    • nnvgTransformIdentity

      public static void nnvgTransformIdentity(long dst)
      Unsafe version of: TransformIdentity
    • nvgTransformIdentity

      public static void nvgTransformIdentity(FloatBuffer dst)
      Sets the transform to identity matrix.
      dst - the destination buffer
    • nnvgTransformTranslate

      public static void nnvgTransformTranslate(long dst, float tx, float ty)
      Unsafe version of: TransformTranslate
    • nvgTransformTranslate

      public static void nvgTransformTranslate(FloatBuffer dst, float tx, float ty)
      Sets the transform to translation matrix matrix.
      dst - the destination buffer
      tx - the X axis translation amount
      ty - the Y axis translation amount
    • nnvgTransformScale

      public static void nnvgTransformScale(long dst, float sx, float sy)
      Unsafe version of: TransformScale
    • nvgTransformScale

      public static void nvgTransformScale(FloatBuffer dst, float sx, float sy)
      Sets the transform to scale matrix.
      dst - the destination buffer
      sx - the X axis scale factor
      sy - the Y axis scale factor
    • nnvgTransformRotate

      public static void nnvgTransformRotate(long dst, float a)
      Unsafe version of: TransformRotate
    • nvgTransformRotate

      public static void nvgTransformRotate(FloatBuffer dst, float a)
      Sets the transform to rotate matrix.
      dst - the destination buffer
      a - the rotation angle, in radians
    • nnvgTransformSkewX

      public static void nnvgTransformSkewX(long dst, float a)
      Unsafe version of: TransformSkewX
    • nvgTransformSkewX

      public static void nvgTransformSkewX(FloatBuffer dst, float a)
      Sets the transform to skew-x matrix.
      dst - the destination buffer
      a - the skew angle, in radians
    • nnvgTransformSkewY

      public static void nnvgTransformSkewY(long dst, float a)
      Unsafe version of: TransformSkewY
    • nvgTransformSkewY

      public static void nvgTransformSkewY(FloatBuffer dst, float a)
      Sets the transform to skew-y matrix.
      dst - the destination buffer
      a - the skew angle, in radians
    • nnvgTransformMultiply

      public static void nnvgTransformMultiply(long dst, long src)
      Unsafe version of: TransformMultiply
    • nvgTransformMultiply

      public static void nvgTransformMultiply(FloatBuffer dst, FloatBuffer src)
      Sets the transform to the result of multiplication of two transforms, of A = A*B.
      dst - the destination buffer
      src - the B transformation matrix
    • nnvgTransformPremultiply

      public static void nnvgTransformPremultiply(long dst, long src)
      Unsafe version of: TransformPremultiply
    • nvgTransformPremultiply

      public static void nvgTransformPremultiply(FloatBuffer dst, FloatBuffer src)
      Sets the transform to the result of multiplication of two transforms, of A = B*A.
      dst - the destination buffer
      src - the B transformation matrix
    • nnvgTransformInverse

      public static int nnvgTransformInverse(long dst, long src)
      Unsafe version of: TransformInverse
    • nvgTransformInverse

      public static boolean nvgTransformInverse(FloatBuffer dst, FloatBuffer src)
      Sets the destination to inverse of specified transform.
      dst - the destination buffer
      src - the transformation matrix to inverse
      1 if the inverse could be calculated, else 0
    • nnvgTransformPoint

      public static void nnvgTransformPoint(long dstx, long dsty, long xform, float srcx, float srcy)
      Unsafe version of: TransformPoint
    • nvgTransformPoint

      public static void nvgTransformPoint(FloatBuffer dstx, FloatBuffer dsty, FloatBuffer xform, float srcx, float srcy)
      Transform a point by given transform.
      dstx - returns the transformed X axis coordinate
      dsty - returns the transformed Y axis coordinate
      xform - the transformation matrix
      srcx - the point X axis coordinate
      srcy - the point Y axis coordinate
    • nvgDegToRad

      public static float nvgDegToRad(float deg)
      Converts degrees to radians.
      deg - the rotation value, in degrees
    • nvgRadToDeg

      public static float nvgRadToDeg(float rad)
      Converts radians to degrees.
      rad - the rotation value, in radians
    • nnvgCreateImage

      public static int nnvgCreateImage(long ctx, long filename, int imageFlags)
      Unsafe version of: CreateImage
    • nvgCreateImage

      public static int nvgCreateImage(long ctx, ByteBuffer filename, int imageFlags)
      Creates image by loading it from the disk from specified file name.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      filename - the image file name
      imageFlags - the image flags. One of:
      a handle to the image
    • nvgCreateImage

      public static int nvgCreateImage(long ctx, CharSequence filename, int imageFlags)
      Creates image by loading it from the disk from specified file name.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      filename - the image file name
      imageFlags - the image flags. One of:
      a handle to the image
    • nnvgCreateImageMem

      public static int nnvgCreateImageMem(long ctx, int imageFlags, long data, int ndata)
      Unsafe version of: CreateImageMem
      ndata - the image data size, in bytes
    • nvgCreateImageMem

      public static int nvgCreateImageMem(long ctx, int imageFlags, ByteBuffer data)
      Creates image by loading it from the specified chunk of memory.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      imageFlags - the image flags. One of:
      data - the image data
      a handle to the image
    • nnvgCreateImageRGBA

      public static int nnvgCreateImageRGBA(long ctx, int w, int h, int imageFlags, long data)
      Unsafe version of: CreateImageRGBA
    • nvgCreateImageRGBA

      public static int nvgCreateImageRGBA(long ctx, int w, int h, int imageFlags, ByteBuffer data)
      Creates image from specified image data.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      w - the image width
      h - the image height
      imageFlags - the image flags. One of:
      data - the image data
      a handle to the image
    • nnvgUpdateImage

      public static void nnvgUpdateImage(long ctx, int image, long data)
      Unsafe version of: UpdateImage
    • nvgUpdateImage

      public static void nvgUpdateImage(long ctx, int image, ByteBuffer data)
      Updates image data specified by image handle.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      image - the image handle
      data - the image data
    • nnvgImageSize

      public static void nnvgImageSize(long ctx, int image, long w, long h)
      Unsafe version of: ImageSize
    • nvgImageSize

      public static void nvgImageSize(long ctx, int image, IntBuffer w, IntBuffer h)
      Returns the dimensions of a created image.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      image - the image handle
      w - returns the image width
      h - returns the image height
    • nnvgDeleteImage

      public static void nnvgDeleteImage(long ctx, int image)
      Unsafe version of: DeleteImage
    • nvgDeleteImage

      public static void nvgDeleteImage(long ctx, int image)
      Deletes created image.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      image - the image handle to delete
    • nnvgLinearGradient

      public static void nnvgLinearGradient(long ctx, float sx, float sy, float ex, float ey, long icol, long ocol, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: LinearGradient
    • nvgLinearGradient

      public static NVGPaint nvgLinearGradient(long ctx, float sx, float sy, float ex, float ey, NVGColor icol, NVGColor ocol, NVGPaint __result)
      Creates and returns a linear gradient.

      The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to FillPaint or StrokePaint.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      sx - the X axis start coordinate
      sy - the Y axis start coordinate
      ex - the X axis end coordinate
      ey - the Y axis end coordinate
      icol - the start color
      ocol - the end color
    • nnvgBoxGradient

      public static void nnvgBoxGradient(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h, float r, float f, long icol, long ocol, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: BoxGradient
    • nvgBoxGradient

      public static NVGPaint nvgBoxGradient(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h, float r, float f, NVGColor icol, NVGColor ocol, NVGPaint __result)
      Creates and returns a box gradient. Box gradient is a feathered rounded rectangle, it is useful for rendering drop shadows or highlights for boxes.

      The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to FillPaint or StrokePaint.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the rectangle left coordinate
      y - the rectangle top coordinate
      w - the rectangle width
      h - the rectangle height
      r - the corner radius
      f - the feather value. Feather defines how blurry the border of the rectangle is.
      icol - the inner color
      ocol - the outer color
    • nnvgRadialGradient

      public static void nnvgRadialGradient(long ctx, float cx, float cy, float inr, float outr, long icol, long ocol, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: RadialGradient
    • nvgRadialGradient

      public static NVGPaint nvgRadialGradient(long ctx, float cx, float cy, float inr, float outr, NVGColor icol, NVGColor ocol, NVGPaint __result)
      Creates and returns a radial gradient.

      The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to FillPaint or StrokePaint.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      cx - the X axis center coordinate
      cy - the Y axis center coordinate
      inr - the inner radius
      outr - the outer radius
      icol - the start color
      ocol - the end color
    • nnvgImagePattern

      public static void nnvgImagePattern(long ctx, float ox, float oy, float ex, float ey, float angle, int image, float alpha, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: ImagePattern
    • nvgImagePattern

      public static NVGPaint nvgImagePattern(long ctx, float ox, float oy, float ex, float ey, float angle, int image, float alpha, NVGPaint __result)
      Creates and returns an image patter.

      The gradient is transformed by the current transform when it is passed to FillPaint or StrokePaint.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      ox - the image pattern left coordinate
      oy - the image pattern top coordinate
      ex - the image width
      ey - the image height
      angle - the rotation angle around the top-left corner
      image - the image to render
      alpha - the alpha value
    • nnvgScissor

      public static void nnvgScissor(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h)
      Unsafe version of: Scissor
    • nvgScissor

      public static void nvgScissor(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h)
      Sets the current scissor rectangle.

      The scissor rectangle is transformed by the current transform.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the rectangle X axis coordinate
      y - the rectangle Y axis coordinate
      w - the rectangle width
      h - the rectangle height
    • nnvgIntersectScissor

      public static void nnvgIntersectScissor(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h)
      Unsafe version of: IntersectScissor
    • nvgIntersectScissor

      public static void nvgIntersectScissor(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h)
      Intersects current scissor rectangle with the specified rectangle.

      The scissor rectangle is transformed by the current transform.

      Note: in case the rotation of previous scissor rect differs from the current one, the intersection will be done between the specified rectangle and the previous scissor rectangle transformed in the current transform space. The resulting shape is always rectangle.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the rectangle X axis coordinate
      y - the rectangle Y axis coordinate
      w - the rectangle width
      h - the rectangle height
    • nnvgResetScissor

      public static void nnvgResetScissor(long ctx)
      Unsafe version of: ResetScissor
    • nvgResetScissor

      public static void nvgResetScissor(long ctx)
      Resets and disables scissoring.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgBeginPath

      public static void nnvgBeginPath(long ctx)
      Unsafe version of: BeginPath
    • nvgBeginPath

      public static void nvgBeginPath(long ctx)
      Clears the current path and sub-paths.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgMoveTo

      public static void nnvgMoveTo(long ctx, float x, float y)
      Unsafe version of: MoveTo
    • nvgMoveTo

      public static void nvgMoveTo(long ctx, float x, float y)
      Starts new sub-path with specified point as first point.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the point X axis coordinate
      y - the point Y axis coordinate
    • nnvgLineTo

      public static void nnvgLineTo(long ctx, float x, float y)
      Unsafe version of: LineTo
    • nvgLineTo

      public static void nvgLineTo(long ctx, float x, float y)
      Adds line segment from the last point in the path to the specified point.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the point X axis coordinate
      y - the point Y axis coordinate
    • nnvgBezierTo

      public static void nnvgBezierTo(long ctx, float c1x, float c1y, float c2x, float c2y, float x, float y)
      Unsafe version of: BezierTo
    • nvgBezierTo

      public static void nvgBezierTo(long ctx, float c1x, float c1y, float c2x, float c2y, float x, float y)
      Adds cubic bezier segment from last point in the path via two control points to the specified point.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      c1x - the first control point X axis coordinate
      c1y - the first control point Y axis coordinate
      c2x - the second control point X axis coordinate
      c2y - the second control point Y axis coordinate
      x - the point X axis coordinate
      y - the point Y axis coordinate
    • nnvgQuadTo

      public static void nnvgQuadTo(long ctx, float cx, float cy, float x, float y)
      Unsafe version of: QuadTo
    • nvgQuadTo

      public static void nvgQuadTo(long ctx, float cx, float cy, float x, float y)
      Adds quadratic bezier segment from last point in the path via a control point to the specified point.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      cx - the control point X axis coordinate
      cy - the control point Y axis coordinate
      x - the point X axis coordinate
      y - the point Y axis coordinate
    • nnvgArcTo

      public static void nnvgArcTo(long ctx, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius)
      Unsafe version of: ArcTo
    • nvgArcTo

      public static void nvgArcTo(long ctx, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius)
      Adds an arc segment at the corner defined by the last path point, and two specified points.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x1 - the first point X axis coordinate
      y1 - the first point Y axis coordinate
      x2 - the second point X axis coordinate
      y2 - the second point Y axis coordinate
      radius - the arc radius, in radians
    • nnvgClosePath

      public static void nnvgClosePath(long ctx)
      Unsafe version of: ClosePath
    • nvgClosePath

      public static void nvgClosePath(long ctx)
      Closes current sub-path with a line segment.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgPathWinding

      public static void nnvgPathWinding(long ctx, int dir)
      Unsafe version of: PathWinding
    • nvgPathWinding

      public static void nvgPathWinding(long ctx, int dir)
      Sets the current sub-path winding.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      dir - the sub-path winding. One of:
    • nnvgArc

      public static void nnvgArc(long ctx, float cx, float cy, float r, float a0, float a1, int dir)
      Unsafe version of: Arc
    • nvgArc

      public static void nvgArc(long ctx, float cx, float cy, float r, float a0, float a1, int dir)
      Creates new circle arc shaped sub-path.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      cx - the arc center X axis coordinate
      cy - the arc center Y axis coordinate
      r - the arc radius
      a0 - the arc starting angle, in radians
      a1 - the arc ending angle, in radians
      dir - the arc direction. One of:
    • nnvgRect

      public static void nnvgRect(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h)
      Unsafe version of: Rect
    • nvgRect

      public static void nvgRect(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h)
      Creates new rectangle shaped sub-path.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the rectangle X axis coordinate
      y - the rectangle Y axis coordinate
      w - the rectangle width
      h - the rectangle height
    • nnvgRoundedRect

      public static void nnvgRoundedRect(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h, float r)
      Unsafe version of: RoundedRect
    • nvgRoundedRect

      public static void nvgRoundedRect(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h, float r)
      Creates new rounded rectangle shaped sub-path.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the rectangle X axis coordinate
      y - the rectangle Y axis coordinate
      w - the rectangle width
      h - the rectangle height
      r - the corner radius
    • nnvgRoundedRectVarying

      public static void nnvgRoundedRectVarying(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h, float radTopLeft, float radTopRight, float radBottomRight, float radBottomLeft)
      Unsafe version of: RoundedRectVarying
    • nvgRoundedRectVarying

      public static void nvgRoundedRectVarying(long ctx, float x, float y, float w, float h, float radTopLeft, float radTopRight, float radBottomRight, float radBottomLeft)
      Creates new rounded rectangle shaped sub-path with varying radii for each corner.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the rectangle X axis coordinate
      y - the rectangle Y axis coordinate
      w - the rectangle width
      h - the rectangle height
      radTopLeft - the top-left corner radius
      radTopRight - the top-right corner radius
      radBottomRight - the bottom-right corner radius
      radBottomLeft - the bottom-left corner radius
    • nnvgEllipse

      public static void nnvgEllipse(long ctx, float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry)
      Unsafe version of: Ellipse
    • nvgEllipse

      public static void nvgEllipse(long ctx, float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry)
      Creates new ellipse shaped sub-path.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      cx - the ellipse center X axis coordinate
      cy - the ellipse center Y axis coordinate
      rx - the ellipse X axis radius
      ry - the ellipse Y axis radius
    • nnvgCircle

      public static void nnvgCircle(long ctx, float cx, float cy, float r)
      Unsafe version of: Circle
    • nvgCircle

      public static void nvgCircle(long ctx, float cx, float cy, float r)
      Creates new circle shaped sub-path.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      cx - the circle center X axis coordinate
      cy - the circle center Y axis coordinate
      r - the circle radius
    • nnvgFill

      public static void nnvgFill(long ctx)
      Unsafe version of: Fill
    • nvgFill

      public static void nvgFill(long ctx)
      Fills the current path with current fill style.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgStroke

      public static void nnvgStroke(long ctx)
      Unsafe version of: Stroke
    • nvgStroke

      public static void nvgStroke(long ctx)
      Fills the current path with current stroke style.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgCreateFont

      public static int nnvgCreateFont(long ctx, long name, long filename)
      Unsafe version of: CreateFont
    • nvgCreateFont

      public static int nvgCreateFont(long ctx, ByteBuffer name, ByteBuffer filename)
      Creates font by loading it from the disk from specified file name.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      name - the font name
      filename - the font file name
      a handle to the font
    • nvgCreateFont

      public static int nvgCreateFont(long ctx, CharSequence name, CharSequence filename)
      Creates font by loading it from the disk from specified file name.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      name - the font name
      filename - the font file name
      a handle to the font
    • nnvgCreateFontAtIndex

      public static int nnvgCreateFontAtIndex(long ctx, long name, long filename, int fontIndex)
      Unsafe version of: CreateFontAtIndex
    • nvgCreateFontAtIndex

      public static int nvgCreateFontAtIndex(long ctx, ByteBuffer name, ByteBuffer filename, int fontIndex)
      Creates font by loading it from the disk from specified file name.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      name - the font name
      filename - the font file name
      fontIndex - specifies which font face to load from a .ttf/.ttc file
      a handle to the font
    • nvgCreateFontAtIndex

      public static int nvgCreateFontAtIndex(long ctx, CharSequence name, CharSequence filename, int fontIndex)
      Creates font by loading it from the disk from specified file name.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      name - the font name
      filename - the font file name
      fontIndex - specifies which font face to load from a .ttf/.ttc file
      a handle to the font
    • nnvgCreateFontMem

      public static int nnvgCreateFontMem(long ctx, long name, long data, int ndata, int freeData)
      Unsafe version of: CreateFontMem
      ndata - the font data size, in bytes
    • nvgCreateFontMem

      public static int nvgCreateFontMem(long ctx, ByteBuffer name, ByteBuffer data, boolean freeData)
      Creates font by loading it from the specified memory chunk.

      The memory chunk must remain valid for as long as the font is used by NanoVG.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      name - the font name
      data - the font data
      freeData - 1 if the font data should be freed automatically, 0 otherwise
      a handle to the font
    • nvgCreateFontMem

      public static int nvgCreateFontMem(long ctx, CharSequence name, ByteBuffer data, boolean freeData)
      Creates font by loading it from the specified memory chunk.

      The memory chunk must remain valid for as long as the font is used by NanoVG.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      name - the font name
      data - the font data
      freeData - 1 if the font data should be freed automatically, 0 otherwise
      a handle to the font
    • nnvgCreateFontMemAtIndex

      public static int nnvgCreateFontMemAtIndex(long ctx, long name, long data, int ndata, int freeData, int fontIndex)
      Unsafe version of: CreateFontMemAtIndex
      ndata - the font data size, in bytes
    • nvgCreateFontMemAtIndex

      public static int nvgCreateFontMemAtIndex(long ctx, ByteBuffer name, ByteBuffer data, boolean freeData, int fontIndex)
      Creates font by loading it from the specified memory chunk.

      The memory chunk must remain valid for as long as the font is used by NanoVG.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      name - the font name
      data - the font data
      freeData - 1 if the font data should be freed automatically, 0 otherwise
      fontIndex - specifies which font face to load from a .ttf/.ttc file
      a handle to the font
    • nvgCreateFontMemAtIndex

      public static int nvgCreateFontMemAtIndex(long ctx, CharSequence name, ByteBuffer data, boolean freeData, int fontIndex)
      Creates font by loading it from the specified memory chunk.

      The memory chunk must remain valid for as long as the font is used by NanoVG.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      name - the font name
      data - the font data
      freeData - 1 if the font data should be freed automatically, 0 otherwise
      fontIndex - specifies which font face to load from a .ttf/.ttc file
      a handle to the font
    • nnvgFindFont

      public static int nnvgFindFont(long ctx, long name)
      Unsafe version of: FindFont
    • nvgFindFont

      public static int nvgFindFont(long ctx, ByteBuffer name)
      Finds a loaded font of specified name, and returns handle to it, or -1 if the font is not found.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      name - the font name
    • nvgFindFont

      public static int nvgFindFont(long ctx, CharSequence name)
      Finds a loaded font of specified name, and returns handle to it, or -1 if the font is not found.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      name - the font name
    • nnvgAddFallbackFontId

      public static int nnvgAddFallbackFontId(long ctx, int baseFont, int fallbackFont)
      Unsafe version of: AddFallbackFontId
    • nvgAddFallbackFontId

      public static int nvgAddFallbackFontId(long ctx, int baseFont, int fallbackFont)
      Adds fallback font by handle.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgAddFallbackFont

      public static int nnvgAddFallbackFont(long ctx, long baseFont, long fallbackFont)
      Unsafe version of: AddFallbackFont
    • nvgAddFallbackFont

      public static int nvgAddFallbackFont(long ctx, ByteBuffer baseFont, ByteBuffer fallbackFont)
      Adds fallback font by name.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nvgAddFallbackFont

      public static int nvgAddFallbackFont(long ctx, CharSequence baseFont, CharSequence fallbackFont)
      Adds fallback font by name.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgResetFallbackFontsId

      public static void nnvgResetFallbackFontsId(long ctx, int baseFont)
      Unsafe version of: ResetFallbackFontsId
    • nvgResetFallbackFontsId

      public static void nvgResetFallbackFontsId(long ctx, int baseFont)
      Resets fallback fonts by handle.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgResetFallbackFonts

      public static void nnvgResetFallbackFonts(long ctx, long baseFont)
      Unsafe version of: ResetFallbackFonts
    • nvgResetFallbackFonts

      public static void nvgResetFallbackFonts(long ctx, ByteBuffer baseFont)
      Resets fallback fonts by name.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nvgResetFallbackFonts

      public static void nvgResetFallbackFonts(long ctx, CharSequence baseFont)
      Resets fallback fonts by name.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
    • nnvgFontSize

      public static void nnvgFontSize(long ctx, float size)
      Unsafe version of: FontSize
    • nvgFontSize

      public static void nvgFontSize(long ctx, float size)
      Sets the font size of current text style.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      size - the font size to set
    • nnvgFontBlur

      public static void nnvgFontBlur(long ctx, float blur)
      Unsafe version of: FontBlur
    • nvgFontBlur

      public static void nvgFontBlur(long ctx, float blur)
      Sets the blur of current text style.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      blur - the blur amount to set
    • nnvgTextLetterSpacing

      public static void nnvgTextLetterSpacing(long ctx, float spacing)
      Unsafe version of: TextLetterSpacing
    • nvgTextLetterSpacing

      public static void nvgTextLetterSpacing(long ctx, float spacing)
      Sets the letter spacing of current text style.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      spacing - the letter spacing amount to set
    • nnvgTextLineHeight

      public static void nnvgTextLineHeight(long ctx, float lineHeight)
      Unsafe version of: TextLineHeight
    • nvgTextLineHeight

      public static void nvgTextLineHeight(long ctx, float lineHeight)
      Sets the proportional line height of current text style. The line height is specified as multiple of font size.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      lineHeight - the line height to set
    • nnvgTextAlign

      public static void nnvgTextAlign(long ctx, int align)
      Unsafe version of: TextAlign
    • nvgTextAlign

      public static void nvgTextAlign(long ctx, int align)
      Sets the text align of current text style.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      align - the text align to set. One of:
    • nnvgFontFaceId

      public static void nnvgFontFaceId(long ctx, int font)
      Unsafe version of: FontFaceId
    • nvgFontFaceId

      public static void nvgFontFaceId(long ctx, int font)
      Sets the font face based on specified id of current text style.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      font - the font id
    • nnvgFontFace

      public static void nnvgFontFace(long ctx, long font)
      Unsafe version of: FontFace
    • nvgFontFace

      public static void nvgFontFace(long ctx, ByteBuffer font)
      Sets the font face based on specified name of current text style.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      font - the font name
    • nvgFontFace

      public static void nvgFontFace(long ctx, CharSequence font)
      Sets the font face based on specified name of current text style.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      font - the font name
    • nnvgText

      public static float nnvgText(long ctx, float x, float y, long string, long end)
      Unsafe version of: Text
      end - a pointer to the end of the sub-string to draw, or NULL
    • nvgText

      public static float nvgText(long ctx, float x, float y, ByteBuffer string)
      Draws text string at specified location. If end is specified only the sub-string up to the end is drawn.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the text X axis coordinate
      y - the text Y axis coordinate
      string - the text string to draw
    • nvgText

      public static float nvgText(long ctx, float x, float y, CharSequence string)
      Draws text string at specified location. If end is specified only the sub-string up to the end is drawn.
      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the text X axis coordinate
      y - the text Y axis coordinate
      string - the text string to draw
    • nnvgTextBox

      public static void nnvgTextBox(long ctx, float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, long string, long end)
      Unsafe version of: TextBox
      end - a pointer to the end of the sub-string to draw, or NULL
    • nvgTextBox

      public static void nvgTextBox(long ctx, float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, ByteBuffer string)
      Draws multi-line text string at specified location wrapped at the specified width. If end is specified only the sub-string up to the end is drawn.

      White space is stripped at the beginning of the rows, the text is split at word boundaries or when new-line characters are encountered. Words longer than the max width are slit at nearest character (i.e. no hyphenation).

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the text box X axis coordinate
      y - the text box Y axis coordinate
      breakRowWidth - the maximum row width
      string - the text string to draw
    • nvgTextBox

      public static void nvgTextBox(long ctx, float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, CharSequence string)
      Draws multi-line text string at specified location wrapped at the specified width. If end is specified only the sub-string up to the end is drawn.

      White space is stripped at the beginning of the rows, the text is split at word boundaries or when new-line characters are encountered. Words longer than the max width are slit at nearest character (i.e. no hyphenation).

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the text box X axis coordinate
      y - the text box Y axis coordinate
      breakRowWidth - the maximum row width
      string - the text string to draw
    • nnvgTextBounds

      public static float nnvgTextBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, long string, long end, long bounds)
      Unsafe version of: TextBounds
      end - a pointer to the end of the sub-string to measure, or NULL
    • nvgTextBounds

      public static float nvgTextBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, ByteBuffer string, @Nullable FloatBuffer bounds)
      Measures the specified text string.

      Parameter bounds should be a pointer to float[4], if the bounding box of the text should be returned. The bounds value are [xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax].

      Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the text X axis coordinate
      y - the text Y axis coordinate
      string - the text string to measure
      bounds - returns the bounding box of the text
      the horizontal advance of the measured text (i.e. where the next character should drawn)
    • nvgTextBounds

      public static float nvgTextBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, CharSequence string, @Nullable FloatBuffer bounds)
      Measures the specified text string.

      Parameter bounds should be a pointer to float[4], if the bounding box of the text should be returned. The bounds value are [xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax].

      Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the text X axis coordinate
      y - the text Y axis coordinate
      string - the text string to measure
      bounds - returns the bounding box of the text
      the horizontal advance of the measured text (i.e. where the next character should drawn)
    • nnvgTextBoxBounds

      public static void nnvgTextBoxBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, long string, long end, long bounds)
      Unsafe version of: TextBoxBounds
      end - a pointer to the end of the sub-string to measure, or NULL
    • nvgTextBoxBounds

      public static void nvgTextBoxBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, ByteBuffer string, @Nullable FloatBuffer bounds)
      Measures the specified multi-text string.

      Parameter bounds should be a pointer to float[4], if the bounding box of the text should be returned. The bounds value are [xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax].

      Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the text box X axis coordinate
      y - the text box Y axis coordinate
      breakRowWidth - the maximum row width
      string - the text string to measure
      bounds - returns the bounding box of the text box
    • nvgTextBoxBounds

      public static void nvgTextBoxBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, CharSequence string, @Nullable FloatBuffer bounds)
      Measures the specified multi-text string.

      Parameter bounds should be a pointer to float[4], if the bounding box of the text should be returned. The bounds value are [xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax].

      Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the text box X axis coordinate
      y - the text box Y axis coordinate
      breakRowWidth - the maximum row width
      string - the text string to measure
      bounds - returns the bounding box of the text box
    • nnvgTextGlyphPositions

      public static int nnvgTextGlyphPositions(long ctx, float x, float y, long string, long end, long positions, int maxPositions)
      Unsafe version of: TextGlyphPositions
      end - a pointer to the end of the sub-string to measure, or NULL
      maxPositions - the maximum number of glyph positions to return
    • nvgTextGlyphPositions

      public static int nvgTextGlyphPositions(long ctx, float x, float y, ByteBuffer string, NVGGlyphPosition.Buffer positions)
      Calculates the glyph x positions of the specified text. If end is specified only the sub-string will be used.

      Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the text X axis coordinate
      y - the text Y axis coordinate
      string - the text string to measure
      positions - returns the glyph x positions
    • nvgTextGlyphPositions

      public static int nvgTextGlyphPositions(long ctx, float x, float y, CharSequence string, NVGGlyphPosition.Buffer positions)
      Calculates the glyph x positions of the specified text. If end is specified only the sub-string will be used.

      Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      x - the text X axis coordinate
      y - the text Y axis coordinate
      string - the text string to measure
      positions - returns the glyph x positions
    • nnvgTextMetrics

      public static void nnvgTextMetrics(long ctx, long ascender, long descender, long lineh)
      Unsafe version of: TextMetrics
    • nvgTextMetrics

      public static void nvgTextMetrics(long ctx, @Nullable FloatBuffer ascender, @Nullable FloatBuffer descender, @Nullable FloatBuffer lineh)
      Returns the vertical metrics based on the current text style.

      Measured values are returned in local coordinate space.

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      ascender - the line ascend
      descender - the line descend
      lineh - the line height
    • nnvgTextBreakLines

      public static int nnvgTextBreakLines(long ctx, long string, long end, float breakRowWidth, long rows, int maxRows)
      Unsafe version of: TextBreakLines
      end - a pointer to the end of the sub-string to measure, or NULL
      maxRows - the maximum number of text rows to return
    • nvgTextBreakLines

      public static int nvgTextBreakLines(long ctx, ByteBuffer string, float breakRowWidth, NVGTextRow.Buffer rows)
      Breaks the specified text into lines. If end is specified only the sub-string will be used.

      White space is stripped at the beginning of the rows, the text is split at word boundaries or when new-line characters are encountered. Words longer than the max width are slit at nearest character (i.e. no hyphenation).

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      string - the text string to measure
      breakRowWidth - the maximum row width
      rows - returns the text rows
    • nvgTextBreakLines

      public static int nvgTextBreakLines(long ctx, CharSequence string, float breakRowWidth, NVGTextRow.Buffer rows)
      Breaks the specified text into lines. If end is specified only the sub-string will be used.

      White space is stripped at the beginning of the rows, the text is split at word boundaries or when new-line characters are encountered. Words longer than the max width are slit at nearest character (i.e. no hyphenation).

      ctx - the NanoVG context
      string - the text string to measure
      breakRowWidth - the maximum row width
      rows - returns the text rows
    • nnvgCurrentTransform

      public static void nnvgCurrentTransform(long ctx, float[] xform)
    • nvgCurrentTransform

      public static void nvgCurrentTransform(long ctx, float[] xform)
      Array version of: CurrentTransform
    • nnvgTransformIdentity

      public static void nnvgTransformIdentity(float[] dst)
      Array version of: nnvgTransformIdentity(long)
    • nvgTransformIdentity

      public static void nvgTransformIdentity(float[] dst)
      Array version of: TransformIdentity
    • nnvgTransformTranslate

      public static void nnvgTransformTranslate(float[] dst, float tx, float ty)
    • nvgTransformTranslate

      public static void nvgTransformTranslate(float[] dst, float tx, float ty)
      Array version of: TransformTranslate
    • nnvgTransformScale

      public static void nnvgTransformScale(float[] dst, float sx, float sy)
    • nvgTransformScale

      public static void nvgTransformScale(float[] dst, float sx, float sy)
      Array version of: TransformScale
    • nnvgTransformRotate

      public static void nnvgTransformRotate(float[] dst, float a)
    • nvgTransformRotate

      public static void nvgTransformRotate(float[] dst, float a)
      Array version of: TransformRotate
    • nnvgTransformSkewX

      public static void nnvgTransformSkewX(float[] dst, float a)
    • nvgTransformSkewX

      public static void nvgTransformSkewX(float[] dst, float a)
      Array version of: TransformSkewX
    • nnvgTransformSkewY

      public static void nnvgTransformSkewY(float[] dst, float a)
    • nvgTransformSkewY

      public static void nvgTransformSkewY(float[] dst, float a)
      Array version of: TransformSkewY
    • nnvgTransformMultiply

      public static void nnvgTransformMultiply(float[] dst, float[] src)
    • nvgTransformMultiply

      public static void nvgTransformMultiply(float[] dst, float[] src)
      Array version of: TransformMultiply
    • nnvgTransformPremultiply

      public static void nnvgTransformPremultiply(float[] dst, float[] src)
    • nvgTransformPremultiply

      public static void nvgTransformPremultiply(float[] dst, float[] src)
      Array version of: TransformPremultiply
    • nnvgTransformInverse

      public static int nnvgTransformInverse(float[] dst, float[] src)
    • nvgTransformInverse

      public static boolean nvgTransformInverse(float[] dst, float[] src)
      Array version of: TransformInverse
    • nnvgTransformPoint

      public static void nnvgTransformPoint(float[] dstx, float[] dsty, float[] xform, float srcx, float srcy)
    • nvgTransformPoint

      public static void nvgTransformPoint(float[] dstx, float[] dsty, float[] xform, float srcx, float srcy)
      Array version of: TransformPoint
    • nnvgImageSize

      public static void nnvgImageSize(long ctx, int image, int[] w, int[] h)
    • nvgImageSize

      public static void nvgImageSize(long ctx, int image, int[] w, int[] h)
      Array version of: ImageSize
    • nnvgTextBounds

      public static float nnvgTextBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, long string, long end, float[] bounds)
    • nvgTextBounds

      public static float nvgTextBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, ByteBuffer string, @Nullable float[] bounds)
      Array version of: TextBounds
    • nvgTextBounds

      public static float nvgTextBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, CharSequence string, @Nullable float[] bounds)
      Array version of: TextBounds
    • nnvgTextBoxBounds

      public static void nnvgTextBoxBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, long string, long end, float[] bounds)
    • nvgTextBoxBounds

      public static void nvgTextBoxBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, ByteBuffer string, @Nullable float[] bounds)
      Array version of: TextBoxBounds
    • nvgTextBoxBounds

      public static void nvgTextBoxBounds(long ctx, float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, CharSequence string, @Nullable float[] bounds)
      Array version of: TextBoxBounds
    • nnvgTextMetrics

      public static void nnvgTextMetrics(long ctx, float[] ascender, float[] descender, float[] lineh)
    • nvgTextMetrics

      public static void nvgTextMetrics(long ctx, @Nullable float[] ascender, @Nullable float[] descender, @Nullable float[] lineh)
      Array version of: TextMetrics